Chapter 104, Tragedy

Hearing the scream, Xu Fei's eyes suddenly became sharp.

However, he quickly determined that the screams were at least two hundred meters away from home, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Ling Niang was also startled and shrank into Xu Fei's arms.


"It's okay." Xu Fei comforted Ling Niang, then walked out of the room and looked in the direction where the scream came from.

However, due to the obstruction of the house, nothing could be seen.

"Everyone go to the madam, I'll go to the front yard to take a look." Xu Fei ordered.

Although Xu Fei's strength is already considered very strong, he can only sense movement within a range of about fifty meters around him at most.

And the environment should not be too cluttered, otherwise the effect will be greatly reduced.

In addition, if the opponent has special ways of holding his breath or hiding, the accuracy of this perception will continue to decrease.

But now there was a problem. No matter what, he had to go to his grandma, parents, father-in-law, and master to have a look.

Because it was diagonally opposite the door, Xu Fei came over in a few steps.

Then he saw Yun Niang's sister Shang Caixia, and his sister-in-law holding a spear in her hand, guarding the yard, looking quite heroic.

But after seeing Xu Fei, his expression was somewhat awkward.

Xu Fei chuckled and nodded to his sister-in-law. He naturally knew about Xiaocai's martial arts practice, otherwise he would not have stood out at the age of twelve and fought with the disciples of the Tiger Boxing Gym who collected monthly fees. got up.

Seeing that his parents' side was relatively stable, Xu Fei returned to his side.

The back and forth made Xu Fei inevitably frown.

It seems that we need to change the house so that the family can live closer and take care of her more easily.

Several children were woken up, one started crying, and then most of the children started crying.

Only the eldest son Zhang Xian lay half asleep in Ling Niang's arms, completely ignoring the commotion outside.

Fortunately, the maids all calmed down after coaxing him for a while.

And after all this tossing, the screams that were occasionally heard just now gradually stopped.

Everything seemed to be calm again.

The women couldn't hide their panic. Only Yun Niang, who knew Xu Fei's other identity, was leaning on her chair, sleepy.

"It's okay, let's rest first." Xu Fei said.

Several of the women were pregnant, or they had just given birth, and it was inevitable to panic after such a fuss.

Even with Xu Fei's comfort, he didn't dare to sleep to death when he was resting.

After Xu Fei thought for a moment, he came to the courtyard again and glanced in the direction where the screams came from.

Although he couldn't hear it clearly due to the distance, he was vaguely aware of the commotion.

This made Xu Fei frown.

Wait until daybreak.

What happened last night spread quickly.

It turned out that a group of thieves broke into the homes of wealthy people in the city last night, robbing and killing people.

Killed dozens of people in the other party's house.

Such a heinous crime shocked the whole city and made people panic.

Xu Fei couldn't help frowning after hearing this situation.

This is too vicious and cruel.

He just asked Li Feiyu to take action, but he didn't know how to find traces of this group of murderers.

After all, when we used to eliminate harm for the people, we always had the wrongdoer and the owner. Even if the other party was cunning, we could still find him after a lot of searching.

But now this situation of not knowing who the murderer is is a bit troublesome for Xu Fei.

As for why it didn't go away when it happened last night...

Although Xu Fei is willing to eliminate harm for the people, the prerequisite is to ensure the safety of his family.

The situation last night was unknown. If Xu Fei went out and his family was in danger, he would definitely regret it.

However, under such a crisis, people from various cities quickly discussed countermeasures.

Under the organization of the directors of each neighborhood, who are almost equivalent to the directors of the sub-district offices, the rich contributed money and the powerful contributed to organize night patrol teams in each neighborhood.

Finally, it calmed the people's hearts a little.

After working for a long time, Zhang Lian called his son.

Tell the situation.

Wealthier households gave more money, while poorer households sent young men and women to participate in night patrols at night.

The Zhang family is not considered rich, but they still have to pay four taels of silver every month.

As for the young men who participated in the night watch, each of them had different abilities.

It's just a simple matter of lifting big rocks. Those who can lift two hundred kilograms will receive a subsidy of two yuan a month, and those who can lift three hundred kilograms will receive a subsidy of four yuan a month.

As for those who can lift a large stone weighing 400 kilograms, they can already serve as captains of the night patrol, and they will receive a monthly subsidy of eight coins.

Xu Fei couldn't help but frown when he heard this.

Worried about the strength of the Night Watch members.

After all, it takes about 600 kilograms of strength to develop internal strength.

This is true for both men and women.

This is also the reason why there are far fewer female warriors than males.

Therefore, among the members of the night patrol team selected under such a set of standards, there may not be any internal warriors.

But after thinking about it, Xu Fei didn't say anything else.

Of course, they are not so generous as to say that their family has more money to look for some powerful inner strength warriors.

Just go with the flow.

It would be foolish to stand out in this situation.


The Broadsword will be stationed.

The elders and palace masters of several forces gathered together again.

Discussing what happened last night.

"Does anyone know what happened last night was done by that group of people?" Feng Zhen, the elder of the Wuyong Sect, scratched his head.

Although he has great martial arts skills, he does not dare to take risks easily in the dark night.

After all, if one is not careful, he may be in danger.

Kongjing of Damosi Temple glanced at Xuanwu Sword Sect Yan Chong when he heard this.

He guessed that this matter was most likely led by the other party.

But seeing that the other party was watching his eyes, nose and heart, and sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, he didn't want to talk to each other at all. After thinking about it, he didn't expose it.

And he has no evidence.

"Then should we send disciples to search?" said Zhao Xing, the elder of the Broadsword Guild.

"Of course this is still necessary." Damosi Kongjing first supported after considering it.

"We, the Xuanwu Sword Sect, have no objection." Yan Chong, the Xuanwu Sword Sect, said indifferently.

Soon, this discussion ended again.

However, several powerful disciples were sent to search Yongle City, but no clues were found.

As for the government?

In Gaotong, he was beaten to death by the evildoer Wan Duxing with one palm. Especially after the incident, the government officials didn't even fart.

Even though the prefect asked him three times a day, after a brief examination of the deceased and confirming that the murderer was quite capable, the arresting officers became even more unwilling to take responsibility.

Whoever wants to check should do it. If it hadn't been for the action of the hero Li, the corpse of Gao Tong, who had done his duty faithfully, would have been unable to be restrained.

And a few days later, there was another big case!

Although it was on the other side of the city, far away from Xu Fei's side, it was particularly vicious this time, and even several night patrol teams suffered heavy casualties.

As a result, people who were quite satisfied with the night patrol team's work because of the good subsidies were suddenly frightened and did not dare to participate in the night patrol anymore.

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