Chapter 123, Picture of the rising tide in the blue sea

"Han Ping, something happened to you!" A group of Dasword Club disciples rushed into a small courtyard like wolves and tigers.

He blocked a middle-aged man in his forties in the room and quickly completed the arrest.

More than two years ago, war broke out all over the world.

Originally, the Broadsword Society and other forces did not care. After all, no matter how chaotic the world was, it would not have much impact on them.


There is no shortage of sword masters,

Escort bureaus will be opened in every county and city, just to facilitate the recruitment of talents.

Other forces also have their own methods.

But what people never expected was that the Xuanwu Sword Sect was destroyed!

With such a big event happening, the forces of the Dadao Society finally couldn't sit still.

In the name of fighting for the licenses owned by the Xuanwu Sword Sect, all the people were spared.

Then, with lightning speed, he captured all the leaders of several forces that were suspected at the time.

After some interrogation, a lot of information was obtained.

Then there was more than a year of manhunts, and the events of that year were almost clarified.

Starting more than 20 years ago, some frustrated guys began to accumulate strength and secretly plot under the organization of Han Kun, the younger brother of the head of the Han family.

In the end, Liang, Yong, and Qi all had considerable power in the three countries.

Including the noble concubine Xian, the governor of Yuanzhou Yu Shouxin, the ministers and generals in Yong Dynasty who were responsible for encircling and suppressing the rebels, and the ministers in Qi who insisted on liquidating all the 700,000 people who had rebelled but had returned home after their leader was killed.

All this is the work of these guys.

The purpose is to stir up chaos in the world and seek to unify all directions.

In addition, when the noble concubine Xian assassinated the official family of Liang State and several princes who raised armies, it was through a strange poison they accidentally found.

This poison is quite special, it is smeared on a woman's private parts to poison her.

Women take the antidote beforehand, then apply the strange poison, and then enjoy themselves with the men.

Men will be poisoned!

But after being poisoned, it will not affect the man quickly.

Instead, after a period of time, if it cannot be poisoned again, it will fall into a coma, and then die in a coma!

Especially after poisoning, there will be no symptoms, which is quite difficult to prevent.

As for why Xu Fei knew so clearly, it was naturally because after Dadao Club found this strange poison, they went to all the famous doctors in Dadao City to find an antidote.

After some research, the detoxification method finally found is simple, which is to drink the urine of pregnant women...

This left Xu Fei quite speechless.

After all, this poison is not serious at all.

It's just a bit regretful because many years have passed and the person involved has long since disappeared.

So Xu Fei still didn't understand how an ordinary boy from a small county town could be infected with such a strange poison.

In addition, Xu Fei didn't really want to publicize his experience.

Therefore, this past event can only be temporarily sealed in the depths of memory, and there may not even be a chance to pursue the truth again in the future.

Xu Fei calmed down his distracting thoughts, and it was almost time to get off work again.

Seeing that there were no patients at the moment, he simply stood up and moved his body briefly.

It has been more than ten years since I came to this world.

Xu Fei's twenty-seventh birthday will be in a few days.

The youthfulness of the past has faded away from her appearance.

Wearing a gray robe, his long hair is tied up in a Taoist bun on the top of his head with a simple polished wooden stick.

Because of his prosperous life, he looks like a man who doesn't have to worry about anything including food, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea.

And since he has been seeing doctors all year round, his body inevitably smells of medicine.

When people who don't know him see him at first glance, they will think that the man in front of them is just an ordinary doctor.

But who would have thought that this ordinary man would possess the most powerful strength among warriors.

After a while of activity, it was almost time to leave work. Xu Fei, a qualified part-time worker, naturally did not waste a moment and left work happily.

Back home, Zhou Yue handed Xu Fei an invitation.

Xu Fei opened it and read it. It was a post from the wealthy businessman who gave him the Minglong Sword.

After more than a year, the situation has almost calmed down, and he wants to move away from Dadao City and return to the place where he originally lived.

Xu Fei was not surprised by this. After all, during the most chaotic period, nearly 2.7 million people gathered in Dadao City, but now there are only more than 1.8 million people left.

The part of leaving is to feel that the environment in my hometown is getting better, and then return to my hometown.

The reason why they are so eager is because they are thinking about going back as soon as possible to seize some benefits and benefits, or to reorganize their past business as soon as possible.

This must be the same for this wealthy businessman.

After thinking about it for a while, Xu Fei wrote down the matter and prepared to attend the meeting three days later.

Let’s practice martial arts first.

Soon it was dinner time.

Xu Fei came to the restaurant.

Now he has a total of ten beauties including Zhou Yue and Ling Niang.

In these eleven years, he gave birth to a total of twenty-six sons and twenty-four daughters.

So it's especially lively when it's time to eat.

It's like a small school.

Fortunately, Xu Fei's income is good, otherwise he might not be able to support these children alone.

"Dad!" Seeing Xu Fei come in, the children, led by the eldest son Zhang Xian and the eldest daughter Ya Mei, saluted him unevenly.

"Eat." Xu Fei couldn't help but smile when he heard this.

Although Xu Fei considers himself a good husband and father, as the number of children increases, his attention is inevitably diluted.

After all, there is no comparison between the care that one child can receive and fifty children.

So Xu Fei felt quite guilty about his children.

Fortunately, his father-in-law and master helped him discipline his children.

In a blink of an eye, it was time for the wealthy businessmen to prepare a banquet, and Xu Fei came over with gifts.

And those who can be invited by wealthy businessmen are not only business partners, but also friends.

As a famous doctor in Dadao City, Xu Fei had more or less friendship with them, so the dinner was quite good.

But after the banquet dispersed, the wealthy businessman found Xu Fei and personally handed a scroll of paintings to Xu Fei.

"This painting was acquired by me in the past. It is quite precious. Giving it to Divine Doctor Zhang can be regarded as fulfilling the friendship between you and me." The wealthy businessman said with emotion.

Xu Fei got many benefits from him, such as the Minglong Sword, and the wealthy businessman's body was also well-conditioned by Xu Fei.

Due to the mutual benefit between the two, they have indeed accumulated some friendship over the past few years.

But after this separation, I'm afraid it will be difficult to see each other again in the future.

Therefore, wealthy businessmen cannot help but sigh.

"Thank you." Xu Fei said.

Although he doesn't have so many parting worries, he won't show it either.

After another conversation, Xu Fei found out when the wealthy businessman was leaving and agreed to see him off before leaving.

Back home, Xu Fei was going to put away the paintings given by the wealthy businessman.

But after thinking about it, I decided to take a look.

As he opened the scroll on the desk, Xu Fei's eyes showed surprise.

This is a picture of the tide rising in the blue sea.

The bright moon hangs high in the sky, and the turquoise sea water rolls and surges.

Judging from Xu Fei's current level 2 19 painting skills, he has to be praised as a good painting.

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