Chapter 155, Five Elements Magic

After resting for a while, his mana was fully restored, and Xu Fei began to try out the Mu Xing spell.

Although it was occasionally used at home in the past, it was not fully enjoyable.

That's why Xu Fei took advantage of his break today to come to the performance hall and play some tricks.

Naturally, it won't end in a few moments.

Compared with the spells of the metal element and the water element, the spells of the wood element can create trees, vines, shrubs and grass.

Therefore, together with earth-moving magic, it is the first choice of minor spells for monks who specialize in formations.

Of course, there are some array mages who choose to study gold magic, but not many.

It is even rarer for formation mages to choose ice spells as a minor in special attributes.

Condensing his distracting thoughts, Xu Fei gathered his magic power with his left hand.

After a moment, a bead the size of an egg emitting green light was condensed in Xu Fei's hand.

When the form of the 'bead' stabilized, Xu Fei pushed it into the ground with his backhand.

And under Xu Fei's continuous control.

After the green bead sank a few meters downward, it suddenly swam forward quickly.

Even if he is underground, surrounded and buried by soil, there is no way to stop him.

But at the same time, Xu Fei's mana and charm condensed on the green bead were also quickly consumed.

Especially when the 'Green Bead' occasionally passes by objects made of other materials such as stones, its mana will be consumed faster.

So in the end Xu Fei moved the green bead in the soil for more than thirty meters and stopped.

Then control the green beads to float.

When it was about one meter away from the ground.

Xu Fei suddenly activated the remaining mana in the green bead.


A vine as thick as an arm broke through the ground and swaggered out!

Then because the mana was exhausted, the entire vine collapsed and turned into spiritual energy, leaving only a fist-sized hole in the ground drilled by the vine.

Although there are other ways to use Mu Xing Spell, Xu Fei only knows this one at the moment.

After condensing a few more green beads, after some practice, Xu Fei condensed branches, flowers, plants, etc. at will.

The practice of Mu Xing Spell was suspended.

Next, start practicing fire spells.

Compared with the ease of using only one hand to promote luck when using the three types of metal, water, and wood spells, Xu Fei was much more cautious when using fire spells.

The two hands carefully echoed left and right, and then slowly condensed the flame.

As Xu Fei activated his magic power, a ball of flame condensed between his hands.

And as Xu Fei activated more mana, the fire ball grew larger and more intense.

But Xu Fei was more cautious.

Because this thing will explode if you're not careful! !

There are many monks who first practice fire magic and become disgraced in the end.

Fortunately, Xu Fei was not so unlucky, and the condensed fire ball stabilized quickly.

Xu Fei carefully urged his luck, and the fire ball swayed slightly and flew out, not very fast.

Then Xu Fei's thoughts moved, and the fire ball turned left and right and flipped up and down according to his control.

Finally, after the rhyme was exhausted, it disintegrated into the inspiration of heaven and earth.

Using fire spells to condense fire balls is a good choice for pursuit and self-defense.

Of course, this is because Xu Fei's current magic power is not high, and his mastery of fire spells is not deep.

If the skill is advanced, the flames catalyzed by the fire spell will sweep everything around and burn very fiercely.

Four or five out of ten monks who choose the Dharma cultivation lineage will major in the fire element, which shows their power.

A few more flames gathered for a trial.

Xu Fei stopped.

Before, he didn't dare to try out fire spells at home.

After all, if there was an explosion, the home might be gone.

Today is the real trial of the slightly more powerful fire spell.

Overall, it is quite good.

The last one is earth magic.

Compared with spells of other elements, earth element spells are not as sharp and solid as metal elements, nor are they as agile and changeable as water elements, nor are they as cunning and cunning as wood elements, not to mention the explosive power of fire elements.

But it is the most profound among the Five Elements spells.

Moreover, when promoting earth-moving magic, one can also borrow the endless soil from the ground beneath his feet.

Therefore, earth magic is mostly used for protection.

Facing the invasion of water and fire spells, by condensing towering earth walls, a certain degree of protection and resistance can be achieved, and the effect is good.

As Xu Fei gathered his khaki mana with his hands, he squatted down and pressed on the ground.

The next moment, an earthen wall about one meter thick and ten meters wide suddenly jumped from the ground, rising to a height of four or five meters before stopping to stabilize.

Xu Fei only spent two pots of mana to build such a large protective earth wall.

This is also one of the greatest advantages of earth magic.

You can use the soil of the ground under your feet to thicken the spell effect and save your own mana.

Especially the maintenance of this earth wall does not cost much mana and charm.


This is another advantage of earth magic.

Once it is solidified, even with Xu Fei's current level, as long as it does not suffer a huge impact, this earth wall can survive for half a day or a day without any problem.

And looked at the earthen wall in front of him.

Xu Fei jumped up.

Although the height of four or five meters is less than two floors, what you step on is something you condensed in an instant.

So Xu Fei felt quite strange when he looked around.

After observing the earth wall for a while, Xu Fei jumped down and came to the side of the earth wall.

Facing a width of about one meter, it suddenly fit and hit it again.

The defensive style of Tianxing's battle method was also blessed by Xu Fei.

If it weren't for the guard-style protection, Xu Fei wouldn't have water in his head and would want to fight against the thick and solid earth wall in front of him with his body.

"Bang~" There was a muffled sound.

Xu Fei, who used the same two pots of mana to protect himself, knocked a large piece of the earth wall apart, and the collapsed part was close to one-fifth of the earth wall.

The earthen walls are crumbling.

If the attack style of Tianxing's tactics is used, the two pots of mana are also activated, and if the earth wall is hit head-on, the earth wall will collapse with one blow.

This makes the protective effect of this earth wall formed by earth spells seem somewhat insufficient, but it is quite effective in blocking water and fire spells.

Therefore, each of the Five Elements spells has its own advantages and disadvantages.

It cannot be generalized.

He also built an earthen wall and used the Five Elements spells and the Star Wars in turn.

Xu Fei was panting from exhaustion.

If he used martial arts, etc., even if he fought for several days and nights, Xu Fei would not be so exhausted.

But apart from the fire spells, Xu Fei's current level of spells with several other spells are not as effective as martial arts.

But the consumption is not much at all.

Xu Fei died before the four-hour rental time for the performance venue.

It can only be said that the magic power of Qihu cannot be said to be profound.

After a short rest, Xu Fei recovered a little and returned to the fairy city by carriage.

After going back and forth, Xu Fei gained more insight and understanding of the use of various spells.

It's not a waste of effort.

And from now on at home, I can relax a little and practice spells other than fire.

In the blink of an eye, several days passed.

Xu Fei thought about it for a while, found the shopkeeper, and asked him to help find a wine shop for him.

Learn the art of brewing various types of wine.

This is not to say that there is something wrong with Xu Fei's brain and that he does not need to practice in his spare time to make wine, but that he intends to improve his wine-making skills.

Brewing spiritual wine in the future will also have better results.

Find a second source of income for yourself besides medical skills.

This also prevents the lack of money from slowing down the progress when learning the alchemy, weapon-making, and talisman formations in the future.

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