Chapter 158, Ye Yuanmei

So Dr. Liu was soon called by the shopkeeper for a 'heart-to-heart talk'.

After being talked to, Doctor Liu no longer had any objections to Xu Fei.

After all, let’s not talk about Xu Fei’s identity as a disciple of the Confucian School.

He had to take the shopkeeper's warning seriously.

Otherwise it would be too easy for the other party to deal with him.

Doctor Liu is not so stubborn that he has to fight Xu Fei to the death.

Xu Fei didn't pay attention to this and continued to diagnose the patients.

Although the consultation fee of two hundred taels made some patients consider switching to other spiritual doctors for treatment, the number of patients decreased and the consultation fee also increased, so overall Xu Fei's income did not decrease.

When it was time to finish work, Xu Fei returned home and went to the wine making room.

The cold liquid jade dew brewed before is ready to drink.

Xu Fei called over to taste some.

There was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Because the mellow aroma described in the recipe is slightly revealed.

Although it still cannot reach the level recorded in the recipe, it is much better than when it was brewed for the first time.

I once again thought about the flaws in the preparation of the cold liquid jade dew this time.

Xu Fei started making wine for the third time.

The cost of Liangjiang Yulu is still relatively expensive.

Otherwise, the defective product brewed for the first time will not have such a good effect of warming and nourishing the body.

It's completely made from piles of materials.

After brewing the sorghum wine, corn wine, and wheat wine required to prepare the cold liquid jade dew, Xu Fei looked at the defective product that was brewed for the first time. There was still almost 3 kilograms in the wine jar.

Xu Fei was not so wasteful as to throw them away, but today he planned to taste the second brew of Liangjiang Jade Dew to see the effect.

I got more than half a catty out of the wine jar.

Xu Fei found that Meiniang and Yuejiao were waiting for him to have dinner together.

"Didn't you say you don't have to wait for me?" Xu Fei slightly blamed. It's almost 9pm now.

"It's okay, sister Yuejiao and I are not very hungry." Meiniang opened her eyes and lied, and then gave Xu Fei a handkerchief to wipe his hands.

Xu Fei couldn't help but feel helpless, put the wine bottle on the table, took the towel and wiped his hands.

Had dinner together.

After drinking half a kilogram of cold liquid jade dew, Xu Fei silently realized it for a moment.

Unexpectedly, I discovered that this time the Liangjiang Jade Dew was not only a little more mellow, but also had an effect of warming and nourishing the body by about 30%.

This made Xu Fei couldn't help but feel happy.

As wine-making skills improve, the effect of Liangjiang Yulu will probably become better and better in the future.

And if he looks for recipes for other spiritual wines, improves his wine-making skills to the second level, or even the third level, and then combines the knowledge related to various spiritual wines, what kind of spiritual wine can he concoct?

Such an outlook made Xu Fei scratch his chin.

I think I can be a little more adventurous tonight.

‘A very hard-working branching operation, proficiency value +7’

‘A very hard-working operation, proficiency +8’

Xu Fei got up early the next day, looked at the two girls who were still sleeping, and smiled proudly.

With the deepening of practice and daily nourishment, Xu Fei's health is getting better and better.

In the future, you may be able to increase the number of branches and leaves to three times a day to gain more proficiency points.

As usual, Xu Fei completed today's homework with the Cave Spirit Method, and Xu Fei had gradually touched the context of this fundamental method.

Presumably after practicing for a while, I will be able to break through the small bottleneck between the first and second levels.

At that time, the power of the Five Elements spells will also be enhanced.

In the early stages of practice, especially when the magic power is less than 200 pots.

Physical cultivation is the strongest among the three meridians, there is no doubt about this.

But after reaching more than two hundred pots, the strength of legal cultivators and spiritual cultivators will catch up.

However, after the actual fight, having three hundred pots of mana does not necessarily mean you can definitely win against an opponent with only two hundred pots of mana. It also depends on the means each monk has, his reaction to the situation, whether he dares to fight, etc.

Of course, the party with more advanced magic power will definitely have more advantages.

After lunch, Xu Fei came to the medical center.

Soon Ye Yuanmei came over.

Just seeing Xu Fei's consultation fee increased to two hundred taels, he frowned slightly.

In the past, she failed the three-year quiz and became a disciple of the Linglong Immortal Sect, so she had to turn to casual cultivation.

After years of fighting for one's life, he has achieved his current level of cultivation.

This injury traumatized her even more.

Money is inevitably tight.

"Fellow Daoist Ye, please take a seat." Xu Fei noticed that Ye Yuanmei seemed to be in embarrassment and actively invited him.

Ye Yuanmei smiled bitterly and came to sit in front of Xu Fei.

"Xu Lingyi, I don't have enough money. I wonder if I can suspend my account temporarily?" Ye Yuanmei said.

"There's nothing you can't do." Xu Fei said.

Ye Yuanmei's cultivation level is quite high. After several contacts with her, she seems to be a good person now.

Besides, the two hundred taels of consultation fee might be a lot of money for others, but in his hands it was just two more and two less.

"Thank you." Ye Yuanmei breathed a sigh of relief.

After diagnosing Ye Yuanmei again, Xu Fei prescribed a prescription.

Medical clinics prescribe many elixirs every day, but the main source of these elixirs for monks to heal wounds and detoxify is not collected by the monks in the wild.

Because many commonly used elixirs have been cultivated on a large scale.

And if cared for properly, cultivated elixirs can be as effective, if not much, better than wild ones.

As for the monks who go to the wild to hunt monsters, they will pick additional elixirs, which are usually old elixirs.

The medicine is decades, even hundreds, or even thousands of years old.

These are considered precious medicines and have basically nothing to do with ordinary monks.

After all, class is everywhere.

Even among monks who can fly into the sky and escape from the earth, they are not exempt from vulgarity.

"Dr. Xu, thank you very much." After Ye Yuanmei came back with the medicine, she thanked Xu Fei again.

"You're welcome." Xu Fei chuckled.

Watching Ye Yuanmei leave, Xu Fei scratched his chin.

He had no interest in this female cultivator before.

But after what the shopkeeper said, it was inevitable for Xu Fei to think about it.

I diagnosed him several times and got in touch with him.

Xu Fei couldn't help but be tempted.

However, I don’t intend to force it, just let nature take its course.

He also diagnosed and treated several monks, and gave some pointers to his apprentice Yang Siniu.

Although he does not have the title of real master and apprentice, this boy is also his apprentice, and he cannot let it go just because he wants to be lazy.

After finishing today's work, Xu Fei got off work leisurely.

His current third-level 18th-level medical skills may sound very powerful, but the effect on monks is not as good as that on ordinary people.

Most of the reasons can be attributed to the more complicated injuries and poisoning suffered by the monks.

Even Xu Fei was not able to completely clarify, diagnose and treat these situations.

Even for more than half of the patients, Xu Fei could only perform some treatment to alleviate the symptoms.

The subsequent recovery depends on whether the injured or poisoned monk can heal himself.

arrive home.

Meiniang and Yuejiao have already laid out the food together.

After several experiences of serving Xu Fei together, the two women gradually got along well with each other.

This made Xu Fei quite satisfied.

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