Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 1787: 第七 〇 八

However, he said that although the issue of Carp Nebula immigration has been hot in the past few years, Zhang Hao has not made up his mind to officially launch it.

There are many reasons, and each problem is very serious.

The first and biggest problem is that Interstellar Immigration is currently a typical example.

Some people will doubt: Wasn't it enthusiastic to sign up before? Yes, there are indeed many applications, but the first time is more of a qualification review nature. Yes, only those who sign up are eligible to enter the second round, but they do not have to immigrate.

In particular, Dayang Group has always had such a tradition: every time the company finds out in advance, it will select elites from those who have passed the test.

Yes, if you don't even have the qualifications, then all benefits and benefits afterwards will be just in the mirror, and you can't see it.

Therefore, everyone is very enthusiastic to sign up and must be active. But then, when Dayang Group really needs immigrant volunteers, there are not many applicants.

In fact, this should not be blamed on the public. It is true that there are many improper actions by the senior management of Dayang Group.

If you just start to sign up and start immigrating right away, there will still be many applicants. But things have been delayed for more than 30 years, and the situation has changed.

For more than 30 years, the people have gradually become sensible, and they have become very sensible. Everyone has gradually realized the important issues that immigrants must face, and there have been many discussions on the Internet.

For more than 30 years, the enthusiastic people of the year have had an industry, a family, and a network.

Especially in the past 30 years, Dayang Group has developed very well. Everyone has a lot of contacts and exchanges with the outside world. Many people are even doing business with the Sky Demon World. With ‘Hengchan’, how could it be possible to leave easily.

The Dayang Group is facing tremendous pressure on the overall level, but because this pressure mainly comes from Zhunsheng, the pressure will stop when Zhang Hao and the top of the Dayang Group. It is also impossible for Zhang Hao and the senior officials of Dayang Group to yell: We are actually exploited by Quasi-Holy.

The general public in the middle and lower classes enjoy the dividends of Dayang Group's development. For the general public, the Dayang Group has quasi-sages, and now there are four quasi-sages covering it, this is the capital that goes sideways!

In short, everyone is developing very well now. This in itself is not willing to leave. When it comes to the Carp Nebula, there is nothing left, and you have to struggle again or work hard, so everyone should think about it.

As for the high-level layout of the Dayang Group...Because of the various secrets involved, it is impossible to declare it, so the people naturally don't know, and they cannot support it.

It's not that the people of Dayang Group are not enthusiastic anymore, it's that everyone really doesn't know. However, because of the issues related to the quasi-sage level, the Dayang Group is still weak, and these secret Dayang Group cannot be disclosed.

In short, it's such a mess. The inability of the people to fully support it is just the first problem in the immigration process.

In addition, there is another problem that cannot be ignored, that is, Dayang Group itself.

In recent years, Dayang Group has developed rapidly, and it can even be called ‘rapid’. But development also requires a price.

Over the years, Dayang Group has paid a great price for its rapid development.

Whether it is the Carp Nebula exploration fleet twice, or the construction of a star computer, the study of irrational numbers, and the transformation of various star clusters in the world of the sky monsters.

There is even the transformation of star clusters in the Zhoutian world-such as the successfully constructed military constellation. And the former military well constellation has also begun to enter the second phase of the project and is about to end.

These large-scale external projects supported by the Ocean Group cannot obtain direct benefits, but are converted into commercial resources and tax-free advantages. However, these shipping channels were also demanded by various prospective disciples.

Of course, Dayang Group can issue additional banknotes, etc., but this method is not a panacea. The additional issuance of banknotes must be reasonable, equal to the size of the economy, or even slightly less, so as to ensure that the value of the currency is stable or even slightly increased. momentum.

In particular, Dayang Group currently invests the most in research on the level of golden immortals, quasi-sages, and irrational numbers. There is also the production and maintenance of Xingchen Computer.

None of these can be disclosed, which means that they can only be digested internally. This also consumes a lot of Dayang Group's heritage-although it has also created a greater heritage, it cannot be exposed for the time being.

All in all, the development of Dayang Group over the years has also been stumbling. Although the surface is booming.

The above are two big problems. In addition, there is a third problem, which seems to be not very important, but it cannot be ignored-the spy.

Dayang Group has been developing for so many years, and there is definitely a lot of sand mixed. It can even be said to be shocking.

