Chapter 134, hard life

At the end of the day, Xu Fei completed diagnosis and treatment for more than 20 patients.

Calculated based on the five-cent dividend for prescribing a prescription, it should be almost half a tael of silver.

So if Xu Fei doesn't take a break for a month, plus his basic salary, his monthly income will actually be about sixty-five taels.

This income...

It sounds pretty good at first.

You can buy a small courtyard every year.

But in fact it is very ordinary, after all, who can live without eating and drinking.

After the hospital closed, Xu Fei returned to his residence.

Meiniang has already prepared dinner.

He is obviously very good at housekeeping, laundry and cooking.

"How did you get sold to the dental shop?" Xu Fei asked after picking up his job.

Meiniang pursed her lips upon hearing this.

"To treat my mother."

Xu Fei paused while picking up the vegetables, which was a bit...

"I'm a doctor, take me back tomorrow to have a look." Xu Fei said.

Meiniang became obedient after following him, but he didn't mind solving some troubles for Meiniang so that she could be more obedient to him.

Hearing Xu Fei's words, Meiniang's eyes widened.

Then nodded slightly.

The next day, after Xu Fei came back from the hospital, he was led by Meiniang and went further and further into the countryside. The more he walked, the more shabby the houses around him became.

This made Xu Fei frown.

The scale of the fairy city is huge.

It surrounds the Linglong Fairy Mountain, which is nearly 20,000 miles away.

The actual area is really not small.

Monks, ordinary people, and immortal disciples like him live here together.

But I didn't expect that there would be such a shantytown-like place in the fairy city.

Soon, Xu Fei followed Meiniang to her home.

"Sister!" A girl of thirteen or fourteen years old looked at Mei Niang with surprise on her face.

Meiniang also had a smile on her face when she saw her sister.

"Where's your mother?"

"Mom is in the house." Meiniang's sister turned to look at Xu Fei, and then looked at the medicine box in Xu Fei's hand.

I guessed that this might be the doctor my sister hired for my mother.

Meiniang looked back at Xu Fei and then opened the door.

In the room, the environment was a bit dark.

Xu Fei did not dislike it and treated Meiniang's mother who was lying in the hospital bed.

"Ahem~ Ximei~ Ahem~ It's... it's mom... I'm sorry for you." Mei Niang's mother's face was full of guilt and pain.

The eldest daughter actually sold herself into a dental shop in order to treat her.

This left her as a mother with only despair.

Seeing that her mother's condition was not improving, Meiniang looked at her sister.

"Mom, mother said her illness is incurable..." Meiniang's sister said with a panic look on her face.

Meiniang's heart twitched when she heard this, and she couldn't help but shed tears.

Obviously, he also understood that his mother wanted to save money for his sister.

After completing the diagnosis and treatment for Meiniang's mother, Xu Fei wrote a prescription, then went to grab the medicine and came back, giving it to Meiniang to cook.

"Thank you, thank you sir." Meiniang's mother said gratefully.

Xu Fei nodded, then left the hut, leaving the place to the mother and daughter.

After some whispering, Meiniang's mother learned that her daughter had been sold to the doctor who had just treated her.

This made Meiniang's mother really relieved.

Since the other party is willing to come for her diagnosis and treatment, he must obviously be quite good to his daughter.

"Ximei..." Meiniang's mother had a thousand words in her heart, but she didn't know how to say them. In the end, she could only sigh.

Soon the medicine was boiled.

Boil the medicine twice for one dose, mix the medicinal liquid obtained from the two times, and then divide it into two doses.

This is also how most medications are taken.

After drinking the medicine prescribed by Xu Fei, Mei Niang's mother's condition improved somewhat.

Xu Fei left some money for Meiniang's mother and sister, and then returned to the courtyard at night.

"Master." Back in the room, when Xu Fei was about to rest, Meiniang suddenly knelt down in front of Xu Fei.

"Thank you, thank you." Mei Niang said with tears in her eyes.

