Chapter 135, making money

In fact, to be precise, the statement that 'innate internal energy is converted into magical power' is not very accurate.

Because inner strength is just a special kind of strength similar to 'strength' that is nourished after the body becomes strong.

It is usually contained in qi, blood, muscles, bones, and flesh, and can be adjusted according to the mind.

This is also the main reason why internal strength is said to be similar to ‘strength’.

And as the inner strength continues to improve, or there is a chance, the inner strength will undergo strange changes.

When the change is completed, it is innate.

It is also this inner energy that can be used to convert spiritual ideas after becoming innate.

Therefore, innate inner strength is undoubtedly the foundation of spiritual practice for those who do not have Tao roots.

However, after starting to practice, the innate inner strength was affected by spiritual inspiration and changed again.

This process looks like the innate inner energy is transformed into mana by the influence of inspiration.

But in fact, it is 'the innate internal energy is affected by spiritual intelligence', and then the affected innate internal energy is dispersed in the blood, flesh, muscles, bones and organs to nourish and refine the body.

After the body is nourished and refined, the innate internal energy that has been mobilized gradually transforms into magic power.

It is not a process of 'innate inner energy - mana', but 'innate inner energy is affected by the spiritual power of heaven and earth - the affected innate inner energy nourishes and refines the body - the cultivated body mobilizes innate inner energy that is closer to mana'.

Then until the innate inner strength is completely transformed into magic power, Xu Fei can call himself a monk!

All the innate warriors in the Lecture School come to Linglong Immortal Sect to seek enlightenment, and the process of converting their innate inner energy into magic power is basically faster.

Generally, the transformation can be completed in as fast as five days or as slowly as ten days.

But it is a pity that because Xu Fei's innate inner energy is too strong, it can also be said that his body is above average, and the training difficulty is much higher. Judging from his current progress, it will basically take more than three months, maybe even four. It takes months to complete the conversion.

It can only be said that there are gains and losses.

Had lunch.

Xu Fei came to Qiji Medical Center and started working.

After diagnosing and treating the patient and prescribing medicine, Xu Fei couldn't help but turn his head to look at the two doctors treating the monk.

These two people are almost the same as the leisurely people he used to be at Master's Medical Clinic, Jixiangtang, and Huangji Medical Clinic.

So Xu Fei thought about finding some medical books on healing monks to learn from.

Not to mention the higher salary, Xu Fei was quite envious of this leisure.

Soon, it was time to get off work.

Xu Fei found a bookstore and prepared to buy medical books related to treating the monk's injuries.

But after hearing the price, Xu Fei couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Ordinary medical books cost tens or dozens of taels of silver. Although they are relatively expensive, they are still acceptable. However, the prices of medical books about monks have skyrocketed.

It’s just a ‘Treatment of Common Injuries Among Monks’, which sounds like such an ordinary medical book.

The price was as high as two thousand three hundred taels of silver! !

This price made Xu Fei no longer even think about the price.

They can only retreat home in defeat.

The next day, Xu Fei came to the lecture hall to listen to the lecture.

The lecture lasted for almost an hour. After answering a few people's questions, he stood up and left.

"Junior brother, what's the inconvenience?" Zhou Yan came over and asked.

Xu Fei was stunned when he heard this: "Why did senior brother say that?"

Zhou Yan was silent for a moment: "I heard someone say, junior brother, are you a doctor in a medical hospital?"

"Yes, it's the Qiji Medical Clinic in the west." Xu Fei said.

When Zhou Yan saw Xu Fei being so calm, he immediately knew that he had been overly concerned and couldn't help but chuckle.

"Junior brother, if you are short of money, just ask, but if you have more, don't dare to say anything. I can still get three thousand five thousand taels of silver," Zhou Yan said.

Hearing what Zhou Yan said, Xu Fei expressed his gratitude.

However, he had no intention of borrowing money from the other party.

Although the other party said it lightly, the two of them had only known each other for a few days.

If he spoke rashly, it would be fine if the other party was willing to borrow it. If he refused to lend it because he didn't have so much money at the moment, wouldn't Xu Fei lose all his face?

And Xu Fei also has some ideas on how to make money.

After a brief chat, Xu Fei left.

Zhou Yan stood there and looked at Xu Fei's leaving figure, and couldn't help scratching his chin.

Why does he feel that the other party seems to be wary of him?

Could it be that he did something wrong somewhere?

Xu Fei left the lecture hall and returned to the small courtyard to start practicing the five aggregates method.

It's not that Xu Fei doesn't want to try the Zhengzhen method.

It is the Zhengzhen method, which belongs to the divine cultivation method. It is the most difficult among the three methods. Even now, Xu Fei has no confidence in practicing it successfully.

Let’s talk about it later.

After lunch, Xu Fei came to Qiji Medical Center and found the shopkeeper after thinking for a while.

"Doctor Xu, what's the matter?" the shopkeeper said.

He has seen the other party's performance in the past few days. His medical skills are superb, and he may be promoted to a third-class doctor in a few years.

"I'm also good at men's medicine, but the price is a little expensive, five hundred taels of silver a time." Xu Fei said.

If you want to make money, you naturally have to start with men.

Not shabby.

Hearing Xu Fei's words, the shopkeeper was a little surprised.

He could understand that Xu Fei was short of money, but he was somewhat surprised that Xu Fei dared to offer such a high price.

Think about it and reach out.

"Doctor Xu, then, take a look at it for me first?"

Xu Fei knew that the shopkeeper was testing himself before deciding whether to help.

So naturally I didn’t refuse.

After checking the pulse for a moment, Xu Fei prescribed the medicine.

The shopkeeper took the prescription and couldn't help but nodded when he saw the good words.

Good writing.

He looked at the prescription again, and after thinking for a moment, his eyes showed surprise.

The prescription is also good.

"Okay, okay! Mr. Yu, bring me five hundred taels of silver!" The shopkeeper praised and planned to give the money.

"Thank you for the compliment, shopkeeper, but you don't need the money, right?" Xu Fei declined.

"You want it, this recipe is very beneficial to me. Five hundred taels of silver is worth it." The shopkeeper said.

The prescription Xu Fei prescribed was not just for that aspect, but a comprehensive tonic prescription for his personal situation.

Not to mention other aspects, with this prescription, the shopkeeper feels that he can probably live a few more years.

"Then I feel guilty." Xu Fei said.

The shopkeeper smiled softly.

Easily making his first pot of gold, Xu Fei praised his idea of ​​making money.

Go back and continue to diagnose and treat patients.

But when work was about to end, the shopkeeper came over.

"Doctor Xu, are you free to come with me for medical consultation?"

"Of course I'm free." Xu Fei said.

He only has 500 taels in hand now, which is still far behind if he wants to buy the 'Treatment of Common Injuries for Monks' which sells for 2,300 taels.

Soon, Xu Fei followed the shopkeeper to a quite wealthy family.

Enter through the side door.

Then come to the study room.

In the study, a man in his forties was sitting behind the desk and writing.

Sensing Xu Fei and the shopkeeper approaching, he put down the brush in his hand.

"Thank you, doctor." The other party said politely.

Xu Fei bowed his hand and began to treat the other party without asking any other questions.

After a while, Xu Fei frowned slightly.

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