Chapter 133, Doctor

Xu Fei relied on his medical skills at first to make his life smooth. Later, he relied on his medical skills to support his wife, concubines and children.

It also allowed Xu Fei to get through the novice period, which is the most dangerous period.

Now it can ease his financial constraints.

It can only be said that medical skills are indeed the most valuable skill Xu Fei learned.

However, after thinking about it, Xu Fei did not rush to apply for a job at a medical clinic.

After all, he had just arrived and didn't know much about the situation in Immortal City. If he made any taboos while being ignorant, it would be more harm than good.

After briefly confirming two medical clinics that could be used as alternatives, Xu Fei returned to the Lecture School.

In fact, if Xu Fei didn't want to gain proficiency points by spreading branches and leaves, Xu Fei would not have spent a lot of money to live in the Lecture Hall with free food and accommodation.

You can completely ignore external affairs and practice seriously.

But there are gains and losses.

Xu Fei relied on plug-ins to gain far greater convenience than others, so he had to make concessions because of some aspects of the plug-ins.

After having dinner in the cafeteria, Xu Fei found his tutor.

He told his teacher that he wanted to live outside.

Teaching is no surprise.

Currently, less than half of the disciples live in the lecture hall.

Disciples with certain conditions will live outside.

"Okay." The instructor agreed.

"Thank you for the teaching." Xu Fei said.

Then he left the lecture hall and returned to his own courtyard.

Although the money he gave was not much, Meiniang still simply cleaned up the small courtyard.

It is already habitable.

Xu Fei would naturally not be polite.

‘A very hard-working branching operation, proficiency value +7’

‘A very hard-working branching operation, proficiency value +7’

Start steadily gaining proficiency points again.

The next day, Xu Fei came to the Lecture School early.

After listening to the teachings explaining various cultivation knowledge, Xu Fei thought about it and found Zhou Yan.

The other party is able to thrive in the lecture hall, so he must have some skills.

"I haven't heard that there are any taboos in medical clinics in Immortal City." Zhou Yan was a little surprised when he heard Xu Fei asked.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Zhou," Xu Fei said.

"Junior brother, you're welcome. How about it? Why don't you come over tonight and let's discuss the Tao together?" Zhou Yan said.

Xu Fei chuckled when he heard the invitation.

"Senior brother, this is too much praise for me. I just practiced yesterday. How about I wait until I have practiced for a period of time before discussing the Tao with all the senior brothers?"

"This... okay." Zhou Yan said.

After Xu Fei listened to the lecture, he returned to his small courtyard and practiced the five aggregates method.

With practice and listening to teachings and explanations, the Five Aggregates Method has been upgraded very quickly, and it is now at level 1 and level 5.

At this rate, level 2 level 49 is just around the corner.

I just don’t know if the skills related to spiritual cultivation will also be stuck at the upper limit of level 2, level 49.

The other reason is because of the training time.

Previously, Xu Fei practiced ten hours a day, and it was estimated that he might need half a month to a month to convert his innate inner strength into magic power.

But now he can only practice for one and a half hours at a time.

Therefore, after adding and subtracting like this, it would take Xu Fei more than three months to convert his whole body's innate inner energy into magic power.

This left Xu Fei speechless.

Others can usually turn their innate inner strength into magic power in about five days.

But it takes him twenty times more time.

It seems that the internal energy is too strong, and not everything is a good thing.

Soon, after today's hour and a half of practice, Xu Fei opened the panel and took a look.

The upper limit of the five aggregates method has been raised to level 1 and level 6.

This made Xu Fei happy and he filled it up casually.

Higher level skills really help the process of transforming Xu Fei's innate inner energy into mana.

As for why Xu Fei was able to increase the level of the Five Aggregates Technique so quickly.

In addition to the various cultivation knowledge that Xu Fei used himself and combined with his teachings, it is also related to the fact that there are certain similarities between the cultivation of the five aggregates method and internal strength.

Xu Fei had practiced dozens of internal skills before, and now he is practicing the Five Aggregates method, which is naturally more powerful than a tiger.

After taking a short rest, Xu Fei came to the first medical clinic.

This hospital is only a hundred meters away from the small hospital he just bought, and it is also Xu Fei's preferred choice.

After some inquiries, I found out that this medical clinic does not recruit doctors at all...

Let Xu Fei come out helplessly and go to the next medical clinic.

However, this medical clinic was recruiting doctors, and after conducting a certain examination on Xu Fei, they decided to hire Xu Fei.

"Shopkeeper, I am a disciple of the Lecture School. I need to attend lectures in the morning. I wonder if I can only come in the afternoon?" Xu Fei said.

The shopkeeper was fifty years old and had a goatee. After hearing what Xu Fei said, he couldn't help but take a look at Xu Fei.

He really didn't realize that the young man in front of him was actually a monk!

Although he may not be able to truly join the Immortal Sect in the future, the other party is not comparable to ordinary people.

"In this case, your wages will be discounted." The shopkeeper said.

"This is natural." Xu Fei said.

A penny can stump a heroic man. Although Xu Fei is not a hero, if he has no money, his progress in obtaining proficiency points will be affected.

After all, you can’t take Meiniang back to the lecture hall and spread her wings in a single dormitory, right?

"In that case, you are tentatively appointed as a second-class doctor, with a monthly salary of one hundred taels. Since you are only here for half a day, you will only get half of the fifty taels. However, after the prescription is written, the five-cent dividend will remain unchanged. What do you think?" After thinking for a moment, the shopkeeper gave his conditions.

Fifty taels of silver is really not that small.

After all, this is fifty thousand copper coins.

But the key is that the price level here in Fairy City is a bit ridiculously high.

Just an ordinary room in the inn costs half a tael of silver.

In other words, Xu Fei's basic salary for one month is only enough to stay in an inn for three months, and this does not take into account food and drink.

However, after thinking about it, Xu Fei was ready to agree.

Look at the specific income to make the best plan. After all, after the prescription is issued, the five-cent dividend of the drug price, which is 5%, should also be an income.

"Thank you, shopkeeper." Xu Fei said.

In this Qiji Medical Clinic, doctors are divided into five levels.

The first, second, and third grades treat ordinary people, while the fourth and fifth grades treat monks.

However, it is not actually about treating diseases, because after practicing to a certain level, monks are basically free from all diseases.

But they will be injured, poisoned, etc., so the fourth and fifth-level doctors are almost exclusively responsible for treating various injuries of the monks.

After thanking the shopkeeper again, Xu Fei returned to his small courtyard.

The next day I got up early and went to the Lecture Hall for dinner.

The main focus is frugality and careful budgeting.

After all, the price of goods in Fairy City and the cost of a meal made Xu Fei feel quite miserable.

Then go to the lecture hall to listen to the lecture.

At about 9:30 in the morning, the teaching ended.

But the mood of teaching today is probably not beautiful.

There was no time left for them to ask questions and answer questions.

Xu Fei saw other people getting up and leaving, and did not continue to sit still. He returned to his residence to complete today's practice. After taking a rest, he went to Qiji Medical Center to start his first day of work in Immortal City.

Although the fairy city is more than ten thousand miles away from the spiritual land, there is no difference in the names of the medicinal materials.

However, some of the medicinal materials are unique to the spiritual realm, and their effects vary depending on the spiritual power.

Xu Fei doesn't dare to use it randomly at the moment.

So after checking the names and effects of some commonly used medicinal materials, Xu Fei officially started the consultation.

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