Chapter 110, shelter

The next day, Xu Fei came to Jixiangtang for a consultation.

Still at ease.

In fact, generally speaking, as a doctor, you must accumulate a lot of experience in treating patients in order to improve your medical skills.

If you don't have enough experience, even if you have great medical talent, your ultimate achievements will not be very high.

However, Xu Fei's situation cannot be generalized, and his main purpose now is to practice various internal skills and martial arts in order to become innate as soon as possible.

So this relaxed environment is quite suitable.

"Da da da~" There was a sound of stepping on the stairs.

"Doctor Zhang, we have a consultation." The clerk at the medical clinic said respectfully.

Xu Fei who is able to work and make medical visits is already very rare in Yongle City.

This is partly due to Xu Fei's superb medical skills, and also because the Yan family behind Jixiangtang is extraordinary.

In addition to having superb business methods to run the best medical clinic in Yongle City, the disciples of the Yan family are also well-educated and capable, and can be called a wealthy family.

Otherwise, the gangsters on the streets, competition from other medical clinics, and all kinds of trouble would have wiped out the medical clinic.

Xu Fei didn't refuse after hearing this. He packed up and took a carriage to go to the clinic.

Soon we arrived at the magistrate's residence.

"Excuse me, Doctor Zhang." Yu Shouren, the magistrate of Yongle City, was waiting at the side door and said quickly when he saw Xu Fei coming over.

Xu Fei nodded, and after a brief greeting, he followed the prefect to the backyard.

It was the prefect's mother who fell ill.

No wonder Xu Fei was asked to come over.

After some diagnosis and treatment, Xu Fei quickly diagnosed that the old man was suffering from chest pain, which is also known as coronary heart disease.

Treat the symptoms first and prescribe medicines to relieve the pain.

After taking the medicine, the old man's pain was relieved to some extent, which made the prefect look relaxed.

"Thank you, Doctor Zhang."

Xu Fei did not take any credit, and once again wrote the follow-up prescription and left.

The consultation fee for this visit was also quite generous, a full fifty taels of silver.

It was almost enough to keep Xu Fei busy for half a month.

Back at Jixiangtang, it was soon time to get off work.

Xu Fei came to Mr. Wu again.

After taking the medicine, Mr. Wu's complexion was much better than yesterday.

"Haha, Dr. Zhang, come here and talk with me."

This person studied and practiced martial arts when he was young. After he got the honor, he became impatient with writing documents, wore bright clothes and raged on horseback to travel around the world. If it weren't for the practice of Taoism in this world, then the other person's experience would be one of Xu Fei's life templates.

"Dare you disobey me?" Xu Fei chuckled.

After playing a game with Mr. Wu, Mr. Wu suddenly looked a little lonely.

"Dr. Zhang, please make plans early. With your superb medical skills and joining those big forces, it should be no problem for your family to be protected."

Xu Fei was stunned when he heard this, but he understood what Mr. Wu meant.

A few years ago, their family moved from their hometown Gaoxian County to Yongle City to avoid disaster.

However, as the past few years have passed, the situation has not only not improved, but also shows signs of deterioration.

Civil riots in villages and counties in various states are frequent, and there are even occasional rumors of disasters affecting prefectures and cities.

If Xu Fei is alone, then anything will do.

But now that he has an old man and a young man, he has to be careful and plan ahead.

If you don't make plans until the event comes, you basically have to just go with the flow and let nature take its course.

"Thank you." Xu Fei thanked Mr. Wu sincerely.

Mr. Wu nodded and did not leave Xu Fei to eat.

Xu Fei said goodbye and left, riding a carriage back home.

After thinking about it, I found my father-in-law.

Zhou Biaotou held a pen and was scratching his head at some notes in front of him.

Xu Fei took a closer look and found that it was his children's progress in learning martial arts and their performance in various aspects.

This made Xu Fei quite touched.

"What, what's the matter?" Zhou Biaotou saw Xu Fei coming over and put down the brush in his hand.

Xu Fei thought about it after hearing this.

"Taishan, someone reminded me to make early plans for my family." Xu Fei said.

Zhou Biaotou was stunned when he heard this and thought of some rumors.

Whenever the world is about to be in chaos, forces such as the Broadsword Society will gather their members together.

Wait until the world is settled, and then spread your power.

As a former escort leader of the Broadsword Association, Zhou Biaotou was naturally able to take his family to seek refuge.

But there is also a quota limit.

He could only take care of his daughter and her daughter's children, and even his son-in-law couldn't take care of him because he had too many nephews.

So when faced with his son-in-law's questions, he could only remain silent.

Xu Fei also heard about the situation where forces such as the Broadsword Society shrink to avoid disasters in troubled times, but he is not a member of the Broadsword Society after all, and the last time this happened was more than a hundred years ago. As for the specific situation, He didn't know much about it, but with Mr. Wu's reminder, he also understood that it was time for his own medical skills to show their effect.

"Taishan, I have good medical skills. I wonder if I can let the whole family take care of me?" Xu Fei said.

Hearing his son-in-law's words, Captain Zhou's eyes lit up. He no longer cared about the children's performance in martial arts training, and hurriedly left the house and headed to the headquarters of the Broadsword Association.

Almost an hour later, Captain Zhou came back with a bit of joy in his expression.

"Okay, the chief escort is willing to give me a chance." Commander Zhou said.

Xu Fei breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

Although he didn't feel much, after all, Yongle City was relatively stable. Of course, this might also be due to Li Feiyu's several attacks in the past, and the remaining power was still there, but he was advised to eat enough.

Mr. Wu told him so bluntly that he had to make plans in advance, so Xu Fei naturally wouldn't be discouraged.

The next day, Xu Fei followed his father-in-law to the Dadao Club.

The doctor from the Broad Sword Club gave Xu Fei a test and nodded with satisfaction.

Although this young man is not old, his medical skills are really good. No wonder he has such a great reputation.

But when he heard that Xu Fei's family had more than forty people, not including servants and maids, Li Gongchang, the chief bodyguard of Yongle City, the Dadao Club, couldn't help but frown.

There are too many people in this family. Even if the other party has superb medical skills, he may not be able to handle business if he can admit so many people at once.

Xu Fei was naturally not unprepared, so he carefully took out a prescription from his sleeve and handed it over.

This is a recipe that can slightly compensate for the physical exertion of martial artists after practicing martial arts. It has wide applicability.

But it was just the result of Xu Fei's brief thought. The reason why he showed so much cherishment was naturally to show his preciousness.

The doctor who examined Xu Fei's eyes lit up when he saw this prescription.

"Has this prescription ever been circulated?" asked the doctor from Dadaohui.

"I only recently obtained this prescription, and it has not been circulated yet." Xu Fei said.

After hearing this, the doctor stroked his beard and considered for a moment.

"Okay, we will accept Doctor Zhang and his family."

After hearing what the other party said, Xu Fei realized that the other party's identity was not simple.

The doctor smiled softly: "I, Huang Ying, in addition to being a doctor in the Dadao Association, I also serve as a clerk."

The other party spoke in an understatement, but there was a hint of surprise in Xu Fei's eyes.

The position of clerk sounds frivolous, but it is actually the person who can manage the affairs of the sword guild in the city together with the chief bodyguard Li Gongchang.

No wonder he dares to do so much.

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