Chapter 156, Practice

After all, money is very obvious and effective in helping practice.

Xu Fei would drink less than half a catty of second-grade cold syrup and jade dew these days.

But even so, it increased his practice time from almost fifty minutes to about seventy minutes.

An increase of nearly half!

If you do this for one day, there will be four extra days of practice in ten days!

That’s about ten extra days in a month!

It looks inconspicuous, but can it withstand the wear and tear of water over time?

So while Xu Fei is currently taking care of his cultivation, he is still more concerned about making money.

I am going to work out the alchemy method that is most helpful to practice first and see the effect.

Another day off, Xu Fei returned home after a busy day at the wine shop.


Seeing that the upper limit of the wine making skill has been increased, Xu Fei nodded with satisfaction and topped it up.

Then, with Yue Jiao taking care of her, she changed into the clothes she used to work in the wine shop.

"Master, you are a spiritual doctor, how come you work in a winery?" Yue Jiao asked curiously.

With daily contact, this young man from Wanhualou, who originally only wanted to win favors and flattery, gradually fell in love with Xu Fei.

This man will not look down upon her because of her origin.

Although she occasionally entertained bad thoughts, just treating her as a 'human being' was enough to make Yue Jiao heartbroken.

After all, when she realized that she was a human being, and that she was also a "person" who was quite favored by her master, Yue Jiao was stunned.

Because she didn't even know how to face such a situation.

Cry? It's obviously a good thing.

Are you laughing? But how could she laugh after all the upbringing and information she had received in the past?

However, as she understood Xu Fei's thoughts and behavior, Yuejiao finally took off a layer of shackles and regained the youthful beauty of a girl between women.

After all, Yue Jiao is only eighteen years old this year.

Each time he spreads his branches, he gains proficiency points. Although it is a plug-in function, it also makes Xu Fei very fond of his women.

So Yue Jiao can live a happy life and is no longer as cautious as before, and Xu Fei is naturally satisfied.

And now Yuejiao is even more beautiful.

He took Yue Jiao into his arms and held her slim waist.

"Want to know?" Xu Fei said with a smile.

Upon seeing this, Yue Jiao immediately understood that the master was having bad ideas again, but she also wanted to know why Xu Fei went to work in the winery.

After a moment of hesitation, he nodded.

Xu Fei smiled again and waved to Yue Jiao to bring her ear closer.

Yue Jiao approached obediently.

Xu Fei first tasted the delicate little ears, and then murmured a few words in a low voice.

Yue Jiao suddenly turned red with embarrassment.

"Master..." Yue Jiao said reluctantly.

Seeing that Xu Fei seemed to have made up his mind not to agree to the shameful request, he didn't say why he went to the wine shop.

Yue Jiao pursed her lips and could only nod lightly.

"I just want to learn how to make wine." Xu Fei laughed.

Yue Jiao was stunned when she heard this, how could this be possible?

Suddenly he shook Xu Fei's arm coquettishly.

"No, no, what I promised just now doesn't count."

"That won't work, I take it seriously." Xu Fei said with a smile.

After having some fun with Yue Jiao, we went to have dinner.

Xu Fei went to study the cave spirit method.

This stuff is really difficult.

It was obviously just a small bottleneck from the first level to the second level, but it made Xu Fei think about it for so long.

And based on Xu Fei's own estimation, it would probably take another month or so to successfully upgrade the Cave Spirit Technique to the second level.

This gave Xu Fei a toothache.

I endured it and realized it was around 9 o'clock in the evening, then I came to Yuejiao.

Although Yuejiao denied it in every possible way, it still couldn't stop Xu Fei's determination to try new ways of playing.

In the end I had to give in.

The next day, Xu Fei completed his homework using the Cave Spirit Method.

Although because he has not reached the second level, the effect of practicing the Cave Spirit Method is much worse than that of the Wuyun Method and Zhengzhen Method, which are already at the second level, in order to upgrade the Dongling Method to the second level as soon as possible, Xu Fei can only temporarily slow down Progress in one's own practice, practice with the Spiritual Cave method, and accumulate insights.

After completing today's homework, Xu Fei opened the panel and took a look. The Cave Spirit Technique under the Taoist classification was still level 19.

Xu Fei had expected this, so he was not disappointed and looked down at the spell classification.

The first level of the Heavenly Star War Technique is level 15, the first level of the Midas Technique is level 12, the first level of the water manipulation method is 11 levels, the first level of the Wood Extraction Technique is level 10, the first level of the Fire Control Technique is level 8, and the first level of the Earth-Pulling Technique is level 10.

After all, it is difficult to cast at home, so it is still relatively slow to increase the level of spells.

In addition, there are too many spells, six in total.

It also distracted Xu Fei's energy.

And if it were someone else, like Xu Fei, he would practice the three fundamental Tao methods, as well as the combat method and the basic Five Elements magic.

You may not be able to get started in a few months.

How could Xu Fei be as successful in everything as he is now?

Feeling a little satisfied, Xu Fei came to the flower bed in the courtyard.

The flowers and plants in the original flower bed were all in disarray.

It was all wasted by Xu Fei practicing Mu Xing Spell during this period...

And since that was the case, Xu Fei didn't worry about anything anymore.

Directly condense the wood magic, and then loosen the soil of the flower bed.

After some practice, Xu Fei found a few wine-making books and studied them.

In the afternoon, Xu Fei came to the medical clinic.

While there are no patients, he studies medical skills.

Life is quite leisurely.

And it was around 3 p.m.

A female monk came to the hospital.

This woman is dressed in red, her lips slightly pursed and she looks determined.

He looked at Xu Fei and then at another spiritual doctor in the medical center.

The female monk came to Xu Fei for treatment.

Xu Fei inquired about the other party's condition, and then checked and treated the patient's pulse.

There was a look of surprise on his face.

Because the female cultivator in front of me may have more than a hundred pots of magic power!

But Xu Fei was not sure whether it was one hundred pots, two hundred pots, three hundred or five hundred pots.

After all, the gap between the other party and him is really big.

Without further investigation, Xu Fei prescribed the medicine.

"I can't cure your condition, monk. I can only alleviate it slightly." Xu Fei added.

Based on Xu Fei's experience, he judged that the other party was practicing too hastily and something went wrong and hurt his body.

Xu Fei's prescription can help a little, but it will take more than a year for the other party to fully recover.

It is true that monks have strong strength, but if they suffer some damage, it may be far more serious than usual.

This is why the Lecture School’s teaching committee has repeatedly emphasized that the first thing to avoid in practice is anxiety, and the second thing to avoid is greed.

Once you make a mistake in your work and suffer a serious injury, the time wasted cannot be made up in one or two days.

On the contrary, it will drag down one's own performance.

The female cultivator pursed her lips again when she heard this, with a look of disappointment in her eyes.

She knew there were some elixirs that could cure her injuries.

But... expensive!

Each one costs hundreds of spirit stones.

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