Chapter 130, Beautiful Mother

"Haha, how are you? How do you feel?" Gou Kewen asked.

Xu Fei took his own wooden hairpin from the opponent's hand, and after tying his hair again, he looked at the grassy forest that was far away from the high-speed flying boat.

"Very good." Xu Fei said.

The current height of Shopee Boat may only be about 200 meters.

So the details on the ground can still be seen.

A herd of elk occasionally jumps past, and monkeys drink water by the stream.

It went by in the blink of an eye.

And this feeling... is really good.

"Haha, just like it," Gou Kewen said.

"Thank you, senior brother." Xu Fei thanked him sincerely.

Although he will definitely be able to have such knowledge in the future, he has to appreciate it now with Gou Kewen's help to experience it in advance.

And after flying on Shopee Boat for almost seven hours.

Shopee Boat arrived at the next post house.

These post houses, connected and accessible by shop skin boats, are located in almost all areas within Linglong Immortal Sect.

On the fifth day, under a mountain range, continuous houses formed a huge city.

"We're here!" Gou Kewen jumped off the Shopee boat and walked away.

Xu Fei also got off the boat, then turned to look at the mountains in the distance.

What he saw was the Linglong Mountain Gate.

The mountains here stretch 3,600 miles from east to west and 5,700 miles from north to south.

The highest Tianzhu Peak is more than 12,000 meters high.

It is also the residence of the leader of the Linglong Immortal Sect.

But these are still far away from Xu Fei, because he is now just an ordinary disciple of Linglong Immortal Sect.

You can't even enter the mountain gate.

For the first three years, I could only practice in the outer city composed of these continuous houses outside the gate of Linglong Mountain.

If you have talent or can pass the test in three years, you will have the opportunity to enter the mountain gate to practice.

During this period of time, Gou Kewen told Xu Fei one after another all this information.

So Xu Fei is not disappointed either.

Following Gou Kewen, Xu Fei officially entered the Linglong Immortal Sect after a busy period.

However, he is only a disciple of the Immortal Sect, not even a registered disciple.

Within the Linglong Immortal Sect, the disciples are divided into Bilu disciples, registered disciples and ordinary disciples.

Beilu disciples, that is, Linglong Baolu whose names are recorded as being in charge of the sect, will have the opportunity to inherit the Linglong Immortal Sect and become the sect leader in the future.

The status is the highest among several types of disciples. Even comparable to some elders in the sect.

Registered disciples have their names recorded in the Linglong Immortal Sect. When they go to the outside world, they can call themselves "Linglong Immortal Sect so-and-so".

It sounds like nothing, but you can enter the Linglong Mountain Sect to practice, and you will basically have seniors from the Immortal Sect under your name for guidance and training.

There are many benefits.

As for ordinary disciples...

It is almost equivalent to enrolling as a student in a very large school like ‘Linglong Immortal Sect’.

Although there are some benefits, most of them still have to support themselves.

Gou Kewen, who brought Xu Fei to the Immortal Sect, was an ordinary disciple.

The same goes for Xu Fei.

"Junior brother, I hope you will work harder in the future, and you will have a chance to achieve immortality." Gou Kewen encouraged.

"Thank you, senior brother, for escorting me all the way." Xu Fei thanked him.

"Hahaha, I also have benefits. I got you started, and I got five points." Gou Kewen said.

Errands are not only dispatches to various disciples within the Linglong Immortal Sect, but they are also the 'rewards' after completing the errands.

It can be used to exchange for various elixirs, magical weapons, Taoist techniques, etc. prepared in the Immortal Sect.

To put it more bluntly, it is ‘contribution to the sect’.

As for the errand that Gou Kewen took on this time to 'deliver resources to the Land of Spirits', the reward upon completion was only five points of the errand.

After chatting for a while, Gou Kewen clasped his fists in a salute and turned to leave.

However, after this separation, the two may never see each other again.

Xu Fei watched Senior Brother Gou, who had taken good care of him along the way, leave.

Then return to the Lecture Hall.

And this is where he will practice for the next three years.

Simply tidied up.

Xu Fei walked around the lecture hall.

Because the new disciples are not regular, there is not only one scholastic school.

Disciples who have been sent recently will come to the same lecture hall and receive guidance and practice.

In addition, it is different from the immortal seedlings who are born in the spiritual realm and are born with Tao roots that can be cultivated. As long as they worship the Linglong Immortal Sect, they can directly receive twelve years of teachings.

Innate warriors like Xu Fei can only practice in the Immortal Sect for three years.

If you fail to pass the three-year test after practicing for three years, you will lose your status as a disciple of the Immortal Sect.

From now on, I can basically only become a casual cultivator.

So Xu Fei still had a sense of urgency.

But the same sense of urgency is the urgency of gaining proficiency points.

It’s been going around for more than a month.

There is no proficiency value at all.

Although Xu Fei still has 51,773 proficiency points after careful accumulation over the years, what if practice consumes proficiency points?

So Xu Fei thought about buying himself a maid with a common room.

He did what he thought of and Xu Fei left the Lecture School.

He had to attend lectures and start practicing tomorrow, so he had to take advantage of the free time he had just arrived at the Lecture Hall today to deal with the matters that needed to be dealt with.

Although this is the spiritual realm and it is still an outer city located around Linglong Mountain Gate, Yaxing still exists.

When the Yaren heard that Xu Fei wanted to buy a maid, he immediately found a dozen women, all with different looks.

Xu Fei made some inquiries and finally bought an innocent woman. Her appearance was not bad, and Xu Fei could score 72 or 73 points.

There's nothing particularly outstanding about her figure, but just like her appearance, it's okay.

But she is just eighteen years old this year, and she is young and beautiful.

After buying the woman, Xu Fei gave her a new name: Meiniang.

Then he found an inn not far from the Lecture Hall to place him.

At the same time, I also got down to business.

‘A branching operation that opens up the way forward, proficiency value +70’

After all, after doing business, even if the woman he just bought escapes, Xu Fei will not be in a big loss.

As for why he was not brought back to the Lecture Hall, Xu Fei was worried that the college might not allow him to take care of maids.

So I plan to wait until tomorrow to find out more about it.

In addition, even in the outer city of Linglong Immortal Sect, spiritual stones are not used everywhere.

Gold, silver and copper coins can also be used.

At least the things Xu Fei has come into contact with so far that are within the scope of ordinary people only use gold and silver.

It’s just that the price is much higher than in Yongle City and Dadao City.

Xu Fei spent three hundred and fifty taels of silver to buy the beautiful girl.

Go to the inn to accommodate Meiniang. The daily rent for an ordinary room costs five coins.

Even if Xu Fei had some gold and silver in his hands, he still felt that the price was a bit outrageous.

However, time was tight and Xu Fei didn't have time to shop around, and Meiniang also made Xu Fei feel comfortable, so that was it.

The most important thing for Xu Fei at the moment is practice, and only practice. The requirements for other aspects can be relaxed, which is more or less enough.

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