Chapter 145, Five Aggregates Method

The drugstore clerk who reported Yu Yao Bing's news to Xu Fei yesterday felt that his mind was clouded when he was accepted as an apprentice by Xu Fei.

It really happened? !

The other guys who knew about his plight were filled with regret.

Who would have thought that such a trivial matter could win Doctor Xu's favor.

"What's your name?" Xu Fei asked his newly accepted apprentice.

"In reply to Doctor Xu, my name is Yang Siniu." The waiter said quickly.

Xu Fei nodded when he heard this, and then tested the young apprentice's medical skills.

Approximately between level 1, 5 and 8.

It’s no problem to diagnose and treat some minor illnesses.

After asking Yang Siniu about the medical books he had learned, Xu Fei picked a few medical books and asked him to memorize them.

In fact, gradually, Xu Fei also realized that his proficiency value was by no means simple.

Because Xu Fei can clearly remember the insights gained after upgrading skill levels through proficiency points, and there will be no mistakes or forgetting.

In fact, based on this alone, Xu Fei is already far ahead of many people.

"Yes, I must memorize it as soon as possible." Yang Siniu said.

Xu Fei gave instructions to Yang Siniu here, and the shopkeeper over there called his nephew who was resting at home today.

"Doctor Xu." Compared to Yang Siniu's excitement and respect, this one was much calmer.

After all, the shopkeeper is his uncle.

Even a doctor with excellent medical skills like Xu Fei is not much different from Yang Siniu in his eyes.

Xu Fei didn't care about this. He gave the other party a test as usual, and then found a few medical books to make him memorize them.

Generally speaking, the learning of medical skills is based on rote memorization, supplemented by the teachings of masters and elders, and then it is to diagnose and treat patients in person and accumulate experience.

As for what kind of achievements can be achieved in the future, it depends on the seriousness of those who learn medical skills on the one hand, and their talent on the other.

So Xu Fei is not sure what will happen to the two of them in the future.

But at present, the shopkeeper's nephew's medical skills are obviously higher.

It looks like it can reach around level 13 or 14.

Soon it was time to get off work, and Xu Fei went home.

Meiniang handed over an invitation.

Xu Fei looked at it and found that it was Zhou Yan who sent it. He said that he would hold a discussion with several disciples in a few days and invited Xu Fei Yunyun.

Xu Fei casually threw the invitation aside and had no intention of going there.

Xu Fei disliked Zhou Yan's behavior of being arrogant in front and respectful in back.

After dinner, Xu Fei came to the study.

Study the five aggregates method as usual.

There is a certain similarity between the five aggregates method and internal strength.

After all, it is physical cultivation of Taoism.

Therefore, relying on the experience of practicing dozens or hundreds of various types of internal skills in the past, we can adjust the five aggregates method to make it more suitable for ourselves. In other words, the progress of "personalization" is much faster than the Dongling method and Zhengzhen method.

After some consideration, Xu Fei simply focused on the Five Aggregates Method, preparing to break through it to the second level before practicing the Cave Spirit Method and Zhengzhen Method.

And with Xu Fei's efforts.

Finally, half a month later, the Five Aggregates Method was completed and it reached the second level.

Five Aggregates Method【5/10】【9/10】

But compared to Xu Fei's unknown progress.

The thirteen-year-old Yu Yaobing, who was born with a talent for transformation, is more eye-catching.

Only half a month passed, and Yu Yaobing successfully transformed his innate inner strength into magic power and became a monk.

And passed the three-year quiz.

Especially since Yu Yaobing had just become a monk, he actually had four pots of magic power!

This suddenly made some elders in the immortal sect who had not cared much about this girl become unable to sit still.

With such a talent, it would be a good thing if he could be named and taught well.

So in the end, there was a lot of fighting over whose name Yao Bing should take.

It's a pity that these struggles are destined to be in vain.

Because in the end, Master Hua of Tianyun Peak, one of the sixty-one peaks of Linglong Immortal Sect, came out personally and took Yu Yao Bing under his sect.

It sparked heated discussion for a while.

After all, that is the peak master!

A big shot second only to the leader!

His cultivation is unfathomable.

It is said that this Huafeng master has been practicing for nearly a thousand years, and his specific strength is no longer something ordinary monks can see.

Xu Fei couldn't help but think deeply after hearing the rumors that Master Huafeng had been practicing for thousands of years.

If the other party has advanced cultivation, he can live for thousands of years.

So is it possible that as long as the cultivation level is high enough, one can achieve immortality?

Thinking of this, even Xu Fei couldn't help but feel hot in his eyes.

After all, that’s immortality!

In previous lives, many emperors throughout the ages were obsessed with pursuing it and were given a mediocre evaluation.

Xu Fei is naturally not exempt from vulgarity.

But then Xu Fei shook his head and dismissed the distracting thoughts in his mind.

There are two taboos in practice: one is to avoid being anxious, and the other is to avoid being greedy for entry.

To think extravagantly about things that are far away from you is undoubtedly a taboo against trying to enter the country.

Fill up the newly improved level of Five Aggregates.

Xu Fei silently understood the feedback after the skill was improved.

All these gave Xu Fei a deeper understanding of the five aggregates method.

His previous practice of the Five Aggregates Method cannot be said to be wrong.

But let’s use an analogy: it’s the kind of clothes made from a unified pattern. Can you say it’s big? It's not big either. Would you say it's small? Not small either.

But it just doesn't fully fit your personal situation.

Xu Fei has been practicing for several months now, but his magic power has not increased much.

It has something to do with this.

However, Xu Fei has already completed today's homework, so it is not easy to continue practicing and feel the effect of the second-level five aggregates method.

After simply practicing the spell a few times, Xu Fei had lunch and came to the medical center to work.

As a spiritual doctor, although Xu Fei's status cannot be said to be very high, he is no longer just a disciple of the Linglong Immortal Sect, and he is nothing after leaving the Immortal Sect.

At least some students from the Lecture School have recently found Xu Fei and made a special effort to befriend him.

For these situations, Xu Fei could deal with them as much as he could.

A patient came to our door soon.

It was a monk whose arm was bitten by a poisonous insect.

If an ordinary person faced such an injury, he would not be able to seek medical treatment.

After all, to a monk, it is just pain, swelling and other poisonous injuries, which can be fatal to ordinary people.

After a diagnosis, Xu Fei determined the type of poisonous insect that bit the monk. Xu Fei first treated the wound of the poisoned monk and then prescribed medicine.

Complete diagnosis and treatment.

After watching the injured monk leave, Xu Fei looked at the two apprentices beside him.

Yang Siniu worked hard, and during this period he had almost memorized the medical books he had given.

However, Yang Chao, the nephew of the shopkeeper, did not work as hard as Yang Siniu.

But Xu Fei didn't say much.

Whether the other party likes to learn or not, what does it have to do with him?

The next day, Xu Fei got up early, came to the courtyard, stood still, and began to slowly operate the second and tenth level of the five aggregates method.

In terms of proficiency points, level 10 at the second level is equivalent to level 20 at the first level.

Compared with when Xu Fei was level 19 before, the gap is not very big.

But this is the level reached after completing ‘personalization’ and breaking through the small bottleneck.

So after practicing today, Xu Fei quickly noticed the difference from before.

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