Chapter 131, Taoism

The next day, Xu Fei got up early.

The sun hasn't even risen yet.

However, the anticipation of practicing kept him awake.

I went to practice martial arts a few times first to calm my mind.

Then come to the dining hall to eat.

As long as you join the Immortal Sect and become a disciple, eating in the canteen is free.

This is quite friendly.

After all, with Xu Fei's current appetite and the price of goods in the fairy city, three or five taels of silver per meal is not enough.

That’s hundreds of taels of expenses per month!

While having breakfast, Xu Fei also met other immortal disciples in the Lecture School.

However, compared to Gou Kewen, who had a friendly attitude, these disciples simply looked at Xu Fei and didn't pay much attention to him.

Xu Fei was not surprised by this.

The older disciples in front of me are in their early fifties and sixties, and even the younger ones are in their forties.

And he is less than thirty this year...

In fact, it took nearly twelve years for Xu Fei to become a genius, which shows how difficult it is.

Although it took so much time, it was also related to the fact that Xu Fei didn't have the guidance of his teacher or enough elixirs to nourish his body.

After breakfast, Xu Fei and other 'classmates' came to the lecture hall together.

This is where the teaching takes place.

At about 8:30, a man in his forties came in.

Looking around the classroom, he was not surprised to see Xu Fei.

"Today we will teach you some taboos when practicing Taoism."

"You are all able to practice Taoism only after you have achieved great success."

"I don't need to go into details about many situations, but you still need to remember that the first thing to avoid in practice is to be anxious, and the second thing to avoid is greed for entry. This is the foundation."

As the teachings were told, Xu Fei couldn't help but frown.

What are these talking about? !

What he wants to hear is cultivation! Taoism!

It's just that... Xu Fei didn't dare to contradict the teacher on the first day of the lecture, so he could only hold back for the time being.

The lecture time also passed quickly, and it was over in almost an hour.

The teacher looked at the directory in his hand.

"Xu Fei, come with me." After saying that, he turned and left.

Xu Fei quickly followed.

"There are three fundamental dharma in our scholastic academy. One is the five aggregates dharma, the second is the cave spirit dharma, and the third is the true dharma. Which one do you plan to take?" After the instructor led Xu Fei to the quiet room where he practiced. , said lightly.

"Please also teach me the advantages and disadvantages of these three Tao methods." Xu Fei bowed his hands and said.

"The Five Aggregates Method uses the internal organs to absorb spiritual energy and feed it back to the body and bones to increase magical power."

"The cave spirit method is used to adjust the breathing, breathing, and breathing skills and practice the practice."

"The Zhengzhen Dharma is similar to the Dongling Dharma, but it requires spiritual thinking when practicing, and it is a bit more complicated." The instructor chuckled and explained to Xu Fei, obviously he was not as cold as he appeared.

Still quite conscientious.

After hearing the other party's explanation, Xu Fei frowned thoughtfully.

After just one hour of explanation, Xu Fei actually had some guesses about these three techniques.

The Five Aggregates method trains the body, the Dongling method nourishes Qi, and the Zhengzhen method cultivates the spirit.

That is, there are three different ways to practice Taoism: Jing, Qi, and Shen.

It can only be said that it is indeed the Linglong Immortal Sect. The disciples can be given such a generous choice just after they join the sect.

Let your disciples choose their favorite practice methods as much as possible.

"I wonder if disciples can practice the three methods at the same time?" Xu Fei said after hesitating for a moment.

"There is nothing wrong with you, but you need to remember what I just said. The first thing to avoid in practice is to be anxious, and the second thing to avoid is greed for advancement." Teaching the Indifferent Way.

The disciples he teaches here are all accomplished people, some in their thirties, some in their fifties, who have long since matured mentally and are already able to take responsibility for their own choices.

Therefore, in addition to giving lectures, he usually did not have much discipline for the disciples in the courtyard, and he took it easy.

If it is the kind of immortal seedling with Taoist roots, it would be a monk to practice at the age of five or eight...

Boy, that's tiring.

"Thank you for the teaching." Xu Fei breathed a sigh of relief.

Since Xu Fei chose to practice three Tao methods, the instructor gave Xu Fei seven books recording the three Tao methods.

What is recorded on it is the Five Aggregates Method, the Dongling Method and the Zhengzhen Method that Xu Fei wants to practice.

There are two volumes of the Five Aggregates Method, two volumes of the Dongling Method, and three volumes of the True Method, and each volume should be thicker.

Although Xu Fei still doesn't know how difficult this Zhengzhen method is, it can be seen from this alone that it should be the most complicated among the three methods.

"Go and study on your own. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me." The teacher said.

"Yes." Xu Fei bowed and left the quiet room.

Go back to your room.

Each lecture hall can have about a hundred disciples.

Although there are independent dormitories, the living environment of one room next to another is average.

But Xu Fei didn't care about this. After closing the door, he couldn't wait to open the Five Aggregates Method and read it eagerly.

After reading all three Taoist methods, Xu Fei scratched his head.

The Five Aggregates method sounds a bit dangerous, as it uses the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys to absorb spiritual energy and then feed it back to oneself, but in fact it is the simplest and most stable among the three methods.

The difficulty of the Cave Spirit Method is slightly increased, but practicing this method and using various spells will be better than other types of Taoist methods.

As for Zhengzhen is indeed the most difficult of the three Taoist methods. Xu Fei read it twice but didn't understand it.

This is also reflected on the skill panel.

Five Aggregates Method【0/5】【0/3】

Cave Spirit Method【0/5】【0/1】

There is no real Dharma skills directly.

After Xu Fei thought for a while, he filled up the current levels of the Five Aggregates Method and the Cave Spirit Method.

A ray of realization rose from the bottom of Xu Fei's heart.

Although Xu Fei cannot directly obtain super strength after adding points to a skill. He still needs to practice and become proficient on his own, but as long as he adds points, his understanding of the corresponding skills will be completed.

It's also quite powerful.

With the understanding of the Five Aggregates Method and the Cave Spirit Method, Xu Fei still stumbled a bit when he read the Zhengzhen Method, but fortunately after reading it through again, he finally learned the Zhengzhen Method.

True Dharma【0/5】【0/1】

After learning the three Taoist techniques, Xu Fei turned to look out the window and saw that the sky was already dark.

I actually studied for more than ten hours without realizing it.

After touching his dry belly, Xu Fei could only sigh and go to rest first after thinking about it.

The next day, Xu Fei came to the dining hall to eat early.

Then I felt like I had forgotten something.

After thinking for a moment, he remembered that there was another person whom he had placed at the inn outside the Lecture Hall.

While there was still some time before the lecture, Xu Fei went over to take a look.

Meiniang stayed at the inn obediently and did not escape.

This made Xu Fei quite satisfied.

He handed Meiniang some silver coins, and then hurriedly returned to the Lecture Hall.

Today's lecture is still less than an hour.

And the teaching did not leave after the lecture.

"Do you have any questions during practice?" the teacher said.

Apparently, time was left for the disciples to ask questions.

As soon as the instructor finished speaking, someone immediately stood up and asked about the problems they encountered.

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