Chapter 112, two women

After walking around the Broadsword City, Xu Fei thought about it and felt that he only had two choices.

1. Open your own medical clinic.

Although this option may make more money in the future, it is not suitable for Xu Fei.

After all, if you want to run a good medical clinic, a doctor with excellent medical skills is only one of the prerequisites, but it is not the only one.

In addition, Xu Fei didn't want to be too busy with the medical clinic.

On the one hand, he has become accustomed to a 6-hour work day, with two days off and one day off. In addition, he has to continue to practice martial arts in order to achieve innate talent, and then practice Taoism.

2. Find a medical clinic to work.

Although this choice will have various problems, and working under others is inevitably not free, it is currently more suitable for Xu Fei.

So after some consideration, Xu Fei finally came to Huangji Medical Center.

Although Huangji Medical Clinic is not the best medical clinic in Dadao City, it is not bad.

There are more than forty clerks and more than ten doctors.

Like Jixiangtang, doctors are also divided into four grades: A, B, C and D.

The salary is not much different from Jixiangtang, but Xu Fei is quite satisfied with the basic salary of thirty taels per month for a first-class doctor.

"Thank you, Doctor Zhang, for coming to our Huang Ji." Huang Xiu, the younger brother of Huang Ying who decided to take over Xu Fei's family in Yongle City, said with a smile on his face.

"Please take care of me in the future, my boss." Xu Fei said politely.

"It should, it should." Huang Xiu said.

At this point, Xu Fei's family has settled down in Dadao City.

Xu Fei went to work the next day.

The doctors and clerks in the medical clinic were inevitably curious about Xu Fei, a young and excessive first-class doctor.

However, judging from the enthusiasm of his employer, there is a high probability that Dr. Zhang has real talent.

So no one dares to offend easily.

The hospital will be open for business soon.

A patient saw Xu Fei sitting alone in a quiet area. After thinking about it, he simply came over. However, when he got closer, he saw a reminder hanging on the side.

He made it clear that the young man in front of him was a first-class doctor at Huangji Medical Clinic, and his consultation fee was a full five cents.

Immediately I could only turn around and find other doctors.

After a few days of fermentation, a young doctor came to Huangji Medical Clinic, and word spread that the consultation fee was extremely high.

It will inevitably attract heated discussions.

"Doctor, please help me check my illness." A man with a sallow face looked at Xu Fei, then read the prompts, and finally came over after gritting his teeth.

Xu Fei made a diagnosis and confirmed that the patient was suffering from liver cirrhosis.

The situation is already quite bad.

"I must have seen your condition in other medical clinics before. I have no way to cure it. I can only make certain adjustments." Xu Fei said truthfully.

Although Xu Fei could cure this patient's condition if he used all his second-level 49 medical skills.

After all, with some poison, it won't be a problem to cure the opponent.

But after thinking about it, Xu Fei decided not to be so provocative and could only use his second-level medical skills of around level 30.

However, this level of medical skills has been able to greatly alleviate the patient's pain and not have much impact on his daily life.

The patient was a little disappointed when he heard that Xu Fei could not cure himself.

However, after thinking about it for a while, I decided to take the medicine and see how it works.

Xu Fei heard this, thought about it for a moment and prescribed the medicine.

Soon the patient took the medicine and left.

Xu Fei also kept a record of the medical records in the hospital, and he also copied a copy himself and gave it to his master for sorting.

Seeing that Xu Fei could not cure the patient suffering from stasis, the doctors and staff in the hospital were inevitably a little disappointed.

After all, the boss was so polite to him, but this is the result?

But the next day, the only patient Xu Fei had treated yesterday who was suffering from stasis came to the door again happily.

"Doctor, doctor, you are really amazing!" Apparently after taking one or two doses of the medicine prescribed by Xu Fei, his condition has been greatly improved, so he came to express his gratitude.

Xu Fei felt a little guilty when he saw this. After all, he had the ability to heal the other party, but it was a pity that in order to hide his weakness, he only recuperated the other party's body.

"Let me check the pulse again." Xu Fei said after thinking about it.

The medicine was effective and the patient had a high degree of trust in Xu Fei and readily accepted Xu Fei's diagnosis.

After a while, Xu Fei added two medicines to it.

If nothing else, after this addition of medicine, the other party's condition will be better cured.

After receiving another diagnosis and treatment from Xu Fei, the patient left with great gratitude.

With this example, Xu Fei's position in Huangji Medical Clinic was consolidated, and there was no longer any doubt about the five-cent silver consultation fee.

In the afternoon, another patient came.

After Xu Fei diagnosed and treated him, he quietly read the medical book.

However, I was thinking about the two sets of high-quality internal skills I had learned.

After all, the origin was unknown, so Xu Fei did not bring the high-quality martial arts stolen from several forces to Dadao City, but only kept them in his mind.

Although doing so will have a certain impact on the learning effect, under such circumstances, one can only follow the authority.

With the results of the first patient, the situation of the empty door at Xu Fei's consultation table has been greatly improved.

Even if the flow of people is still not constant, there can be more than ten patients at the end of the day.

As Xu Fei's medical skills gradually spread, the reputation of Huangji Medical Clinic also increased.

Within a few days, Huang Xiu, the owner of Huangji Medical Center, bought several shops to connect with the original Huangji Medical Center.

Huang Kee Medical Center was expanded into a large medical center with ten connected stores.

Even in Broadsword City, they are already counted.

After Huang Ji's expansion, Xu Fei also had his own independent clinic, so he no longer had to be looked at with curious eyes like before.

not bad.

On this day, Xu Fei got off work at 3 pm as usual.

The owner, Huang Xiu, came forward with a smile on his face.

"Doctor Zhang, thank you for your help. I have prepared some ideas and have sent them to your house. Please accept them." Huang Xiu said.

Xu Fei scratched his head when he heard this.

After he came to Huangji Medical Center, he really helped Huangji become famous, so it seems logical that there would be no problem in accepting gifts from the boss, but why did Xu Fei feel that something was wrong?

"May I ask what my boss sent you?" Xu Fei asked.

"Doctor Zhang will know when he gets back." Huang Xiu said with a mysterious smile.

Xu Fei couldn't help but have some guesses and hurried back home.

Sure enough, there was a green baize sedan in the front yard.

Although the green sedan chair could only be ridden by scholars or people with status in the past, it gradually evolved to be used by the flower ladies in flower houses.

Just like the evolution of the title Miss.

So Xu Fei understood everything when he saw this green wool sedan.

After thinking for a while, Xu Fei came to the sedan and opened the curtain of the sedan.

After seeing the situation in the sedan clearly, Xu Fei couldn't help but show surprise in his eyes.

Because there were two women sitting in the small sedan chair.

The same little face, slender eyebrows, white teeth, and slender body.

One is wearing a pink and purple dress, and the other is wearing a bright green dress, which makes the two women more delicate and charming.

twin? !

While looking at the two women, Xu Fei's thought of pushing people back couldn't help but fade away.

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