Chapter 127, Linglong Immortal Sect

After nine days of riding, changing to a boat, and then riding again, the group arrived at the Beihuang Sand Sea.

After resting for a night, with the help of the disciples arranged by the Dadao Club here, Xu Fei prepared food, water and camels, and Xu Fei followed the Dadao Club people into the sea of ​​sand.

Walk along the rolling mountains on the edge of the sand sea and head towards the depths of the sand sea.

"Mr. Zhang, we only need to go to the Crescent Oasis, which is more than two hundred miles away in the sand sea, and wait for the immortal to come." Yang Ye said.

In fact, this matter of receiving Xianmen resources no longer requires the intervention of the Master of the Broadsword Guild.

But this time there was Xu Fei.

To show his solemnity, Yang Ye personally escorted him.

Xu Fei looked up at the sky.

Even in winter, the weather is quite hot.

"Fortunately it's not summer. If it were summer, we wouldn't be able to travel during the day." Yang Jingwen added.

Xu Fei chuckled and nodded.

After spending five days, the group finally arrived at the Crescent Moon Oasis.

A lake of almost two acres, with an oasis on the outside.

A tent had already been set up on the oasis, and it was obvious that someone powerful had arrived first.

When the other party saw this, he came over directly.

He is a useless person.

After waiting for another two days, people from Tianwang Temple and Damo Temple also arrived one after another.

"Hey, it's really a pity for the Xuanwu Sword Sect." Yang Jingwen said with emotion when Xu Fei walked out of the tent to get some air.

Because Xu Fei asked a few questions about the previous events along the way, Yang Jingwen told him everything as if he were pouring beans through a bamboo tube.

Let Xu Fei know more about the beginning and end of this world chaos.

It turns out that Liang Guo could have continued to be stable for a while.

The Yong Kingdom may not necessarily use all its strength to encircle and suppress the rebels, but may use both suppression and appeasement.

It is even more impossible for Qi State to be so stupid as to destroy the Great Wall and strangle hundreds of thousands of civilians who have run home.

All of this was caused by Han Kun, the younger brother of the current head of the Han family.

They even destroyed the Xuanwu Sword Sect in an attempt to use all the cards held by the Sword Sect to trigger several other major forces to fight, and then they could clean up the mess and dominate the world.

However, it is a pity that the other party's actions aroused the suspicion of the Wuyongmen of the Wuyongmen of the Dadao Society and the Wuyongmen of the Heavenly King Guan, who took advantage of the situation to pacify the largest forces in the troubled times.

Almost all the masterminds behind the scenes were eliminated.

And just like this, five days passed in the blink of an eye.

Deep in the sand sea, a figure wearing a robe, wiping sweat from time to time, alone, without even a camel carrying luggage, food and water, appeared.

People from several major forces saw each other and rushed to greet him.

"Sir, this is the Immortal Chief in the Immortal Sect who is responsible for distributing resources to us." After Yang Jingwen explained in a low voice, he and Xu Fei came to stand next to the Broadsword Club.

"Come forward, useless door!" The man came to the shade of a tree, wiped his sweat again, and then took out a booklet from a palm-sized cloth bag around his waist.

He said after a brief inquiry.

Xu Fei looked at the other party.

He was in his thirties and looked ordinary, but the way he casually took out a booklet from the cloth bag that seemed to be a storage bag at his waist proved that the other party was anything but ordinary.

So after thinking about it, Xu Fei was not impatient and quietly waited for Yang Ye's arrangements.

Hearing the man's words, the people from Wuyimen hurriedly stepped forward.

"WuYongmen, five boxes of medicinal herbs." The man looked at the license plate handed to him by the person at WuYongJi. After saying a simple word, he changed his hand and took out five large boxes from another slightly larger cloth bag on his waist.

The box is about the same size as the big box used in the gold and silver vaults in movies and TV shows to store silver ingots and treasures.

It looks very substantial.

