Chapter 124, Innate

This made Xu Fei take a closer look.

As he admired this painting, Xu Fei's mind couldn't help but wander, recalling the past.

Don’t mention the past life.

After traveling to this world, I experienced the initial panic and the surprise of knowing that I had a cheat.

Then activate the plug-in.

I have been living cautiously until now.

Although he is occasionally wanton, Xu Fei has always practiced the principle of keeping a low profile and living in peace.

However, by doing this, Xu Fei felt no regrets.

After all, if after he succeeded in learning martial arts, he went out to fight in the world with a jug of wine and a sword, how heroic and carefree would he be now?

The general experiences of the characters in the book must be a wonderful alternative life.

After a moment, Xu Fei shook his head and smiled.

All the gains and losses turned into a sigh, spitting out from Xu Fei's heart.

What surprised Xu Fei even more was that his inner strength suddenly changed!

There is no special feeling or discomfort at all, just a subtle change in inner energy.

And Xu Fei's eyes flashed with joy after he noticed the change in his inner energy!

innate? !

Xu Fei quickly sat cross-legged on the ground, quietly waiting for the changes to be completed.

Almost twenty minutes passed quickly, and Xu Fei entered the innate realm so naturally!

No wonder Yun Niang said that some people achieve innate achievements in their sleep!

Is it such a simple thing? !

But although this moment is so simple, Xu Fei has been working hard for it for more than ten years!

With a silent smile, Xu Fei put the scroll away.

Then I unexpectedly discovered that my painting skill, which was originally only level 19 in the second level, jumped directly to level 35 in the second level.


This surprised Xu Fei, and he realized that the blue sea tide picture given by the wealthy merchant was indeed extraordinary.

Otherwise, it would not have been able to arouse his emotions and improve his painting skills so much.

After casually maxing out his painting skills, Xu Fei came to the courtyard and stood still.

Success is innate, this is what he has always pursued.

I just don’t know how my strength will change after I become a genius.

First, I practiced the Sanhua Chapter and the Sword Classic.

Xu Fei's eyes flashed with a hint of surprise.

Inner strength and spiritual meaning!

When he first heard Yun Niang say this word, Xu Fei didn't quite understand it, but now he understands it after experiencing it for himself.

Compared with the inner energy that needs to be carefully adjusted, the inner energy after becoming innate can be activated with just a thought.

Flexible and clever.

However, being too agile is not a good thing. After all, people's thoughts are very complicated, and it is no exaggeration to say that they can change in an instant.

Just like when you meet someone you hate, the thought of killing them will inevitably arise in your mind.

But this is just a thought and has no intention of actually taking action.

But the innate inner energy doesn't care about these, it just activates at will.

Therefore, a certain degree of familiarity is required to properly grasp the innate inner strength.

Otherwise, there may not be people whose heads suddenly explode in front of Xu Fei in the future.

What also surprised Xu Fei was that although the innate internal energy could not be put back into the body after leaving the body, the consumption rate after being released outside the body was greatly slowed down.

He waved his hand and broke a branch, and Xu Fei controlled it to fly back.

Of course, the range can only be within ten meters of Xu Fei. Beyond the distance, the branches will lose control and fall to the ground.

But there is no doubt that it should be considered the prototype of flying swordsmanship, right? !

Xu Fei grinned and continued to familiarize himself with the mastery of innate inner strength.

Fortunately, with the assistance of the second-level 49th-level Sanhua Chapter, which combines various internal powers, Xu Fei's mastery of innate internal power has improved rapidly.

After some practice, at least there won't be a situation where your inner strength will be activated just by following your heart without judging whether you really want to do it.

However, Xu Fei didn't dare to go to Zhou Yue to rest, at least not until he fully mastered his innate inner strength.

After all, if one is not careful...

Then Xu Fei regretted it too much.

The next day, Xu Fei did not go to the hospital and asked the maid to take a few days off for him.

Instead of accompanying the children, he practiced martial arts alone in the backyard.

Even the meals are delivered.

This was also a rare occasion when Xu Fei did not eat with the children. Zhou Yue and his daughters were inevitably concerned. They came over to take a look and found that Xu Fei was practicing martial arts, so they did not ask any further questions.

After all, how could anyone not know that my master is particularly obsessed with martial arts after all these years?

Maybe there is some realization.

Only Yun Niang and her sister Shang Caixia exchanged glances and roughly guessed something.

However, the two women did not talk much.

Besides, this is not something that can be spread.

At least until the dust settles, it needs to be kept secret.

After three days of training, Xu Fei finally had a preliminary grasp of his innate inner strength, which is extremely flexible and can be moved according to one's heart.

This made Xu Fei quite satisfied.

Then start making up for the lack of proficiency points gained in the past few days.

This is because the ‘disguise method’ aspect of the Bone Shrinking and Disguising Method can use internal energy to change facial muscles to adjust one’s appearance.

Later, Xu Fei thought about it and developed its function, so that it can be effective on everything.

Then a series of strange tricks were developed.

This made Xu Fei's enjoyment and prestige in spreading branches and leaves increase exponentially.

However, because he had just achieved innateness and his mastery of inner strength was not yet perfect, Xu Fei did not plan to use the various strange tricks he had developed for the time being.

Otherwise it would be really cool if it were a fortress.

After having fun with the women, Xu Fei wondered what he should do in the future.

1. Continue to live in peace and provide for your grandma and parents until the end of your life before making any plans.

But this may take more than twenty years.

After all, not to mention that grandma is old, my father and mother are still in good health under Xu Fei's care.

2. Go directly to the spiritual realm and seek ways to practice Taoism.

Yun Niang and her younger sister Xiaocai have no Taoist roots, so they don’t know much about Taoism. Moreover, even if the two girls learn Taoism, Xu Fei will have to go to the spiritual realm before he can absorb the spiritual machine into his body and officially enter the realm of cultivation. .

It is impossible to practice in this spiritual land.

3. Wait for several forces through the Broadsword Association.

Although this approach will expose one's own situation, it can also provide protection for the family.

According to the information that Xu Fei has heard during this period, after the warriors in the Spiritual Land become innate, they can use several major forces to worship the Immortal Gate that created the Spiritual Land here.

In addition, after worshiping into the immortal gate through this method, the family members of the innate person can also be protected by the opposite force.

In short, each of the three options has pros and cons.

However, after Xu Fei thought about it, he quietly concealed his first choice.

Although he had thought about helping his predecessor to honor his grandmother and parents before, it was a matter of cultivation.

Xu Fei can only be unfilial.

After making such a decision, Xu Fei seemed to have only the third option left.

After all, what would happen to the family's livelihood if Xu Fei left directly?

Who will protect you if you are in trouble?

These are all questions.

Therefore, Xu Fei needs to learn more about the method of worshiping the Immortal Sect through several major strengths.

After confirming that there are no problems, you will most likely choose this method.

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