Chapter 157, consultation fee

And she was just an ordinary monk, and she had not yet passed the three-year test of Linglong Immortal Sect.

You can only get some income by going to the wild to hunt monsters, search for elixirs and other dangerous things.

How can I have spare money to buy a healing elixir for myself?

After the female cultivator took the medicine, she left the hospital a little disappointed.

Xu Fei watched the female cultivator leave and scratched his chin.

Although the inferior Liangjiang Jade Dew slightly helped the female cultivator's injuries, he couldn't say much.

Especially if it arouses the other party's wariness, wouldn't Xu Fei be unjustly accused?

So it is better to do less than to do more.

The shopkeeper saw the female cultivator in red leaving, thought about it and came to Xu Fei's side.

"This person's name is Ye Yuanmei. He was also a disciple of the Lecture School in the past. However, he failed to pass the three-year quiz and had to turn to casual cultivation. However, he is quite famous around him." The shopkeeper explained.

"Oh?" Xu Fei couldn't help being surprised.

"He practiced meteor warfare and was extremely fast. He once hunted a flying leopard with electric claws alone and became famous for a while." The shopkeeper added.

Hearing the name of Electric Claw Flying Leopard, Xu Fei's eyes showed surprise.

Because after this leopard-like monster reaches adulthood, monks without a power of more than 500 pots will not dare to provoke it.

After all, the Electric Claw Flying Leopard is not only extremely fast, but its claws can also condense thunder vein spells.

Especially brutal.

How could this female cultivator named Ye Yuanmei be able to hunt such a ferocious monster on her own?


"What? Doctor Xu has a crush on this Xiu Xiu? If that's the case, I can find someone to help me pass on the message." The shopkeeper said again.

Apparently seeing Xu Fei watching Ye Yuanmei leave just now, there was an unnecessary misunderstanding.

Xu Fei couldn't help being stunned when he heard this.

"Don't say that, I'm just thinking about Brother Ye's condition," Xu Fei quickly retorted.

After hearing what Xu Fei said, the shopkeeper just smiled and said nothing more.

But after thinking about it, I decided to get things done first.

It's a pity that after the shopkeeper entrusted the favor, he received a reply quickly.

‘Yuan Mei wants to practice cultivation and has no intention of caring about her children’s personal affairs. ’ He was dismissed with just one sentence.

This made the shopkeeper quite helpless.

It seems that whether the two are destined to be together can only depend on Xu Fei himself.

A few days passed in the blink of an eye.

Female cultivator Ye Yuanmei came to the medical clinic again.

"Thank you, doctor." After Ye Yuanmei accepted Xu Fei's diagnosis and treatment, she thanked him.

"You're welcome." Xu Fei nodded.

Ye Yuanmei also nodded and saluted, then grabbed the medicine and left.

She didn't expect that her physical condition would improve a lot after taking the medicine.

Although he was not completely cured, he was able to exert 50% to 60% of his strength.

This undoubtedly greatly accelerated the healing of her injuries.

In another two or three months, you will be able to exert 80% to 90% of your strength. Then you will have more power to protect yourself when you participate in the autumn hunting.

So this made Ye Yuanmei very grateful to Xu Fei.

Xu Fei did not take any credit for the improvement in Ye Yuanmei's physical condition due to his diagnosis.

Spiritual doctors may sound mysterious, but they are actually doctors.

That's what he does.

When the patient expresses gratitude for the effectiveness of his diagnosis, accept it with humility.

If you feel that you are so great because of this, others must be grateful to you...

That would be too presumptuous.

As Xu Fei gradually revealed his skills in spiritual medicine.

The number of monks who came to him for diagnosis began to increase.

This month has just passed halfway, and the number of monks diagnosed has exceeded 200.

When treating monks, each monk will receive a consultation fee of one hundred taels. Therefore, by simple calculation, Xu Fei's consultation fee income this month may reach more than forty thousand taels.

Plus a share of the prescription.

Xu Fei's salary this month is 50,000 taels, which is very easy.

Exchange it for spiritual stones, which are fifty low-grade spiritual stones.

That's quite a bit of revenue.

Because even if a successful monk goes out to hunt monsters, returning to the fairy city to sell them is a dangerous way of making money that is almost like licking blood with the tip of a knife.

Most monks only have a dozen spirit stones per month, or even less.

And this does not include the additional expenses incurred due to injuries caused by hunting monsters.

However, Xu Fei's high income also affected other spiritual doctors in the medical clinic.

After all, there were more monks looking for Xu Fei's diagnosis and treatment, so naturally there were fewer people looking for other spiritual doctors.

So Xu Fei has been thinking about whether he should be more restrained recently.

Or increase your consultation fee to balance it out.

Except for the bastard surnamed Liu in the medical clinic who always picks fights with him, several other spiritual doctors can still be polite on the surface.

Therefore, Xu Fei doesn't want to estrange the relationship between them.

Of course, Xu Fei could not care about this and just make money.

After all, he relies on his ability to make a living, so why bother with so much.

As long as you are good to yourself.

But everyone goes to work to support their families, so it’s not good to make things too ugly.

After thinking about it, Xu Fei went to the shopkeeper after work and mentioned that his medical fee should be increased.

The shopkeeper was surprised to hear that Xu Fei had such an idea.

This young man is not very young, but he understands the ways of the world.

In fact, even if Xu Fei didn't say anything, he was still ready to find a suitable opportunity to speak.

Among the several spiritual doctors in the medical clinic, Xu Fei's income has increased sharply, while the income of other spiritual doctors has dropped sharply.

Although this is because of Xu Fei's excellent medical skills, things are like this.

Don’t worry about having too few and too little.

In particular, Xu Fei's high income also affected other spiritual doctors.

If it is not dealt with as soon as possible, Xu Fei may be the only spiritual doctor left in the hospital.

Once such a situation occurs, it will be very bad for the shopkeeper.

Because if Xu Fei also leaves the medical clinic for some reason, then he will only be able to diagnose and prescribe medicine for ordinary people in the future?

What the hell, just close the door.

It was precisely with this in mind that Xu Fei took the initiative to ask for an increase in consultation fees.

Lao Qi is a good person.

In the past, I gave away houses and beautiful women.

Especially after Xu Fei became a spiritual doctor, he used the spiritual stones directly when settling his salary.

After all, even if his salary was still settled in silver, Xu Fei had nothing to say.

But he wanted to exchange the silver into spiritual stones, not to mention that it was not easy to exchange, and it would even incur some additional expenses.

At that time, one thousand one hundred taels of silver, or even more silver, can be exchanged for a spiritual stone.

Let the income be greatly reduced.

In short, the shopkeeper can't say that he is completely benevolent to Xu Fei, but he is worthy of him.

Naturally, Xu Fei would not stubbornly plan for himself and ignore the situation at the shopkeeper.

"How about increasing the consultation fee to two hundred taels?" the shopkeeper said after thinking about it, and gave a fairly pertinent suggestion.

Xu Fei thought about it for a moment and nodded.

"Okay, let's tentatively decide on two hundred taels." Xu Fei said.

On the second day, when they saw that Xu Fei's consultation fee had increased to two hundred taels, several spiritual doctors were obviously relieved.

Only the guy named Liu had eyes full of jealousy.

After the shopkeeper noticed it, his eyes narrowed slightly.

At his age, he can see through anyone without saying anything.

But some problems can also be seen.

Especially when Xu Fei is so intentional, it is even more impossible for him to let Xu Fei suffer.

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