Chapter 163, Linglong Immortal Sect

After finishing the busy work, the moon was already at the zenith.

However, Xu Fei was not agitated and was full of joy.

After all, the wine jars placed in the wine making room seemed to be spiritual stones in Xu Fei's eyes.

He had previously hoped that selling the cold liquid jade dew would become another source of income for him.

But according to Xu Fei's own speculation, he has to continue to improve his wine-making skills, brew a better Liangjiang Jade Dew, and then conduct a series of promotions and put in a lot of effort before he can finally reap the rewards.

But who would have thought that he would have such a huge income so easily? !

More than ten times the profit!

This is more profitable than the beheading business.

Thinking of this, Xu Fei couldn't help but feel happy again.

This is too beautiful.

After washing up, Xu Fei came to Yue Jiao.

Yue Jiao stood up sleepily and helped Xu Fei undress.

Xu Fei hugged Yue Jiao into his arms.

Yuejiao wakes up a little and prepares to have sex.

Xu Fei couldn't help but feel happy when he saw this, and naturally he wouldn't be polite.

The next day, Xu Fei checked the brewing status of the three medicinal wines.

Liangjiang Yulu uses a preparation method that is quite similar to the Shuangjing method in making elixirs.

First brew three kinds of medicinal wine, and then use these medicinal wines as raw material wine for secondary preparation.

There are many techniques in the modulation process.

Not easy.

Otherwise, with Xu Fei's current level 17 wine-making skill, he would still be unable to reproduce the best effect recorded in the prescription.

But Xu Fei was not anxious.

As his skill level increases, he will eventually be able to prepare spiritual wine that is far more effective than Liangjiang Jade Dew.

Arriving at the medical center, Xu Fei took out the Sun Casting Technique and continued to study it.

Although Xu Fei has read this set of elixir-making methods more than once, he can't guarantee that he can make the two elixirs of Chu Yuan Dan and Yang Yi Dan recorded in the Sun Casting Method.

In particular, the price of the elixir needed to make the elixir is quite high, and one failure is enough to make Xu Fei feel distressed.

Therefore, Xu Fei plans to try his best to push his alchemy-making skills to a higher level by studying the sun-casting method and other alchemy-making methods.

To reduce the chance of failure when trying to produce elixirs in the future.

While Xu Fei was thinking hard, a handsome young man holding a folding fan walked into the hospital.

When the shopkeeper saw the young man, he couldn't help but frown and went to greet him.

"Mr. Tan, I don't know why you have time to come to the shop today." The shopkeeper complimented.

Young Master Tan glanced at the shopkeeper but did not reply. He glanced around the medical center and when he saw Xu Fei, he walked straight over.

Xu Fei noticed someone coming and looked up at him.

After a simple judgment, the other party did not look injured or sick.

"Excuse me, what's the matter?" Xu Fei asked.

Mr. Tan waved his hand and closed the folding fan in his hand, then adjusted it bit by bit, and then Shi Shiran sat down opposite Xu Fei.

Xu Fei looked at the embarrassed shopkeeper next to him, and then at the imposing young man in front of him.

Knowing that the other party has a lot of background, the shopkeeper doesn't dare to offend him.

So I didn’t ask any more questions.

Mr. Tan glanced at the Sun Casting Technique that Xu Fei was studying and raised his eyebrows slightly.

"You do know how to make progress." Mr. Tan said calmly.

This way of judging people and being grateful to others is, I have to say, quite disgusting.

Xu Fei didn't show it on his face.

"I just studied in my spare time, I don't dare to claim to have learned something." Xu Fei couldn't figure out where the other party came from, so he could only deal with it carefully first.

He still vividly remembers the stone in the performance field where he only chipped away a piece the size of a fingernail, while others made holes the size of a fist.

There are many crouching tigers and hidden dragons among the monks. If he doesn't want to cause trouble, he has to be cautious and keep a low profile.

Otherwise, if a bigger wave comes over, the person he is rushing towards may be knocked off his back.

"How about coming to my hospital for a consultation?" Mr. Tan asked again.

Completely ignoring that the shopkeeper was nearby, he directly opened his mouth to recruit Xu Fei.

Hearing this, Xu Fei couldn't help turning his head to look at the shopkeeper.

Seeing that although his expression was not good-looking, he did not resist at all, so he guessed that the young man in front of him might not be simple.

But Xu Fei shook his head after thinking for a moment.

"Thank you for your love, but I'm used to being idle, and shopkeeper Qi treats me well, so I can't bear to abandon him," Xu Fei said.

Hearing that Xu Fei rejected his solicitation, Mr. Tan's originally amiable expression turned cold.

"In that case, I won't bother you." After saying that, Mr. Tan stood up and left.

And even if this Mr. Tan was a bad person, the shopkeeper still sent him out of the hospital in person before turning back.

Such a performance is almost equivalent to being spat on and having to smile.

After the shopkeeper came back, he and Xu Fei came to a quiet room.

"That Mr. Tan is the young master of Yuanyitang." The shopkeeper looked helpless.

Xu Fei was slightly surprised when he heard the name Yuanyitang.

Because there is a medical clinic called Yuan Yitang near Tianwu Pavilion on Tongxian Street.

The fact that the medical clinic can be opened on Tongxian Street and near Tianwu Pavilion is enough to illustrate the strength of Yuanyitang.

"What are their backgrounds?" Xu Fei asked.

"The ancestor of the Tan family is Elder Tan in the sect." The shopkeeper explained helplessly.

Although the medical clinic also has some background, compared with the other party, it is completely insufficient.

Therefore, the shopkeeper's almost self-indulgent behavior just now was also to avoid causing trouble to his backers.

Xu Fei was somewhat surprised when he heard this.

From the head of the Linglong Immortal Sect, there are peak masters, domain masters, elders, deacons and other positions.

Needless to say, the leader, who is in charge of Linglong Baolu, has the highest status in the Linglong Immortal Sect.

The Peak Master is below the leader and on the same level as the Territory Master.

All of them have superb and unfathomable cultivation, and a mountain range has been set aside within the Linglong Immortal Sect to support their cultivation.

Therefore, it is called the Lord of the Peak.

Respected status.

The Territory Master can understand the meaning just by hearing the name.

It is the place in charge of the eight regions of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple and black within Linglong Immortal Sect.

The status is also superior to countless monks in Linglong Immortal Sect.

Elders are seniors from the Immortal Sect who have held certain positions.

For example, the elder of Yangwu Taoist Hall is responsible for assigning various errands to registered disciples and ordinary disciples.

The deacons are responsible for assisting the elders in handling complicated affairs.

The status is clearly defined layer by layer.

As for Xu Fei...

He was just a disciple of the scholastic school, and his status was even lower than that of ordinary disciples who had passed the three-year quiz.

After at least passing the three-year quiz and joining the Linglong Immortal Sect, he can barely be regarded as a member of the Immortal Sect and has a good foundation.

If you meet more easy-going registered disciples, prepared disciples, etc., they will also be regarded as fellow disciples.

That is, ‘one’s own people’.

So although the shopkeeper didn't say it clearly, if Mr. Tan was determined to target Xu Fei today, he wouldn't be able to help.

Even if Xu Fei is willing to stay in the hospital because he cares about love and friendship, he may offend Mr. Tan.

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