Chapter 146, Secondhand Street

After the spiritual machine enters the body, it is guided and restrained by the advanced Five Aggregate Methods, and operates in a way that is more suitable for Xu Fei's own situation, and this undoubtedly makes Xu Fei's cultivation increase faster.

Xu Fei made a rough estimate in his mind and felt that the effect was at least twice as strong as when he was at level 19!

It was indeed a small bottleneck that took him a lot of effort to break through.

It would have taken him five or six months to increase his power by one-tenth of a pot, which is one moment of mana, but it only took him two or three months to achieve it.

And what if the skill level is higher?

Thinking of this, Xu Fei felt excited.

In fact, in terms of purely 'qualifications', Xu Fei is just average. Compared with other disciples who have achieved innate worship and entered Linglong Immortal Sect to seek enlightenment, he is undoubtedly inferior.

After all, without the help of plug-ins, it would be impossible for Xu Fei to achieve what he has achieved now.

Xu Fei will not deny this.

In the blink of an eye, the practice ended in less than an hour.

The skill level of Wuyun Technique has increased too fast, and Xu Fei's own magic power is too strong for his current situation.

This resulted in Xu Fei not being able to practice for too long to avoid burdening his body.

There are several ways to solve this situation. Some elixirs can protect the monk's body during practice and nourish the body, or wait until the level of the five aggregates method is higher, and the movement of magic power during practice will be more subtle, which can also alleviate it slightly. .

While thinking about it, Xu Fei stopped practicing, stood up, gathered his magic power, and practiced the Star Fighting Technique.

This strategy has three ways to allocate mana: attack, support, and movement.

Among them, attack is to use mana to increase strength, protection is to condense mana into the body to resist damage, and movement is even simpler, it is a light skill that uses mana to promote luck.

After all, the fighting method is a method of physical training, and even if the martial arts cannot be said to be completely in the same line, there are actually many similarities.

What's more, it is said that "internal strength" is the "body cultivation method" that was developed for people without Tao roots to be able to practice Taoism.

It's just that Xu Fei's residence is just an ordinary house after all, and it's not easy to use.

Just practice a little bit.

This is also the reason why the level of Tianxing War Technique has not improved much in recent times.

After practicing the Heavenly Star War Technique several times, Xu Fei switched to Five Elements Magic.

With the practice of Five Elements Magic, Xu Fei condensed gold, gathered earth, turned into water and fire, and spurred the branches of trees and vines faster and faster.

Maybe it can already be used when fighting people.

However, the power has yet to be verified.

In addition, although Zhengzhen Dharma is a divine cultivation method, Xu Fei never gave up practicing it, but he did not have a suitable magical weapon at hand.

In fact, the most representative form of spiritual cultivation is sword cultivation.

With his own profound skills and the constant cultivation of his sword, when sword cultivators compete with other monks, they can most of the time be proud of their opponents of the same level.

This is also the reason why the true method of spiritual cultivation is quite difficult, but Xu Fei did not give up and spent a lot of energy.

After completing a day of practice, Xu Fei strolled to the secondhand street after having lunch.

Today he was resting, so he thought about visiting the antique street.

Living in a fairy city is not easy.

Therefore, many people will sell some old things to supplement their household expenses.

All kinds of bits and pieces.

There may not necessarily be good things in it.

When Xu Fei has free time, he will come here to do some shopping. Even if he doesn't buy anything, he can still increase his knowledge.

Not far into the secondhand street, Xu Fei saw several swords on a stall on the roadside.

Xu Fei knelt down and took a look, leaving Xu Fei speechless.

The quality of these swords is much better than the Minglong Sword he always carries...

In fact, Xu Fei also learned during this time why the Minglong Sword can carry internal energy, and can repair hidden wounds on its own after being infused with internal energy.

Because the refining material of the Minglong Sword is a kind of weapon-making material called "pure iron".

Pure iron can carry mana, is solid and solid, and can also restore damage at the 'metal fatigue' level by absorbing mana. It is one of the more suitable materials for refining weapons, armor, etc.

The pure iron used to make the Minglong Sword is of poor quality, so it has a good effect of carrying internal energy.

Therefore, the Minglong Sword is a defective product for monks.

This made Xu Fei feel a little uncomfortable.

After all, he liked Minglongjian very much and even named it after all.

"A sword costs three hundred taels!" the stall owner said quickly when he saw Xu Fei looking at the swords he was selling.

This is still the price sold in Fairy City. If it were changed to other post houses, the price would probably be even cheaper.

Especially judging by the appearance of the stall owner, if you talk about the price, you may be able to reduce the price.

However, Xu Fei just nodded noncommittally, then stood up and left, not intending to buy these 'ordinary' swords again.

When wielding a sword, you can fly and shoot the sword with great sword energy.

But for Xu Fei now, there is no opponent he can defeat without these weapons, and with these weapons, it may not be easy.

And if it is an opponent that cannot be defeated, with these weapons, it is basically impossible to defeat it.

They cannot effectively enhance Xu Fei's current strength.

What's more, Xu Fei already has Minglong. Although the quality of these swords is inferior, it is not impossible to use.

So what are you buying it for?

"Oh, poor guy!" After Xu Fei walked away, the stall owner said with disdain.

Although Xu Fei heard it, he ignored it.

After all, it was really unnecessary to compete with such an unqualified housekeeper, but Xu Fei also secretly took note of the other party.

He wouldn't mind inflicting small punishments if given the opportunity in the future.

Continuing to walk into the secondhand street, Xu Fei saw an old bookstall after a while.

He knelt down and looked for a moment.

Several volumes of travel notes caught Xu Fei's attention.

After a brief look, I saw some customs recorded by a monk named ‘Shi Teng’.

This made Xu Fei quite interested, so he asked the stall owner and asked for one hundred taels of silver.

Xu Fei read a few more volumes of travel notes.

"It seems that there are seven volumes in the compilation. Why do you only have five here?" Xu Fei said.

The stall owner looked it over and shook his head.

"Only five. I don't know where the other two are."

Although Xu Fei was a little regretful that he couldn't get them all together, he still wanted these travel notes. He discussed the price with the stall owner, and finally the five copies of Shi Teng's travel notes were sold for forty taels.

In fact, if Xu Fei continues to talk about the price, the price can be lower, but Xu Fei can accept the price of forty taels.

Putting Shi Teng's travel notes into the wooden box given by the stall owner, Xu Fei took the wooden box and continued to wander.

There are a lot of old clothes, old furniture, etc. on the second-hand goods street, and people who come here to buy and exchange items are also crowded.

After walking for a while, Xu Fei saw a lively scene not far away, and after thinking about it, he walked over.

He came closer and listened to a few comments.

Xu Fei couldn't help but be surprised.

Because someone is actually selling wine.

Moreover, these three wine recipes are not ordinary wine recipes, but spiritual wines that can have some effect on monks.

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