If you think about it, you can understand that the whole world is venturing into and suppressing the Dayang Group. Even if the Dayang Group is an iron man, it can get a few nails.

Today, a Daluo Jinxian accepts disciples, tomorrow a quasi-saint disciple will preach, and the day after tomorrow, a quasi-saint disciple’s disciple will compete in martial arts and recruit relatives. By the way, let’s talk about the XX constellation business contract.

After a series of things, no matter how loyal a person is, his heart will inevitably be moved. As for whether he can turn his heart into action, it depends on whether his will is firm.

But in the face of this temptation, a few people can persist.

It must be pointed out that the development of Dayang Group is indeed good now; but at present, Dayang Group has the highest level of cultivation, and it is only Li Wei, who is still a ninefold.

Yes, Li Wei's information on the realm of cultivation was faked. I dare not disclose his true cultivation base.

In short, on the bright side of the Dayang Group, the highest cultivation base is still the nine-fold, so there will be Jinxian and Daluo Jinxian to accept disciples, the result can be imagined.

Of course, those who are truly sensible, insightful, and confident and more loyal to Dayang Group will disdain to point out: Although they are Da Luo Jinxian, look at his disciples, there are a few breakthrough Jinxian of? You can count with your fingers, let alone his age.

If you go with the Dayang Group, you will not suffer.

But the parents of the children sometimes get fooled by external forces because they cherish their children too much: we just go out to see and see what Jinxian and Daluo Jinxian look like.

The result can be imagined.

Of course, there is such a problem, and Dayang Group is letting it go. This is not a screening. It is conceivable that such a family will not be able to be reused in the future, let alone enter scientific research units.

These parents did not realize that they were destroying their children.

They even affect not only the children, but also the relatives around them.

Of course it is wrong to sit even. But in terms of national security, safety is paramount!

Dayang Group is like this, and so is the entire Tianyuanxing civilization. These three main reasons have affected interstellar migration.

There is one last thing that can't be ignored: Interstellar immigration is in the past, you must have infrastructure. After the arrival of the mighty immigrants, they can't face a barren land that is completely undeveloped. At least, there must be a foothold.

Moreover, immigration is not military; military operations are all elites, with combat squads as the unit; it is nothing to be simple and suffer.

But immigration must be a family unit, there will be children, and even a considerable number of infants, all of which must be considered.

And to consider so much, the cost will not be low.

In addition, after the immigration, how to manage, what the political structure, currency and finance, people's livelihood and agriculture, etc., must be considered.

Fortunately, the main purpose of the second batch of exploratory fleets is to lay the foundation. There are almost a few planets that are habitable now. Coupled with the impact of this time, Zhang Hao finally decided to officially emigrate.

First, Zhang Hao notified Liu Xinyu, and then representatives of the Dayang Group and the United Nations sat together and discussed together. In the end, everyone finalized the decision of interstellar immigration together.

Then there was an open discussion. First set up an expert group, saying that it is to discuss and solve various problems; in fact, this kind of discussion is not closed, but open.

The general office of the expert group is located inside the United Nations building, but it is grouped across various countries and the tentacles of the Tianyuanxing civilization. In fact, a few policy research offices came here secretly.

Discussing problems is secondary-in fact, most of the thorny problems have been solved; what we really need to do is to blow the air:

Everyone is optimistic, this time I really emigrated.

After more than a month of discussion by the expert group, the United Nations, its members, Ocean Group and other parties simultaneously issued immigration applications: This time I have really emigrated, please fill in the voluntary immigration application. Immigration is based on the family.

What are you single? Do you have parents? At present, within the scope of Tianyuanxing civilization, most families are complete.

In the past fifty years or so, there has been no war in the Tianyuanxing civilization, and almost all families are complete.

Of course, there are some orphans, whose origins are more complicated; but the orphans are not of much origin, but the review is more stringent, and even if they pass the review, they can only join the "construction team"-this is not contempt, but easy to manage. There is a big family.

In fact, everyone has to work to reach the Carp Nebula.

The reason why it is so strict is because this immigration is really too critical, it is directly related to the future of the entire Tianyuanxing civilization and the future of the Ocean Group.

This time the immigration screening, if there is a little doubt, they will not be selected. The chosen one must be 100% reliable!

