Chapter 114, Minglong Sword

After all, although Xu Fei is lustful, he has his limits.

Back at his place, Xu Fei practiced martial arts again until 9:30 in the evening, and then came to the Miao sisters.

Under the flickering candlelight, the two sisters Miao Nuannuan and Miao Yuanyuan looked even more beautiful.

"It's getting late, let's take a rest early." Xu Fei said, not drunk but everyone drunk.

"Yes." The two sisters showed a hint of shame on their faces, and then they stepped forward to undress Xu Fei.

‘A branching operation that opens up the way forward, proficiency value +80’

‘A branching operation that opens up the way forward, proficiency value +80’

Although the appearance of the two sisters is more than 80 points, the system only calculates integers, which is very unintelligent.

Over the years, Xu Fei has 'lost' at least almost 2,000 points of proficiency points.

It's a pity that there is no place to complain.


Xu Fei got the advantage and behaved well.

The next day, Xu Fei came to Huangji Medical Center, thanked the boss first, and then started the consultation.

"Doctor Zhang, do you have any special experience in regulating the body?" At noon, Huang Xiu came over and whispered.

Seeing his evasive appearance, Xu Fei naturally understood what the other party was asking about.

"A little bit." Xu Fei said.

Huang Xiu's eyes lit up when he received Xu Fei's affirmative reply.

"A gentleman wants to ask you to come over and help with diagnosis and treatment, and Dr. Zhang please be careful." Huang Xiu said.

Huang Xiu naturally knew about Xu Fei's family situation, so he asked this question.

After all, if you don't have profound knowledge in andrology, how can you have so many children.

They have long been exhausted and dead.

As a doctor at Huangji Medical Clinic, Xu Fei would naturally not go against his boss's wishes.

Travel by carriage to the patient's home.

After a quick diagnosis and treatment, Xu Fei left.

What Xu Fei didn't expect was that 500 taels of medical treatment money would be sent to Xu Fei the next day.

"Doctor Zhang, that gentleman is quite satisfied." Huang Xiu smiled broadly.

There is a doctor with excellent medical skills sitting in the medical clinic, which is really not too happy.

This made Huang Xiu particularly admire his elder brother's vision.

Xu Fei looked at the medical fee in front of him.

After thinking about it, I was not polite.

Although Huang Xiu will only benefit more, the relationship between the two can be regarded as mutually beneficial.

After all, if it weren't for Huangji Medical Clinic's brand name and connections, Xu Fei would most likely not receive this medical opportunity.

After getting the money, Xu Fei went to Dadao Club again and bought two vacant houses near his residence.

Now the family has almost twelve acres in size, five houses, and a total of twenty-six yards.

Even if the children in the family grow up in a few years, it will not be crowded.

Seeing his son come back with so much money the next day, Zhang Lian was a little worried. After asking a few questions and finding out what happened, he couldn't help stroking his beard.

From this point of view, was he worrying about not being able to support his children before?

Just don't worry about it anymore.

In the blink of an eye, another half a year has passed.

Xu Fei's family has finally settled down in Dadao City.

During these times, there was an endless stream of people moving to Dadao City.

Dadao City, which originally had only about 500,000 people living there, gradually increased its number to one million.

However, this is still no pressure for Dadao City, which can live in more than two million people.

And this kind of situation is actually happening in cities under the protection of other forces.

After all, the situation is becoming more and more turbulent, which is already visible to the naked eye.

As long as there is a way, even if they are squeezed out, people will be willing to live in areas protected by forces such as the Broadsword Society.

Xu Fei couldn't help but feel lucky for his previous decision.

After getting up early and going to work at the medical clinic, Xu Fei heard a piece of news that surprised him.

The official family of Liang State died.

It was this official who unleashed the evil beast of the martial arts gang, which turned the originally relatively clear situation in Liang Country into chaos within just a few years.

So Xu Fei had no regrets about his death.

But after hearing that the other party had been in a coma for several days and died without a cure, Xu Fei's eyes couldn't help but shrink.

Perhaps others would only think that this official was suffering from some serious disease.

But Xu Fei felt that it would not be that simple.

After all, the same was true for his predecessor. He was in a coma for several days and died before he could travel through time!

But why could He De, who was formerly a young man from a small county, die in a similar way to this official from the Liang Kingdom? !

Xu Fei then thought of the Valley Flower House outside Gaoxian County that his predecessor had visited before and then quietly moved away.

My thoughts are mixed.

In addition, with the death of Liang Guo's official family, Liang Guo was completely in chaos.

When Yu Shouxin, the governor of Yuanzhou, invited the governors of Yingzhou and Fuzhou to a banquet, he poisoned his two colleagues and quickly took over the territory of the three states.

Occupying nearly half of the seven states of Liang State.

He also used the slogan that Emperor Liang was innocent and would attack him on behalf of Heaven.

The competition among the heroes officially kicked off.

The world was in chaos for a while.

After knowing this situation, the whole family was glad to move to Dadao City early.

After all, with the protection of the Broadsword Association, even if the whole world is in chaos, it will basically not be affected.

"Doctor Zhang, I'm here for a consultation." The next day, when Xu Fei was wondering why his predecessor's death was so similar to the death of Liang Guoguan's family, a clerk from the pharmacy came to report.

Xu Fei packed up and headed to the patient's home.

This person can be considered an 'acquaintance', a wealthy businessman from the Yong Kingdom.

One of his favorite concubines suffered from heart disease since childhood, but improved greatly after Xu Fei's treatment.

After diagnosing the other party as usual, Xu Fei was about to leave, but when he passed a hall where a wealthy merchant lived, his eyes couldn't help but be attracted by a sword placed in the hall for decoration.

The scabbard is plain and the hilt is not ornate, it is just wrapped with cloth strips.

But when he saw this sword, Xu Fei felt that it was quite extraordinary.

The wealthy merchant who personally sent Xu Fei away saw Xu Fei noticing the sword, chuckled and asked his servant to take the sword over.

"Since Miracle Doctor Zhang likes this sword, then I will give it to Miracle Doctor." The wealthy businessman gave it generously.

Xu Fei declined repeatedly, but in the end he couldn't bear the sincere gift from the wealthy businessman and had no choice but to accept it.

Leaving the wealthy merchant's residence, Xu Fei gently held the hilt of his sword on the carriage.

What a sword!

Before the sword was unsheathed, Xu Fei felt a sense of joy in his heart.

This is the connection between a master of swordsmanship and the sword.

Xu Fei, who possesses the second level 49 Sword Scripture skill that incorporates various martial arts, is undoubtedly a master of swordsmanship.

Gently pull the sword partially out of its scabbard.

A flicker of light.

Xu Fei's eyes showed surprise.

This is actually a magical weapon that can carry internal energy!

The starting value is at least one thousand taels of silver.

Pull the entire sword blade out of its scabbard.

This sword is not very long, only the blade is about 60 centimeters.

Xu Fei flicked the sword with his fingers.

"Ding~~~~" The sword sounded long and loud.

Hearing such a sweet sword sound, Xu Fei couldn't help but chuckle.

"In that case, let's call you Minglong."

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