When the people at Wuyongmen heard the number of five boxes, they couldn't help but smile.

"Thank you, Immortal. Thank you, Immortal." After thanking him, he quickly carried the box and left.

Obviously this is not the first time to receive resources. He is very proficient and knows not to affect other sects' subsequent resource reception.

The man ignored the compliments from the other side of the useless door and picked up the book in his hand and flipped through it for a while.

"Heavenly King Temple comes forward with four boxes of medicinal herbs." The man said.

Just like the useless gate, Tianwang Guan handed over the license to be verified, and then carried back the medicinal herbs.

"The big sword will come forward, five boxes of medicinal herbs." The man said again.

Yang Ye quickly brought his grandson Yang Jingwen and Xu Fei forward.

However, after receiving the medicinal herbs, Yang Ye did not leave.

This made the man frown.

"Chief Immortal, our Broadsword Association has another innate warrior who wants to join the Immortal Sect to practice." Yang Ye said.

After hearing Yang Ye's words, the impatience in the man's expression subsided, and his face showed joy.

"Oh? It's very good. I wonder who is the genius?" The man looked back and forth among the people in the Broadsword Club, and then he saw Xu Fei.

Xu Fei took a step forward and said, "I have met the Immortal Chief, I am Xu Fei."

Yang Ye and Yang Jingwen were both a little surprised when they heard Xu Fei calling himself such a name.

But he didn't say much.

Maybe Mr. Zhang has ulterior motives?

"Hahaha, Immortal Chief is what ordinary people call you. You and I will be brothers from now on, how can we be so different from each other?" the man said with a smile.

"Come on, stand behind me. I'll give them herbs first, and then we'll talk." The man said again.

When Xu Fei heard this, he followed Shan Ruliu and stood behind the man.

"If you are recommended by the Broadsword Society, you will be rewarded with three boxes of medicinal herbs, which will be recorded as one level of merit." The man turned to look at Yang Ye and said.

"Thank you, Immortal." Yang Ye smiled with a smile on his face.

Although the herbs are all in "boxes" and appear to be exactly the same, the quality of the herbs for recommendation rewards will be much better.

Soon the man distributed the herbs and then turned to look at Xu Fei.

"My name is Gou Kewen, junior brother, come with me," the man said.

Xu Fei followed Gou Kewen to the largest tent in Crescent Moon Oasis.

Originally, Xu Fei was curious about who this tent was for.

Unexpectedly, it was prepared for the Immortal Chief?

This made Xu Fei's expectations for the 'immortal chief' lower.

After all, can't you wave your hand and conjure up a palace for resting?

In fact, ever since Immortal Chang Gou Kewen appeared on foot and kept wiping his sweat, the value of the word 'immortal Chang' has been reduced a lot.

"Junior brother, our Immortal Sect is called Linglong, and it controls an area of ​​130,000 miles around. Because you are an innate warrior who is starting to practice, so after practicing in the sect for three years, you must pass an exam before you can practice safely for another three years. Opportunity."

"After these six years of practice are over, you will either formally worship the sect, or you will find a job in the sect, otherwise..." the man Gou Kewen said.

Although his last words were not finished, Xu Fei also understood what the other party meant.

Being graduated, also known as optimization, is actually expulsion.

"Thank you, Immortal, for clarifying my doubts," Xu Fei said.

But I couldn't help but marvel again in my heart.

After all, the area controlled by Xianmen is 130,000 miles, which is almost 4 billion square kilometers!

The surface area of ​​Blue Star is only 500 million square kilometers!

In other words, Linglong Immortal Sect alone is worth 8 blue stars!

"Haha, Immortal Chief is what ordinary people call me. Junior Brother, just call me Senior Brother." Gou Kewen was quite polite.

On the one hand, his strength is limited and he cannot show off, otherwise he would not be assigned to the terrible job of distributing medicinal herbs to the Lingjue Land.

In addition, if Xu Fei enters the door, he will also receive some rewards.

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