For today, Dayang Group arranged an intelligent cloud network as early as 30 years ago to supervise all the people who "filled in the immigration application". As for those who did not fill in the immigration application...In fact, they are also under supervision, but it is not convenient to say publicly.

In short, such a busy schedule will be another six months.

In the past six months, Dayang Group did not take any more actions on the surface-the damaged Xingchen computer was simply repaired.

Originally, the Star Computer at its peak had 180 million units; now only 120 million units are running. In short, to outsiders, it just gave up. So the other quasi-sages are relieved: Dayang Group, you don't have to toss, did you give Jiang Yun to tossing in prostitution last time? Hey, let you guys scream!

But in fact, Xingchen Computer is running stably.

Before Xingchen Computer wanted to deduce the irrational number of ‘cloud’, the amount of calculation required was naturally huge. It's just a matter of deducing magical powers, or replaying existing data, it's simple.

It's like making movie special effects. A lot of equipment is needed for production, but a mobile phone is enough for playback.

Now Lei Xingfeng, Binghe Tianjun, and Li Wuxin have felt the irrational data of ‘cloud’ several times, and everyone has gained.

But it only gained something. The irrational number of ‘cloud’ was tailor-made for Jiang Yun. Other quasi-saints can learn from it, but they can only learn from it.

However, the "Thunder" irrational number recently studied by Dayang Group is also interesting. Lei Xingfeng was also a little excited.

In addition to "Thunder", there are two irrational numbers "Mountain" and "River". The mountain is prepared for Li Wuxin and can be integrated into the sword martial arts, and the river is prepared for the Binghe Tianjun.

Heavenly King Glacier originally practiced the two laws of ‘ice (cold) and river’. But just like Jiang Yun in the past, the basic route was wrong. So Binghe Tianjun is also preparing to rebuild part-time workers.

On the eve of the official immigration, Zhang Hao asked the four quasi-sages to come forward and give a hand—the quasi-sages asked loudly whether they were confident and determined to die for the Ocean Group or the Tianyuanxing civilization. Someone yelled'Yes' . But some people lack confidence.

These lack of confidence, Zhunsheng pointed out directly, and completed the screening on the spot.

It should be said that people who have been screened by Ocean Group and Tianyuanxing Civilization, plus intelligent programs, will basically have no problems-but this is no problem, just not eating inside and out does not mean that these people can be brave enough to do things.

The Immigration Carp Nebula will be a brand new beginning. Then some people who are not firm enough, don't have the courage to take charge, etc., cannot be requested.

After several screenings like this, the first batch of immigrants was finally identified, with a total of 70 million families and a total of 400 million people. Among them, Dayang Group occupies 25 million households and a population of approximately 140 million.

Is there a large population? It sounds a lot. But if you look at it in the current Tianyuan Star civilization system, there are very few.

The current Tianyuanxing civilization has been fully developed, and the total population of the Tianyuanxing native bloodline alone exceeds one hundred billion. Not even the planets that were later annexed. If you even count these, the population exceeds five trillion.

With such a large population, 400 million have been selected. This is absolutely too strict. And most of them are at the national level and scientific research level. In short, you have to have a skill; and in the environment of the Tianyuanxing civilization, the so-called skill is largely related to scientific research or combat (military).

After 400 million people were elected, they were isolated separately. Everyone was intensively migrated to the Tianshe Constellation and Carp Office, and began a year-long training, or adaptation training.

The sailing distance on this road is a full 86,000 light-years-now the route has been basically determined.

At 86,000 light-years, the actual navigation time of a military spacecraft will take between 3 years and 8 months to 3 years and 11 months. Although the starry sky is empty, the space is fluctuating, so the specific sailing time needs to be verified.

In fact, the sailing time in the past should have been more than four years or nearly five years; this is because the interstellar high-speed passage between the constellation of Tianshe and the constellation of Tianji has been built, and the technology of warships has improved.

But this is the battleship's time. If it is an immigrant spacecraft, the time may be delayed to about five years.

Immigration spacecraft must consider life-sustaining systems, living and entertainment spaces, and even the education and upbringing of children, which will inevitably affect the power performance of the spacecraft.

Finally, everything is improving.

The immigration plan started smoothly.

(This book is expected to end at the end of August and early September at the latest.)

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