Chapter 109, Aging

"Doctor Yao, please pay attention to your health." Xu Fei chuckled and joked when he saw Dr. Yao, an old friend who had helped him a lot.

"Hmph, I don't need it, I'm still very young!" Dr. Yao raised his head and held out his chest, but a burst of pain in his old waist made him understand that time is not forgiving.

After joking with Dr. Yao, Xu Fei came to the second floor.

The first floor of Jixiang Hall has a medicine cabinet, a consultation area for doctors such as C and D, and a consultation area for doctors B. There is also an area where some medicinal materials are prepared and displayed for patients to watch.

Xu Fei was the only one on the second floor.

Although it was not completely empty with only him and several other rooms, Xu Fei was the only one sitting on the second floor for consultation.

It directly raised Xu Fei's level from a basic level.

After sitting down, Xu Fei had no patients for the time being, but he was not idle either. He took out the martial arts he had prepared and began to read.

More than three years ago, Xu Fei had not yet finished learning the internal skills and martial arts skills he had snatched from the Wuyong Sect and other forces.

Judging from the situation where he has vaguely touched the threshold of innateness, if he masters all these martial arts, then he may be able to achieve innateness?

Thinking of this, Xu Fei wasn't too anxious.

It took Xu Fei more than two years to practice the Sanhua Chapter and Sword Classic to the second level 49.

But Xu Fei no longer had to spend such a long period of hard work to learn high-quality martial arts.

And as the number of high-quality martial arts he learned increased, Xu Fei learned martial arts faster and faster.

This is equivalent to a master who is very familiar with charging. He will naturally become more comfortable learning new postures. Even as the number of postures mastered increases, he will be able to understand newer postures at a glance.

So although it took Xu Fei more than three years to learn eleven kinds of fine-level internal skills and more than ten kinds of fine-level martial arts, he was confident that he could learn all the remaining fine-level internal skills in two to three years.

When the time comes, he will have a different situation.

The time for serious study passed quickly. I occasionally saw two patients, and the working day was over.

"Doctor Zhang, it's time to get off work." Manager Yan went upstairs and said respectfully.

Who would have thought that this young man's medical skills would improve so quickly in just a few years? !

He became a first-class doctor in Jixiangtang.

This is a situation that has never happened since Jixiangtang was established.

After all, the youngest person who could become a first-class doctor in the past was already 57 years old.

Hearing this, Xu Fei closed the book in his hand, smiled and nodded.

"Thank you for being strict," Xu Fei said.

Although it is not difficult for him to control things strictly now, the other party is the nephew of his employer, and besides, the other party has not done anything, so Xu Fei will naturally not be without superficial courtesy.

"You're welcome, Doctor Zhang is polite." Manager Yan said with a smile.

It was time to get off work, and Xu Fei had no intention of working overtime, so he took his things and went downstairs.

After chatting with Dr. Yao for a few words, he took a carriage to Mr. Wu's side.

This Mr. Wu had generously allowed Xu Fei to borrow his various martial arts collections for free, which made Xu Fei very grateful.

In addition, he has the right temperament, and Xu Fei also likes to listen to this person's chat to increase his knowledge, and the two gradually become friends every year.

"Oh? Doctor Zhang, cough...cough..." Mr. Wu couldn't help but cough before he finished his greeting.

He was seriously injured when he was wandering around the world in the past. He didn't show it when he was young, but as he got older, his physical condition became quite bad.

Fortunately, Xu Fei helped with the treatment.

Xu Fei hurriedly stepped forward, checked his pulse and asked the servant next to him, and learned about Mr. Wu's current situation.

After a while, Xu Fei thought about it and wrote out the prescription.

The housekeeper hurriedly went to grab medicine. If Xu Fei didn't come today, he would have to invite someone tomorrow.

The medicine was quickly retrieved. Mr. Wu drank the medicine and breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Thankfully I have you." Mr. Wu said.

At the same time, I felt lucky that I had generously borrowed martial arts secrets from Xu Fei.

Xu Fei chuckled lightly and did not take any credit. He briefly chatted with Mr. Wu and left.

Mr. Wu's physical condition is no longer able to support him in such mentally demanding activities as playing Go.

After returning home, Xu Fei was surprised to see his master waiting for him, and he quickly stepped forward.

"Master, what's the matter with you? Just call me." Xu Fei said.

Dr. Zhao had given him a lot of protection and guidance back then, so Xu Fei would naturally not show any slights.

"Haha, it's nothing serious. I just want to ask you if your children want to learn some medical skills?" Doctor Zhao said.

In fact, just watching Zhou Biaotou instructing Xu Fei's children to practice martial arts in the morning, it was inevitable to be tempted.

After all, when I get older, I don’t want to be idle, so the idea of ​​​​becoming a teacher comes naturally and I can’t hold it down.

Xu Fei was slightly surprised when he heard this, but since his master took the initiative to ask for help, he would not discourage his master's enthusiasm.

Therefore, in addition to 'martial arts' and 'literacy', the courses that children have to learn also add 'medical skills'.

And with a father like him who is a miracle doctor, it’s hard for his children to be good at medicine if they don’t know much about it.

As for whether children are willing to learn medical skills?


Still don’t want to learn?

The family trick that is displayed in the main hall, a 40 cm long rattan can kiss the little butt of a child who is not easy to learn~

Of course, if there are still children who don't want to learn medicine after being kissed by the family, then Xu Fei will not force it.

But he must also find something he wants to learn.

After confirming the schedule of learning martial arts in the morning and literacy and medical skills in the afternoon, Xu Fei returned home, changed his clothes and went to greet his grandma and mother.

After all, Zhang Fang is getting old. Even with Xu Fei's help, the natural law of aging cannot be violated and can only be slightly improved.

"Good grandson." When Zhang Fangshi saw Xu Fei coming, a smile appeared on her face and she waved him to come to her.

Xu Fei sat down next to his grandma obediently.

"Grandma, is there anything you want to eat? I'll bring it back to you later." Xu Fei said.

"No, you can eat whatever I want," Zhang Fangshi said with a chuckle.

After chatting with his grandmother and mother, Xu Fei left and returned to his place.

Although I was thinking about changing to a big house so that the whole family could live together.

But there was never a chance.

Especially when civil riots occurred one after another in the county and rural areas, housing prices in Yongle City continued to rise.

Just like this, the house Fei currently lives in, which covers an area of ​​more than three acres and has six courtyards, originally cost 95 taels of silver to buy, but now he may not be able to buy it for 200 taels.

So it can only be put on hold.

Of course, if Xu Fei is willing to use his connections, it is not difficult to change his house.

Just doing that would be a bit overwhelming.

Finally, if you switch to a large mansion with a red painted door and two lions standing on it, it will inevitably attract attention.

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