If Xu Fei hadn't asked about her situation and offered to help treat her mother, I'm afraid her mother wouldn't have survived for a few days.

Xu Fei helped Mei Niang up and then took her into his arms.

"Don't cry, everything will be fine." Xu Fei comforted.

"Well, yes." Meiniang cried and laughed.

The next day, Xu Fei came back from the Lecture School.

After thinking for a moment, I was ready to practice some cave spirit techniques.

From the Lecture School of Linglong Immortal Sect, Xu Fei obtained the three fundamental Taoist methods, the 'Five Yun Dharma', the 'Dongling Dharma' and the 'Zhengzhen Dharma'.

These three kinds of Taoist Dharma and Five Aggregates are the physical Taoist Dharma, the cave-spirit Dharma is the Dharma Cultivation Dharma, and the Zhenzhen Dharma is the divine Taoist Dharma.

Each is different.

Although the three Taoist methods can be practiced to increase one's power and improve one's merits, the Five Aggregates method of physical cultivation will mainly focus on close combat in the future, while the Cave Spirit method of Dharma cultivation will be various mysterious Taoist methods such as metal, wood, earth, water, fire, thunder, wind, and ice. The law is against the enemy, and the Zhengzhen method of divine cultivation has unique miraculous abilities in the use of magic weapons, talismans, puppets, etc.

Of course, this does not mean that physical practitioners who practice the Five Aggregates method cannot use spells and magic weapons, practitioners who practice the Cave Spirit Method cannot fight and use magic weapons, or spiritual practitioners who practice the Zhenzhen method cannot fight and use magic weapons.

It's just like in the game, the attribute points of the game character are obviously biased towards the strength attribute, but they still want to use various spells that are linked to damage and mana attributes for output.

Get twice the result with half the effort.

Putting aside his distracting thoughts, Xu Fei began to try out the Spirit Cave Technique for the first time.

As he circulates his innate inner energy and adjusts his breathing, wisps of spiritual energy are absorbed into his body.

Although there are no spiritual veins here in the fairy city, and the house Xu Fei lives in is ordinary, and there is no formation such as the spirit gathering array to gather spiritual energy, the naturally scattered spiritual energy between heaven and earth is enough for Xu Fei's current practice.

However, when his merits are higher in the future, Xu Fei may have to make some arrangements.

But that's all for later.

As long as it doesn’t delay your current practice, that’s fine.

As he used the Cave Spirit Method, Xu Fei gradually realized its difference from the Five Aggregates Method.

The five-aggregate method uses the internal organs to absorb spiritual energy, and then nourishes the whole body.

The principle of Dongling is that after the spirit enters the body with the breath, it is pulled by the innate internal energy, travels throughout the body, and circulates through the meridians to warm and nourish the orifices.

Although practicing these two fundamental Tao methods can improve one's skills and strengthen one's body, the methods are quite different.

No wonder one is practicing physical cultivation and the other is practicing Dharma.

Xu Fei could already imagine that after he succeeded in practicing the Five Aggregates method, his magic power would surge, his whole body's Qi and blood would be strong, and his punches would be as fierce as thunder.

After practicing the Cave Spirit Technique, the magic power flows throughout the body, waving the clouds and spreading rain with the wave of the hand, and wind and fire follow the movement and stillness.

This made Xu Fei wonder what it would be like to achieve spiritual cultivation through true cultivation.

Thousands of swords fired together?

Thinking of this, Xu Fei put aside his distracting thoughts and continued practicing.

In the blink of an eye, Xu Fei stopped practicing.

When practicing the Five Aggregates method, he could only practice it for about an hour and a half.

The time to practice the Cave Spirit Technique is almost the same.

However, because the level of the Cave Spirit Technique is slightly lower, the innate inner strength is affected by the spiritual machine, and the speed of conversion into mana is slightly slower.

Fortunately, the level of the Cave Spirit Technique has increased to a level limit with real practice.

Cave Spirit Method【0/5】【3/4】

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