Chapter 126, leave

"Sir, my grandfather is already waiting in the main hall." The young man looked at Xu Fei briefly and said.

When someone who can really make the decision appears, the manager immediately steps aside.

But when he saw that Yang Jingwen, the seventh grandson of the guild leader, was so respectful to Xu Fei, his expression couldn't help but change.

"Thank you." Xu Fei said, but when he was about to follow the other person to leave, he paused.

"This manager is also doing his duty faithfully, so please don't blame me." Xu Fei said again.

Yang Jingwen was a little surprised when he heard Xu Fei's words.

I didn’t expect that the other party would notice such trivial things, so I couldn’t help but chuckle and said, “Sir, that’s right.”

"You haven't thanked me yet, sir?" Yang Jingwen turned to look at the steward.

After hearing this, the steward quickly thanked Xu Fei for his amnesty.

After dealing with these minor matters, Xu Fei followed Yang Jingwen to the main hall of the Broadsword Association.

Yang Ye, the leader of the Dadao Guild, was standing guard in front of the door and saw Xu Fei coming over and clasping his fists in a salute.

"I don't know if you are coming here, sir, but you are not welcome from afar." His words were very polite.

After all, when Xu Fei took action just now, he seemed to have a bad grasp, showing some innate inner strength.

The reason why Yang Jingwen appeared so 'timely' was because he realized that Xu Fei was an innate master.

Of course, I will not let the disciples in the meeting get into trouble.

"Huizhu Yang is very polite. I am Zhang Chuan, but he is just a doctor in Dadao City." Xu Fei introduced himself.

Hearing what Xu Fei said, Yang Ye and Yang Jingwen were a little at a loss.

What's going on with this...?

"I came here today because I want to ask the Dadaohui to join the Immortal Sect and practice Taoism." Xu Fei said again.

Hearing what Xu Fei said, Yang Ye, Yang Jingwen and his grandson's eyes lit up.

They had such a guess when Xu Fei came over, but they were not sure.

But now that the other party has said this, they are naturally very overjoyed.

"Mr. Zhang, are you serious?" Yang Ye said.

No wonder he was so excited.

Because there are currently four innate masters who have entered the Immortal Sect through the Broadsword Society!

It seems that there is no shortage of Xu Fei.

But this is hundreds of years of accumulation!

Moreover, the most recent innate master who joined the Immortal Sect was more than twenty years ago.

"Of course I take it seriously," Xu Fei said.

"Okay, okay, thank you for your kindness, Mr. Zhang. I wonder if Mr. Zhang has any requirements? We are good at swordsmanship, but we will not shirk it if we can." Yang Ye said quickly.

Xu Fei thought for a moment: "Please, Dadao will take good care of my relatives."

Upon hearing such a condition, Yang Ye responded directly: "This is what it should be. I wonder if Mr. Zhang has any other requirements?"

"That's all." Xu Fei said.

In fact, Xu Fei's willingness to let his family be protected by the Dadao Society is related to what the Dadao Society and other major forces did more than a year ago.

He could still remain calm in the face of a license holder who could get a share of resources from the Immortal Sect. He did not fight to the death as the Han family planned behind the scenes, but worked together to eliminate the opponent.

It proves that the forces such as the Broadsword Society are still quite organic, and are not fools who are hot-headed and desperate for profit.

Xu Fei can also worry less if his family lets them take care of him.

"Mr. Zhang, don't worry. As long as the sword is there, I will protect your family and your family." Yang Ye said solemnly.

"Thank you." Xu Fei said.

Although the other party said it nicely, Xu Fei also knew that if he left the immortal sect he had joined, he might die on the way.

Then Dadao's protection of his relatives will definitely be a notch lower, but having such a guarantee is enough to give him a certain degree of peace of mind.

And Xu Fei was sure that his wife, concubines, and children would have a secure future life, so he had to ask about his situation.

"I don't know what to do next?" Xu Fei asked again.

Yang Ye chuckled: "Mr. Zhang, we will receive certain resources from the Immortal Sect every six months. How about we introduce Mr. Zhang to the Immortal Chief who sent the resources at that time?"

“And now it’s more than two months until the next time we receive resources.”

Xu Fei was not surprised when he heard this.

If you are sure that you want to pursue the path of immortality, then you can directly leave the Yong Kingdom in the past and enter the spiritual realm at the Beihuang Sand Sea in the north of the Ju Kingdom.

Although according to what Yun Niang said, after going deep into the sand sea of ​​the Northern Wilderness, there will be some vicious spirits, snakes and insects because the spiritual intelligence has begun to spread, but these are not very dangerous to Xu Fei who has already achieved innateness. matter.

However, in order to find a stable shelter for his grandmother, parents, father-in-law, master, and his wife, concubines, and children, Xu Fei finally decided to accept the recommendation of the Broad Sword Society and enter the Immortal Sect to practice Taoism.

After returning home, Xu Fei thought about it and only told Sister Yunniang about the situation.

When facing other people in the family, Xu Fei was prepared to use the rhetoric of "going out to see doctors in the clouds".

This is also the situation mentioned by Xu Fei and Yang Ye, the leader of the Dadao Association.

Keep his achievements secret within a certain range.

A few days later, Xu Fei was first found by the Broadsword Guild to nurse Yang Ye, the guild leader.

A few days later, in order to thank Xu Fei for his diagnosis and treatment, President Yang specially 'gifted' a large house.

It covers an area of ​​70 acres!

That’s 46,000 square meters!

There are 22 courtyards.

Although the pavilions and pavilions are not top-notch luxury, they are far beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Although this situation seems a bit outrageous, when the family was led to this mansion by Xu Fei, they couldn't help but love it.

In addition, Yang Jingwen cooperated with the acting and thanked Xu Fei in every possible way for taking care of his grandfather's health.

The family had to believe it.

The next natural step is to move.

And in such a hurry, it was time for Xu Fei to leave.

Although there are still more than twenty days until the day when Dadao Club will receive resources, Dadao Club is still some distance away from the Northern Desert Sand Sea.

So you need to leave early.

"Can't we not go?" Mother Liu held Xu Fei's hand with a look of reluctance.

The current situation seems to be calm, but after all it is not very safe.

My son is currently traveling for medical treatment...

"Mom, it's okay, I will follow the escort team of the Broadsword Club." Xu Fei said with a smile.

Although Mrs. Liu was still reluctant to give up after hearing this, since her son had such plans and had good arrangements, she could only stop blocking him.

Zhang Lian stood aside and hesitated several times.

"Be safe." In the end, he simply said.

Xu Fei chuckled lightly, said goodbye to his grandmother, father-in-law, and master, mounted his horse, waved goodbye to his wives, concubines, and children, and then followed the team of the Broadsword Association.

And just as everyone left Dadao City, flakes of snow fell.

It heralds the official arrival of winter this year.

Xu Fei stretched out his hand to catch a piece of snowflake, and it was quickly melted by the warmth in his hand. This made Xu Fei couldn't help but smile and spurred his horse.

The peace and quiet of the past twelve years seemed to be far behind.

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