Chapter 115, the world is in chaos

Over the years, in order to keep a low profile and hide his clumsiness, Xu Fei did not find a sword for himself even though he had extremely good swordsmanship.

But I didn't expect that it would happen by chance.

However, although Xu Fei felt excited about getting a good sword, he had no intention of trying out the swordsmanship on the spot.

After all, he still doesn't know what kind of performance the singing dragon in his hand, which can carry internal energy, will perform after being filled with internal energy.

So at midnight, Xu Fei quietly slipped out of Dadao City and came to a mountain wilderness.

Slowly draw out the Minglong Sword.

Under the moonlight, the singing dragon flashes with cold light, making it even more moving.

Xu Fei chuckled lightly and poured his inner energy into Minglong.

"Cang~~~~" The sound of the sword sounded louder than when the sword was flicked, and a sword energy flew out!

Soaring straight into the sky.

This made Xu Fei stunned.

There was quite a bit of shock in his expression.


Is that an exaggeration?

Thinking back to how he felt just now, Xu Fei was a little more careful.

Let the inner energy remain on the roaring dragon.

As the internal energy lingers, the cold light of the Minglong Sword becomes stronger and stronger.

In fact, Xu Fei could feel that Minglong was a good sword, which was related to the remaining aura left by the master who used this sword before to mobilize his inner energy to use Minglong.

However, compared to Xu Fei, the previous user of Minglongjian was far inferior.

At least as Xu Fei's inner energy was poured into Minglong, the aura of the previous user remaining in Minglong was quickly worn away and gradually dissipated.

This made Xu Fei have a strange thought in his heart.

How is this... so similar to that?

After thinking for a while, Xu Fei cut off his distracting thoughts, waved the roaring dragon in his hand, and slashed towards a waist-thick tree.

There is no obstacle whatsoever.

The Minglong Sword passed by.

The tree was still standing there, seemingly unscathed.

But then a breeze blew.

As the branches and leaves swayed, the unfortunate tree could no longer remain stable and fell to the ground.

The cross-section of the tree body is as smooth as a mirror.

It's like applying a layer of varnish.

Such a scene made Xu Fei feel excited.

I wonder if my body-protecting golden bell can withstand the Minglong sword?

But after thinking about it, Xu Fei finally gave up on this crazy idea.

After all, if he couldn't bear it, wouldn't he have to die or become disabled?

Putting himself into such a miserable situation just to test the defensive power of the body-protecting golden bell was really stupid and absolutely unacceptable.

At least Xu Fei would never be able to do this until he was proficient in using the Minglong Sword.

After getting familiar with the use of the Minglong Sword, Xu Fei gradually began to use his inner energy, preparing to see how much inner energy Minglong could carry.

3 'squares', 5 squares, 8 squares, 11 squares, and finally at the 14th square, the sound of the Minglong Sword was obviously strange, and it felt a bit overwhelming.

Xu Fei quickly waved the roaring dragon to release his inner energy.

After all, the inner energy that has been used outside the body cannot be put back into the body.

A blast of sword energy... No, it should be a sword blast that affected a large area in front of Xu Fei.

The trees, soil, and rocks in an area about ten meters in front of me were devastated, like a hurricane passing through.

Moreover, through the Minglong Sword, the problem of rapid consumption of internal energy after leaving the body has been improved to a certain extent.

Almost reducing the consumption speed by half.

The effect of this is quite astonishing.

What was originally a 'single attack' after Xu Fei punched out his internal energy has now turned into a 'group attack'.

In addition, the Minglong Sword is infused with internal energy, which also has a certain degree of controllability.

It can be a sword energy that attacks opponents dozens of meters away, or it can be a sword wind that destroys everything in a large area in front of you.

Or keep it on the sword body to increase its sharpness.

The effect is different.

In addition, what surprised Xu Fei the most was that the Minglong Sword, which had been slightly damaged due to excessive internal energy, was slowly repaired after Xu Fei re-injected internal energy!

Although this will consume Xu Fei's internal energy, the effect of this automatic repair is too impressive.

what's the situation?

So what is the material of the Minglong Sword that seems to be forged from steel?

Or is it that special forging technology is used to achieve such an effect?

This made Xu Fei wonder if he should learn the skills of forging weapons in order to figure out this problem.

After thinking for a moment, Xu Fei took back the Minglong Sword, destroyed the scene, and returned to Broadsword City without leaving any obvious traces.

The next day, Xu Fei specially asked someone for information about Liang Guo.

Because he was born in the Liang Kingdom, it was not noticeable to ask about this.

Yu Shouxin held the three states hostage, destroying and drying them all the way, and led the troops to the capital Liangjing.

After listening to some more information, Xu Fei was surprised to find that this person in Shouxin was actually the cousin of Yu Shouren, the prefect of Yongle City! !

Xu Fei had previously diagnosed and treated the mother of the magistrate of Yongle City.

In addition, under the control of the virtuous concubine, the Liang Dynasty court appointed the youngest son of the former official family of Liang Kingdom to succeed him.

And this virtuous noble concubine was the enchanting concubine who persuaded the former officials of the Liang Kingdom to re-employ Jiang Hu Ke.

As for why she is called the demon concubine.

It is said that it was because Concubine Xian was in the bed curtains that she fascinated the former officials of Liang Guo, who were still wise before, and obeyed her words.

Only then did martial arts gangs cause trouble to the Liang Kingdom.

However, these things are all rumors, and it is difficult to tell whether they are true or false.

And just when Concubine Xian was about to show off her feminine style by listening to the government behind the curtain, she mobilized an army to defeat the rebellious Yu Shouxin in one fell swoop.

But who would have thought that after the youngest son of the former official family of the Liang Kingdom succeeded to the throne because of the Xian Noble Concubine, several brothers of the former official family were immediately unhappy.

He successively issued the banner of Qingjun, preparing to earn the chair.

As a result, Liang Guo became increasingly miserable.

And the Liang Kingdom has been so collapsed. It stands to reason that the Yong and Qi Kingdoms will definitely not sit idly by and watch. They will definitely take advantage of the situation and bite off the richest piece of fat from the Liang Kingdom.

But who would have thought that Tao Deng, the heroic son of the Yong Kingdom, would raise his voice, and countless people would respond, causing such a huge commotion.

The State of Qi also treated the 700,000 people who built the Grand Canal unbearably because of its harsh treatment of corvee labor. They killed dozens of officials from the Ministry of Water to the doctor and below, and rebelled.

All I can say is that it’s a mess, it’s all a mess.

The world is in chaos.

The situation collapsed much faster than Xu Fei imagined.

After all, in his expectation, there should be civil unrest in this county today and an uprising in that county tomorrow.

Then the imperial court exhausted its last bit of national power in suppressing these civil unrest and uprisings, and at the same time triggered unprecedented changes.

But who would have thought that he would be so irritable right now? !

Directly skipping the foreplay, is it about to have the final decisive battle that will determine the world?

But in the end, it can only be said that Xu Fei is still too young.

Ferment over time.

Three of the four princes of the Liang Kingdom who had the title of Qingjun died inexplicably, and they died in the same way as the former officials of the Liang Kingdom.

First he was in a coma for several days and then died.

Now, no matter how slow they are, people are aware that there is something wrong.

But no one knows what the specific problem is.

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