Chapter 11, Broadsword City

With the other party's permission, a few days later, the identity deed of the Broadsword Society was sent over.

Obtaining these identity deeds means that Xu Fei's family has become a member of the Broadsword Club.

This still left Xu Fei a little speechless.

After all, he had repeatedly rejected the efforts of the Broadsword Society and other forces before, but he couldn't help but go around in circles.

However, in comparison, there are still some differences.

Because if he joins the Broadsword Club as Li Feiyu, then it will be exposed that Dr. Zhang of Jixiangtang is Li Feiyu.

Even if Dadao will promise to deal with the consequences of some things Li Feiyu did before, who can guarantee that there will be no problems at all.

Moreover, 'Li Feiyu' has strong martial arts skills and will not be looked down upon after joining the Broadsword Club.

But to obtain a relatively high status, you also need to make corresponding efforts for these 'status'.


Now that Xu Fei is only a member of the Broadsword Club as a doctor, the situation is undoubtedly different.

On one hand, one's strength does not need to be exposed, and on the other hand, one does not have to deal with many disturbances, which is very suitable for Xu Fei who has a family and needs stability.

After doing this, Xu Fei told his father and mother about the situation of obtaining the identity deed of the Broadsword Society.

I heard that my son was moving again.

Zhang Lian's face was full of reluctance.

In the past few years, he has been piecing together here and there, and even asked his son to help people see doctors many times and make favors. He finally bought three farms, with a total of more than 400 acres of land, and the family business is about to fall short again?

Xu Fei naturally understood his father's emotions.

It’s hard to leave your homeland.

Although it has only been a few years since I came to Yongle City, my family's properties such as cloth shops, fields, and houses are all here, so the family has undoubtedly taken root in Yongle City.

"Dad, this is because Mr. Wu told me that the situation is already unstable." Xu Fei persuaded.

Zhang Lian couldn't help but be startled when he heard the reminder from Mr. Wu.

"This..." Because of their son's relationship, Zhang Lian had had several contacts with Mr. Wu, and he knew that the other party was a sensible person. If the other party even said this, it was obvious that the situation was already very bad.

Therefore, even if he felt sorry for his own industry, Zhang Lian could only reluctantly give up.

"Okay, then I'll start selling the land."

Xu Fei chuckled lightly when he saw that he had explained his father.

The next day, Xu Fei came to Jixiangtang and told Boss Yan that he was going to leave.

This made Boss Yan frown.

"But who in the medical clinic offended Dr. Zhang?" Boss Yan said.

"How could this be so?" Xu Fei said quickly. He would not be able to bear it if the clerks and stewards in the medical clinic were implicated because of his own affairs.

"Then Doctor Zhang has decided to leave?" Boss Yan asked again. He is the only first-class doctor in his Jixiang Hall, and he is not willing to let go.

"It's caused trouble to my boss over the years." Xu Fei said.

"Hey, in that case, Dr. Zhang can do what he wants." Boss Yan said helplessly.

Xu Fei thanked him again and left.

The next few days were quite busy.

Selling fields, selling cloth shops, selling houses.

I also said goodbye to the friends I met in Yongle City over the years.

Because this time, Xu Fei only told his parents about the move of the Tuobi Blade Club to its mountain gate. When others asked about it, they only said that they were moving to the prefectural city.

However, Xu Fei said a few more words when bidding farewell to Dr. Yao.

Doctor Yao was obviously not stupid either. He quickly understood what Xu Fei meant and looked thoughtful.

It took more than ten days to finally get everything sorted.

Although I was in a rush to sell the property in the Bupu House, it was inevitable that the price would be discounted by one or two cents, but I still made a bit more profit than when I purchased it.

The cloth shop was the former general magistrate of Yongle City. Because Xu Fei helped him recuperate his body and the effect was excellent, he sold it half for one hundred and eighty taels and gave it half free. Now it has sold for seven hundred taels.

Due to the chaos in the villages and counties, a large number of wealthy merchants and gentry moved to the county. The price of the house increased a lot. It was purchased for ninety-five taels and sold for two hundred and twenty taels.

The situation with farm property is similar. It cost about six hundred taels when I bought it, plus some favors. After selling them all, I got nearly a thousand taels of silver.

Overall, I made a small profit.

After taking care of this, the family left Yongle City with an escort team from the Broadsword Club.

Although Yongle City is almost 1,700 miles away from Dadaohui Mountain Gate, there is a waterway connection.

After leaving Yongle City, walk more than 40 miles to the Baihe River. Take a boat down the river to reach Wuxiang Ferry, which is only more than 120 miles away from Dadaohui Mountain Gate.

Especially on the waterway, you can also go with the escort boat of the Dadaohui.

After twenty-two days without any incident, the family arrived at Dadao City at the foot of Dadao Mountain where Dadao Association is located.

Dadao will be in Dadao Mountain, and Dadao will be in Dadao City.

It can only be said that Da Daohui is quite persistent and simple in naming, and he has identified the name Da Dao.

Xu Fei looked at the slightly thin city wall, which was only about 5 meters in front of him, and couldn't help but feel disappointed.

Before he came here, he thought this place would be so majestic.

Is this the result?

But after walking into the city, Xu Fei didn't think so anymore.

Because Dadao City is very big.

Even though the world has not yet become chaotic, and the population of the Tuobi Sword Society has not yet reached its peak, there are already nearly half a million people living here.

"Find an inn to rest first, and then make plans." Captain Zhou said.

Naturally, Xu Fei would not object to his father-in-law's reasonable arrangements.

Instead, we found an inn and rented a few small courtyards to stay in.

Next, Xu Fei started running around buying real estate.

Because all real estate in Dadao City is managed by Dadao Association, you have to go directly to Dadao Association to buy a house.

There was no need for money. Xu Fei successfully bought three neighboring houses with a total area of ​​more than eight acres for 400 taels based on his identity deed.

Asking someone to tidy up the house, and simply clearing it up, the family moved into their new home.

After settling his family, Xu Fei planned to find a job.

Otherwise, it would not be good to just sit back and have nothing.

This situation made Xu Fei scratch his chin.

After all, how similar is what he is doing now to when he moved from Gaoxian County to Yongle City?

Thinking of this, Xu Fei couldn't help but smile.

But before Xu Fei could find a job on his own, a medical clinic came to ask for help.

This surprised Xu Fei.

"Doctor Zhang, I dare not hide anything, Huang Ying is my brother." The other party admitted his identity with a smile.

When he heard that it was introduced by an acquaintance, Xu Fei did not refuse for a while and just said that he would think about it.

The other party did not force him, and left after briefly introducing the situation of Huang Family Medical Center.

This also allowed Xu Fei to once again appreciate the convenience brought by mastering superb medical skills.

If he didn't have this medical skill, Tuobi Dadao would have to find other ways to do it. Now that he came to Dadao City, there was no such invitation.

Therefore, it is still very important to master a technology.

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