Chapter 147, Liangjiang Jade Dew

"Wu Laosan, I don't know where you picked up these three kinds of wine recipes. I'll pay you a thousand taels for each kind! Sell me a total of three thousand taels!" A man said loudly.

"Impossible, this is the recipe for spiritual wine!" A man in his thirties with a square face shook his head repeatedly.

Obviously don't agree with this price.

"Hey, you sell it here today, and then sell it somewhere else tomorrow. Who knows how many times you will sell it!" someone watching the excitement shouted.

"Impossible! I won't do that! If my third son does that, he will have no butt to give birth to a son!" Wu Laosan immediately became anxious upon hearing this and swore on the spot.

As for what you said and what I said, no one really wanted to buy these three kinds of spiritual wine recipes.

Xu Fei scratched his chin and simply stepped forward.

"Can I see the wine recipe?"

Wu Laosan looked Xu Fei up and down, and after a moment's hesitation, he took out the wine recipe.

Xu Fei took a brief look at it. Although part of the recipe was covered, he was still roughly sure that it was the real spirit wine recipe.

"I wonder how much you want to sell it for?" Xu Fei said.

Seeing that Xu Fei really wanted to buy a drink, the others stopped making noises.

"One kind of wine recipe, ten spirit stones!" Wu Laosan hesitated and said a price.

Hearing such a price, Xu Fei couldn't help but hesitate.

After all, although the wine recipe is good, he still needs to save his spiritual stones to learn various cultivation-related skills such as alchemy, weapon making, talisman formations, etc.

So after thinking about it, Xu Fei could only return the wine.

Wu Laosan sold it for a long time, but when he saw that Xu Fei, a person who sincerely asked the price, was persuaded to leave by the price, he suddenly became anxious.

"How much money can sir give?" Wu Laosan asked.

"Three wine recipes together, ten spirit stones." Xu Fei said.

This price did not meet Wu Laosan's expectations.

"Sir, please add more." Wu Laosan said.

Xu Fei hesitated upon seeing this.

These three wine recipes are said to be three kinds of spiritual wine, but they are actually one kind.

Because after making the three kinds of spiritual wine contained in the wine recipe, and then blending them, you can get the 'Liangjiang Jade Dew' that has the effect of warming and nourishing the body.

If you only buy one kind of wine recipe, the effect of the spirit wine that can be prepared will be greatly reduced.

"Twelve spiritual stones." Xu Fei thought about it and added a little more to the price.

Wu Laosan thought for a moment after hearing this and agreed to the deal.

However, Xu Fei didn't have so many spiritual stones on him, so he returned home to withdraw his savings to pay the bill.

After buying the spirit wine recipe, Xu Fei didn't care whether Wu Laosan would continue to copy and sell these wine recipes. He might want to sell them or not.

He studied the wine recipe carefully.

Among the three wine recipes, the first requires sorghum wine as the base, supplemented by more than a dozen elixirs and medicinal materials.

The second type is based on wheat wine, supplemented by seven kinds of elixirs and medicinal materials.

Then the third type is based on corn wine to prepare medicinal wine.

Finally, these three prepared medicinal wines are mixed according to a certain proportion to get the final product, which is named "Liangjian Yulu" on the wine label.

The process is quite cumbersome.

But I did some research on the wine recipe.

Xu Fei unexpectedly discovered that there was an additional skill under the 'Skills' category on his skill panel.


This made Xu Fei's eyes light up.

Didn’t you expect that making wine can also be a skill?

After maxing out his wine-making skills, Xu Fei had some realizations in his heart, and when he looked at the wine recipe again, he felt a little more enlightened.

Moreover, the medical skill's clear understanding of the effects of various medicinal materials and elixirs also gave Xu Fei a better understanding of why the ingredients in the wine recipe were selected in this way.

After pondering for a while, Xu Fei went to practice various spells and rested.

The next day, Xu Fei came back from the medical clinic.

At the same time, they also brought back various wines, elixirs, and medicinal materials needed to prepare spiritual wine.

The total cost was more than one thousand four hundred taels of silver.

Of course it would be this price, and it was also because the shopkeeper gave the cost price when Xu Fei got the medicine from the medical clinic.

Otherwise, it would cost at least two thousand taels of silver to prepare a cold liquid and jade dew.

After some busy work, Xu Fei processed the ingredients according to the methods of handling elixirs and medicinal materials recorded in the wine recipes, and then soaked them in various wines.

What follows is waiting.

The next day, after Xu Fei completed his training, he was going to study the Cave Spirit Technique and break through it to the second level.

Someone comes to visit.

Xu Fei went out to greet him.

I found out that it was my senior brother Hu Tang who was in the Lecture School.

The man was about forty years old and had white hair, which was said to be caused by poisoning in the past.

Welcoming Hu Tang into the central hall.

"Junior brother, it's really fun." Along the way, Hu Tang couldn't help but chuckled when he saw Xu Fei's nice place to live.

"Senior brother, thank you for the award." Xu Fei said.

After a few more polite words, Xu Fei asked about the other party's intention.

"Nothing, I'm just going to hold a Tao seminar with several other brothers in a few days. I wonder if Junior Brother Xu is free?" Hu Tang said.

Xu Fei thought for a moment: "Thank you, senior brother, for the invitation. If I have the chance, I will definitely go."

"Hahaha, okay, I will wait for my junior brother then." Hu Tang said.

After chatting for a few more words, Hu Tang left.

Watching Senior Brother Hu leave, Xu Fei scratched his chin.

Although he can just work hard by himself and ignore external affairs, it would be good if he could listen to other people's practice experiences?

In fact, it was Xu Fei who couldn't break through to the second level for a long time regarding the Cave Spirit Method and the Zhengzhen Method, and he was inevitably a little frustrated.

I was thinking about looking for help from other sources.

Soon, the day came for the discussion.

Xu Fei completed his practice early and then came to the Tao discussion site.

The venue was borrowed from the courtyard of a senior brother’s home.

Pavilions, rockeries, rocks and water.

A leisurely one.

But Xu Fei arrived not too early.

Senior brothers from the Lecture School have already arrived.

It's just that Xu Fei rarely participated in such discussions in the past, and he didn't have much sense of presence in the Lecture School before.

So I don’t know many people well.

A small transparent one.

But Xu Fei didn't care and found a corner seat to sit down.

A moment later, when Hu Tang came over with several other disciples from the Lecture School, he couldn't help but feel happy when he saw Xu Fei sitting in the corner.

"Come with me, junior brother, why are you sitting here?" Hu Tang came over and enthusiastically took Xu Fei's arm and walked to the center together.

This made Xu Fei a little helpless.

You can tell from the layout of the courtyard that the pavilion in the middle is the center of this discussion.

The further toward the middle, the more eye-catching it is.

He came here today just to listen to other people's practice experiences, and he didn't want to be so conspicuous.

Others couldn't help but be surprised when they saw that Hu Tang was quite attracted to Xu Fei.

After asking a few questions, I found out that Xu Fei was actually a spiritual doctor.

Some of them looked disdainful. After all, if monks like us are not brave, diligent and enterprising, but instead focus on other things, how stupid would it be? !

Some are thoughtful and wonder if they have also made good friends with each other.

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