Chapter 103, strange move

But even such a strong man could only have a few chopsticks under the hands of the bloody Li Feiyu? !

If this kind of performance that is far beyond the ordinary is not the realm of legend, then what is the realm of legend!

So these high-level officials from various forces came to Yongle City in person.

After hearing about the bloody book Li Feiyu challenging many martial arts gangs in Xuancheng and learning about their unique skills, he hurriedly sent the martial arts collected by each of their sects over the years to Yongle City.

The purpose is to establish a good relationship with Master Li so that he can be easily recruited into his own power.

In fact, if they hadn't found no trace of Hero Li in Xuancheng, they wouldn't have waited in Yongle City.

After another fruitless discussion, the people from several major forces had no choice but to disperse.

"Senior Brother Kongjing, please stay."

And just when Kong Jing was about to leave, Yan Chong from the Xuanwu Sword Sect chased after him.

He is the uncle of Yan Jing, one of the Six Heroes.

It is precisely because only those with the surname Yan can obtain the true inheritance of the Xuanwu Sword Sect that it has gradually declined over the years.

However, Li Feiyu was also the most enthusiastic about recruiting blood books this time.

"Senior Brother Yan." Kong Jing stopped and said clasped his hands.

Yan Chong looked around: "Take a step to speak."

Kong Jing thought it was a little weird, but after thinking about it, she followed him.

Soon, the two came to Yan Chong's residence.

Yan Chong looked around again, then came back and whispered quietly: "Senior Brother Kongjing, are you worried that you can't find Li Feiyu?"

Kong Jing raised her eyebrows when she heard this.

"Isn't Senior Brother Yan worried?"

"Hey, of course it's a headache, but I have a solution here. I wonder if Senior Brother Kongjing is willing to listen to me?" Yan Chong said in a pretentious manner.

Seeing this, Kong Jing already knew in his heart that this was definitely not a good idea, but after thinking for a moment, he decided to listen first. He would definitely not do anything that was against morality.

"Appreciate further details."

"Hey, doesn't that Li Feiyu insist on justice? We attracted some big bandits and let them kill people and set fire to Yongle City. Didn't he just show up obediently?" Yan Chong said.

Hearing this idea, Kong Jing frowned tightly and couldn't help but move away from the other party.

Such an idea is really evil!

As a monk, he usually cultivates his mind and nature, but when he suddenly heard such a vicious idea, he almost took action to eliminate demons and defend the Tao.

However, although the Xuanwu Sword Sect has declined, there are still three jins of nail in the rotten ship. If he takes action and kills Yan Chong, he will be in a lot of trouble in the end.

"Amitabha, the donor's thoughts are too harsh. Please forgive me for not agreeing with this. Please take my leave." After saying that, Kong Jing stood up and left directly.

But after leaving, a thoughtful look flashed in Kong Jing's eyes.

Because the other party's idea... seems to be very provocative, right?

When Yan Chong saw Kong Jing leaving, he couldn't help but curled his lips in disdain.

If you don't even have this bit of responsibility, you deserve to be unable to find Li Feiyu.

However, if only Xuanwu Sword Sect were to do this kind of thing, there would be a high probability that flaws would be exposed. After all, although Xuanwu Sword Sect sounds like it is on par with other forces, in fact, it is already a powerful one. If you do it well, it will cause a fishy mess.

This is also the reason why Yan Chonghui is thinking about dragging him to Damosi Temple.

In addition, even if he attracts Li Feiyu, he may not be able to recruit him.

It is even more unlucky to make a wedding dress for someone else.


In the blink of an eye, more than ten days passed.

Xu Fei's research on the method of shrinking bones and disguising himself has made considerable progress.

Bone shrinkage method【0/10】【19/19】

Astonishingly, he has already reached level 19 of the second level.

Although Xu Fei is still not able to freely change his height between 1.65 meters and 1.2 meters like that thief boy, he can already reduce his height by a few centimeters.

In addition, the biggest help of the bone shrinking technique is that it allows Xu Fei to complete many actions that ordinary people cannot do.

Without moving his arms, his palms turned almost 360 degrees in a circle.

There are also large movements of other joints in the body.

If ordinary people want to achieve the same level, they can only dislocate and fracture.

However, these skills are not very effective in combat.

At least it can't be used in combat yet.

The other is the disguise method.

Compared with the bone shrinking method, the disguise method is much simpler for Xu Fei.

After all, relying on the fused Sanhua chapter, Xu Fei has become extremely masterful in mastering inner energy.

Therefore, after the skill level gradually increases, you can quickly use your inner energy to change your appearance.

But Xu Fei also needs to practice the changes in his eyes.

Otherwise, after the face changes, the eyes will still look clear and stupid, which will be easily detected by some astute people.

Wouldn't that be a waste of the effect of the disguise method?

The most important thing is that the disguise method can control facial muscles and muscles in other parts of the body.

At least these days, Ling Niang has been tortured to death by Xu Fei and is in a state of ecstasy.

It can only be said that the effect of the disguise method is not only very good in changing the appearance, but also has better applications.

Just happy.

After dinner, Xu Fei looked at the women and children in each hospital, and then returned to the study to practice the bone shrinking method.

Watching his face gradually transform into that of a Khitan beggar gang leader carrying a stereo.

Xu Fei tried his best to control his eyes from becoming melancholy and sad.

After all, this man not only had a miserable life experience, he even personally killed the woman he loved.

Thinking of this, Xu Fei couldn't help but shed tears of sympathy for him.

After a little understanding of the other party's mood, Xu Fei's eyes indeed changed somewhat.

Just thinking about how to perfectly copy the other person is not easy.

After practicing hard, Xu Fei came to Lingniang.

Seeing Xu Fei coming over, Lingniang, a woman who had given birth to three children, couldn't help but feel a little shy.

I don’t know where I learned those strange tricks.

It’s really exciting and daunting.

Xu Fei looked at his eldest son Zhang Xian, his second daughter Wanmei and his seventh son Zhang Ming who were sleeping.

Then he hugged Ling Niang around the waist.

The plump waist did not reduce Ling Niang's charm, but made Xu Fei like her even more.

Especially accompanied by the faint taste of milk, it made Xu Fei even more greedy.

"Master, how about you take in Xiao Cui'er?" Ling Niang whispered.

Xiaocui is the most beautiful of Lingniang's maids. She bought her for five taels of silver some time ago.

The appearance is 70 points.

Xu Fei was speechless when he heard this.

Isn't it just that he was a little impatient when trying out some new moves?

Why are you still not happy?

Seeing that Xu Fei seemed dissatisfied, Ling Niang quickly explained: "Master, I'm afraid that I can't serve you well."

Seeing that he had scared Ling Niang, Xu Fei kissed her cheek comfortingly.

"You've already given birth to three children, why are you still so timid? You see, Yun Niang is doing well." Xu Fei gave an example.

Then he picked up Ling Niang and sat down on a lounge chair nearby.

There is no rush to do things.

Instead, he began to talk and comfort Ling Niang.

After all, he had three children with him, so as long as it wasn't a serious mistake, Xu Fei would definitely not be harsh on Ling Niang.

After hearing Xu Fei's comfort, Ling Niang relaxed a little.

"Ah!!" But at this moment, a scream suddenly came from far away in the quiet night.

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