Chapter 125, strength

The next day, Xu Fei came to the medical clinic.

Diagnose and treat patients as usual.

Xu Fei would not quit his job at the medical clinic before deciding how to choose.

After work in the afternoon, Xu Fei went to chat with a doctor he knew well.

Taking the opportunity to discuss medical skills, Xu Fei occasionally mentioned some other aspects.

Although the information obtained is not much, and it is difficult to distinguish the true from the false, it is somewhat gained.

It is by doing this piecemeal while mastering the inner strength that is innate and extremely flexible.

Xu Fei probably got some information.

There are indeed many descendants of innate warriors among several forces such as the Broadsword Society.

Life is pretty good under the protection of the Broadsword Society.

Of course, if the other party leaves the Immortal Sect or passes away, the treatment will drop by one level.

But it’s much better than ordinary people’s lives.

So after thinking about it, Xu Fei finally decided to pass the Broad Sword Society and join the Immortal Sect to cultivate.

But before that, there are still some things that Xu Fei needs to confirm again.

Late at night, Xu Fei held Yun Niang, who was also masked in black, in his arms and quietly came to a barren mountain in the wild.

After Xu Fei stopped, Yun Niang released her tight hold on Xu Fei's neck, but when she stood back on the ground, her legs felt weak.

She jumped several feet, and the speed was as fast as the wind, which made her feel excited.

"How is it?" Xu Fei supported Yun Niang and said softly.

Yun Niang rested for a moment, then shook her head gently to indicate that she was fine.

When Xu Fei saw this, he didn't waste any time. He took out the Minglong Sword from his waist with his backhand, and his inner energy condensed into the sword body, and the sword energy flew out.

Tens of meters away, a big tree collapsed.

"What do you think of my strength?" Xu Fei asked.

He came out with Yun Niang late at night just to confirm the level of his strength again.

If so, then he should be more careful in his actions, and even joining the Immortal Sect through the Broadsword Society would have to be postponed.

Yun Niang looked at the scene in front of her and blinked.

"What's going on?" Yun Niang didn't understand.

Xu Fei pursed his lips, then poured his inner energy into the Minglong Sword, and shot out another sword energy.

The movement slowed down a lot this time, so Yun Niang noticed it.

This made her eyes flash with shock.


Is this still a warrior? !

Even some of my father's contemporaries who have been practicing in the family for decades are not so exaggerated when they occasionally try and perform the method.

Although the merchant is only a small-scale cultivation family, which is not comparable to those medium-sized or large-scale cultivation families, and is even less comparable to the Linglong Immortal Sect that occupies a radius of 130,000 miles, she does not know anything about cultivation. .

"What's wrong?" After Xu Fei saw Yun Niang's expression, he understood that his strength might be good, so he couldn't help asking knowingly.

Seeing this guy's proud look, Yun Niang rolled her eyes angrily.

But in the end, he affirmed: "It's very powerful. It's more powerful than the uncles in our family who have been practicing cultivation for decades with my father's generation."

After receiving Yun Niang's affirmation, Xu Fei scratched his chin.

He only used half of his strength just now.

Although after becoming innate, his inner strength did not increase significantly, but his flexibility increased, and the speed of releasing external energy dissipation was greatly reduced. However, for Xu Fei, these two points alone were enough to greatly increase his strength. increased.

The sword energy can fly dozens of meters and still maintain strong destructive power.

It has transcended the category of warriors.

But now that one's own strength is determined, it's okay.

Taking advantage of his rest the next day, Xu Fei came to the northernmost part of Dadao City, the entrance to Dadaohui Mountain Gate.

"I'm going to Zhang Chuan and ask to see Guild Master Yang." Xu Fei said.

Among the disciples guarding the mountain gate, some knew Xu Fei.

Can't help but be a little curious.

"Doctor Zhang, what's the matter with you?" the gatekeeper asked.

"There are some important things." Xu Fei said.

If it is an ordinary person, the gatekeeper disciple will usually ask the reason before deciding whether to report it.

But the other party was a famous doctor in the city, so the gatekeeper thought for a moment and decided to report it to the stewards.

Soon Xu Fei was brought into the Dadaohui Mountain Gate.

A steward in his forties was sitting in the hall, drinking tea leisurely.

Although he also knew that the other party was a famous doctor in the city, so what? Does he deserve any compliments?

Xu Fei didn't bother arguing with the other party and stated his requirements again.

The steward glanced at Xu Fei.

"I wonder if Doctor Zhang has anything to do with us?"

"It's not convenient to say it clearly." Xu Fei said.

When the steward heard this, he looked up at Xu Fei.

Consider whether this kid is playing a trick on you.

If there is nothing important, he will be implicated after he takes it to the meeting leader.

"Then please come back, Doctor Zhang." After thinking for a moment, the steward said, obviously unwilling to take risks for Xu Fei.

Xu Fei chuckled lightly, walked past the steward, and walked straight into the Great Sword Club.

"Bold!" The steward's expression suddenly changed.

In his decades of life in the Dadao Society, he rarely encountered madmen who dared to cause trouble at the mountain gate.

However, he did not lack the decisiveness to take action. He immediately jumped over the desk in front of him and pumped his fists to gather strength.

Xu Fei didn't panic when he saw this.

The only martial arts skill he currently possesses is Sword Scripture.

However, due to the integration of various skills, the Sword Scripture skills are not only the use of swords, but also the use of various other martial arts.

In addition, the various skills that were used as materials and integrated into the Sword Scripture did not mean that Xu Fei could not continue to use them, but that he could no longer continue to upgrade them.

And if Xu Fei 'relearns' them, he can still reproduce them in the skill panel, but what is very frustrating is that the skill he relearns is level 0, not the previous level. If he wants to restore the previous level, he still has to You have to add points again, you can’t vote in vain.

Thoughts flashed through my mind.

Xu Fei used his left hand to lead the way.

Xu Fei used the second-level and level 49 Eighteen Skills skill that was no longer visible on the skill panel.

Taking advantage of the force, before the steward who was attacking fiercely understood what was going on, he felt that the world was spinning and he fell to the ground.

Xu Fei continued to move forward.

As Xu Fei's movements in the steward's room were discovered by the disciples of the Broadsword Club, many people rushed over.

Xu Fei, dodging left and right, easily walked out of the siege of many Dasword Society disciples.

Although Xu Fei's combat experience was average, he couldn't bear the fact that he was too strong.

Facing these ordinary disciples, the gap between adults and babies is completely different.

"I just want to pay homage to Guild Master Yang." Seeing that there was already some commotion, Xu Fei said calmly.

"Take it!" The steward, who had just been thrown away by Xu Fei, finally caught up with him, with an angry look on his face.

"Stop!" But just as the steward's words fell, a young man in his thirties walked over and stopped everyone at the same time.

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