Chapter 144, Yu Yaobing

Just when Xu Fei was sighing.

Zhou Yan came over.

"Junior brother."

Zhou Yan couldn't help but regret that he gave up on winning over Xu Fei too early.

After all, who would have thought that this guy who had been unable to become a monk for a long time would actually become a spiritual doctor!

At the same time, Zhou Yan couldn't help but realize.

No wonder this boy's transformation into a monk is so slow. He is obviously focused on learning spiritual medicine.

Although this is stupid, because nothing is more important than one's own cultivation, but the other party has become a spiritual doctor.

This already has quite an identity.

At least you can earn a lot of money a month.

"Senior brother." Although he was a little ashamed of this person's character, Xu Fei would not say anything to his face.

Of course, this was only a superficial courtesy, and it was impossible for Xu Fei to make friends with him again.

"This guy is really awesome at Yao Bing." Sensing Xu Fei's alienation, Zhou Yan changed the subject with some embarrassment.

Thirteen-year-old Huajing Xiantian.

Even if the Linglong Immortal Sect controls 130,000 miles, such a vast territory is still quite rare.

There is a lot of innate talent. After all, who in the lecture hall at this moment is not innate?

There are also transformation realms. At least when Zhou Yan glanced over, there were several transformation realms.

And the reason why there are so few is because after the transformation warriors successfully transform into monks, they can almost directly pass the three-year test in the sect, so they basically go to the mountain gate to practice.

But when the terms thirteen, innate, and transformation are combined together, it becomes a bit exaggerated.

Is this girl's name Yu Yaobing?

Xu Fei looked at the girl again after hearing this.

She is wearing a light green dress, and her black hair is fixed on the top of her head with a wooden hairpin.

Sitting upright, listening to the instructions and taking notes from time to time, he was obviously very serious.


At this moment, a long and crisp sound came.

Hearing this crisp sound, Xu Fei turned his head and looked outside the lecture hall, but there were too many people and he couldn't see clearly what was going on.

However, after the teacher heard this crisp sound, he immediately straightened his clothes and hurriedly walked out of the lecture hall.

After a while, the teacher came in accompanied by a Taoist wearing a purple robe and holding a floating dust in his hand.

Behind the Taoist were two boys. One was holding a golden ling. Obviously, the crisp sound just now was caused by the golden ling in his hand. The other Taoist boy was holding a sword.

The sword is in its sheath. There are gems on the scabbard, and the hilt is equipped with long tassels.

Quite gorgeous.

After the purple-robed Taoist walked into the lecture hall, he glanced slightly and saw Yu Yaobing sitting in the front row.

He chuckled lightly and sat down in front of him.

"What's your name?" the purple-robed Taoist asked.

"Disciple Yu Yaobing, born in Greenland Green Forest Post House." After hearing this, the girl stood up quickly and said respectfully.

Although she didn't know who the Taoist in front of her was, but judging from the respectful appearance of the instructor, his status in the Linglong Immortal Sect was probably not low.

"What internal skills are you practicing?" The purple-robed Taoist asked again.

"I practice Jingming Gong, which is passed down from my family." The girl Yu Yaobing replied.

"Can I practice martial arts?" The purple-robed Taoist asked next.

"I practiced some boxing and kicking." Yu Yaobing was not impatient at all and still respected him.

The purple-robed Taoist nodded upon hearing this.

It's just that he was about to speak...

"Hey! Mr. Gong, stay here, you guy!" As the voice fell, an old man in his fifties dressed in gray hurried over.

The purple-robed Taoist couldn't help but frown slightly when he saw the old man.

It was obvious that the old man had some headaches.

When the old man saw Yu Yaobing, a smile appeared on his face.

"Little girl, are you willing to practice with me?"

Compared with the purple-robed Taoist who asked questions, this one was very straightforward.

Yu Yaobing looked at the purple-robed Taoist and then at the old man, with an unavoidable expression of hesitation.

But just when Yu Yao Bing was hesitating, several more monks who seemed to have extraordinary status in Linglong Immortal Sect came one after another.

This made Xu Fei's eyes get hot when he saw it.

I wonder if I would be so sought after if I showed my prominence?

"Stop arguing, or we'll have a fight, and the winner will take this girl into his sect!" A man in his forties wearing a helmet and armor looked at her with dismay.

Judging from his momentum, he is obviously very confident in his own strength.

"Tch~ barbaric, does being able to fight mean that you can teach your disciples?" The purple-robed Taoist shook off the dust in his hands with a look of disdain.

"How about you treat me?" The man turned around after hearing this.

"Draw lots!" Another person said suddenly.

Many people hesitated for a moment when they heard that this was entirely based on luck.

"Why don't you listen to the little girl's own opinion?" the old man in gray said with a smile.

After hearing this, everyone looked at Yu Yao Bing.

Facing the gazes of these highly skilled monks, Yu Yaobing felt quite pressured.

"This disciple plans to turn into a monk first and then make any calculations." Yu Yaobing said.

Hearing what the girl said, Xu Fei raised his eyebrows.

To be able to respond like this, especially at such an age, this woman is indeed extraordinary.

Hearing Yu Yaobing's words, the Linglong Immortal Sect monks who came to compete for Yu Yaobing's disciples were somewhat surprised.

However, after thinking about it, they all planned to respect Yu Yaobing's opinion.

Leave one after another.

With this commotion, the instructor was not in the mood to continue teaching and ended get out of class early.

Seeing this, Yu Yaobing also picked up the notes and left.

Only the remaining disciples in the hall were left.

"Is the person wearing the purple robe just now the elder of the sect?" A disciple and companion not far from Xu Fei said.

Xu Fei couldn't help but stop as he was preparing to leave, preparing to listen to these messages.

"That's the one. It is said that Elder Gong has been practicing Taoism for more than two hundred years, has more than three thousand pots of magic power, and is proficient in water magic!" His companions said with admiration and envy.

"Hey, have you seen the old man in gray? He is Elder Wei in the sect. His magic power is not weaker than Elder Gong, and he is proficient in fire spells!" Another person interjected.

"I would say that you are all ignorant of Mount Tai, but the man in armor is General Wu. With the gold and iron rod in his hand, he once killed a Howling Mountain Monster Tiger with one strike!" someone else said.

In a few moments, Xu Fei actually recognized several Linglong Immortal Sect monks who had just come over.

However, Xu Fei couldn't help scratching his chin when he heard that the purple-robed Taoist, Elder Gong, had been practicing for more than two hundred years and had more than three thousand pots of magic power.

I wonder how much magic power he will have after practicing for more than two hundred years in the future?

After listening to the chat for a while, Xu Fei saw that many people had left, so he stopped joining in the fun.

Go to the medical clinic.

Seeing that the medical clinic was not busy, Xu Fei thought about it and went to the shopkeeper, saying that he wanted to recruit a few apprentices.

The shopkeeper naturally welcomes Xu Fei's willingness to accept apprentices.

"Who did Doctor Xu like?" asked the shopkeeper.

"There is a candidate." Xu Fei said.

"Then I wonder if Dr. Xu can teach my mother-in-law's nephew?" the shopkeeper said with a smile.

"There is nothing you can't do." Xu Fei said, he accepted an apprentice and taught two apprentices.

Xu Fei didn't care.

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