Chapter 164, old love

Xu Fei couldn't help but scratch his head at this situation.

After all, it's like he just wanted to output, but his teammates sold him in the blink of an eye. It's inevitable to feel a little betrayed.

So if he were asked to choose again, Xu Fei would definitely not miss his old relationship just because he did well at the medical clinic during this period, and the medical clinic treated him well.

But even if he ignored his old friendship, it was basically impossible for Xu Fei to agree to the invitation from the so-called Tan Gongzi.

The other party's behavior was so arrogant, and it was obvious that he had no respect for him. Therefore, even if Xu Fei agrees to the recruitment of Mr. Tan, I am afraid that there will be no good results in terms of treatment in the future.

In addition, Xu Fei can accept picky and difficult 'customers', but he will not tolerate self-righteous 'bosses'.

The former is just uncomfortable for a moment, but the latter is uncomfortable all the time.

But in a second thought, Xu Fei no longer felt so resentful about his 'honesty' towards the shopkeeper.

After all, we are all workers.

"Then it seems I need to be more careful in the future." Xu Fei said.

The shopkeeper sighed helplessly, knowing that the little friendship between the hospital and Xu Fei had been completely wiped out.

Xu Fei continued to go back for consultation.

Mr. Tan, who had left the medical clinic, looked a little angry after he walked out of the medical clinic.

Before, he occasionally heard from his teacher that there was a spiritual doctor named Xu in this medical clinic who had good medical skills.

So I thought about recruiting him to my own medical clinic, but I didn't expect that this guy wouldn't give me face.

However, the Linglong Immortal Sect is not those bandits and bandits after all. Even if their Tan family ancestor is the elder of the sect, they cannot act arbitrarily.

Of course, if you use some tricks, you can also teach the other party a lesson.

But it takes a lot of effort.

Just to give himself a vent, he spent a lot of money, which made Mr. Tan hesitate.

He is not young and frivolous, he has long passed the time when he can act on his own initiative without considering the gains and losses.

So after thinking about it, Mr. Tan felt that if there was a chance, then he would 'repay' something. If there was no chance, then he would just write it down for now.

After completing the day's diagnosis and treatment, Xu Fei returned to his residence.

Let’s take a look at the brewed medicinal wine first.

This thing is related to future income, and there is no room for Xu Fei to be careless.

As for Xu Fei, he had received the 133 spirit stones that Du Xinwei had used as a deposit. After deducting the purchase of raw materials for making wine, there were still 91 spirit stones left.

It’s enough to buy back the remaining three elixir-making methods and study them carefully.

But after thinking about it, Xu Fei decided to prepare the Liangjiang Jade Dew first, sell it to Du Xinwei, and then use the income.

To avoid any problems.

While thoughtful, Xu Fei came to the study and continued to study the method of making pills.

Although Xu Fei should prioritize studying various Taoist methods and spells now, he currently has to devote his time to making pills.

After all, once the pill making method is successful, his identity will immediately change drastically.

He also studied the Japanese casting method.

Xu Fei decided to start learning Jin Shengfa tomorrow.

There are five commonly used methods for making elixirs: sun casting method, gold winning method, bright moon method, double well method, and dragon elixir method.

Xu Fei currently only has the Sun Casting Method and the Golden Victory Method in his hands. The other three pill making methods have not yet been purchased due to insufficient spiritual stones.

However, as long as the Liangjiang Jade Dew is prepared and handed over to Du Xinwei, Xu Fei will buy back the remaining three elixir-making methods.

Even if there is spare money for the other flawed pill-making methods introduced by Jingru, the maid of Tianwu Pavilion, Xu Fei will not let them go.

After all, stones from other mountains can attack jade.

Xu Fei has a skill panel, so naturally the more the better.

As for why Taoism and magic, including the various martial arts learned in the past, each have their own skills, while calligraphy, painting, etc., including the current wine making and alchemy making, are unified into one.

Xu Fei guessed that it might be because these skills were recognized as skills by the system?

And apart from this reason, Xu Fei can't think of other factors at present.

After a brief tidying up, Xu Fei came to Meiniang.

Meiniang knew that Xu Fei was coming today, so she didn't sleep yet.

After seeing Xu Fei, he rushed to greet him.

"Thank you for your hard work, sir." Mei Niang complimented and took the coat Xu Fei took off.

Xu Fei couldn't help but feel happy when he heard this. He stretched out his hand and pinched Meiniang's little nose.

"Don't be so polite in the future." Xu Fei said.

Meiniang smiled coquettishly, folded Xu Fei's coat and put it aside carefully.

‘A very hard-working branching operation, proficiency value +7’

When Xu Fei finished the second time of spreading branches and leaves, he unexpectedly discovered that he had not gained proficiency points.

This made Xu Fei look at Meiniang's belly.

Does it look like the seeds have been planted?

And this will also be his first child after coming to Linglong Immortal Sect.

Xu Fei couldn't help but smile on his face.

Meiniang couldn't help but look nervous when she saw Xu Fei looking at her belly.

After all, she had been following Xu Fei for a while, but there had been no movement.

"Go to sleep." Xu Fei gently hugged Mei Niang into his arms and said softly.

"Yes." Mei Niang felt relieved.

In the blink of an eye, more than ten days have passed.

Xu Fei had just finished mixing the spirit wine.

Du Shaocheng hurried over.

Du Shaocheng came here a lot these days to check on the progress of preparing the cold liquid and jade dew.

"Junior Brother Xu, how about mixing the spirit wine?" Du Shaocheng asked.

"Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life." Xu Fei said.

When Du Shaocheng heard this, a smile appeared on his face.

In fact, the effect of these spiritual wines is naturally good for ordinary monks, but for Du family's side branches like Du Xinwei, it is no longer enough.

After all, Du Xinwei's worth can be seen from the fact that he casually gave out more than a hundred spirit stones.

But in a while, it will be Du Xinwei's birthday.

In order to make his birthday party more lively, he came up with the idea of ​​searching for all kinds of delicious food.

Although the Liangjiang Jade Dew brewed by Xu Fei is not delicious, it is still considered good among spiritual wines.

Because spiritual wine is brewed with various elixirs and medicinal materials, some types of spiritual wine are even more impressive in taste.

He took out two wine jars and filled them with the Liangjiang Jade Dew that Du Xinwei had already paid for.

After Du Shaocheng inspected the quality of the spirit wine, a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

The taste and effect are better than before.

With such talent, it seems that Junior Brother Xu is indeed worthy of serious contact.

"I wonder how much spiritual wine my junior brother has brewed this time?" Du Shaocheng asked after putting two large jars of cold syrup and jade dew into the storage bag.

"In addition to these, there are still about five hundred kilograms." Xu Fei said.

Du Shaocheng nodded when he heard this, chatted for a few words and then left.


Talk about home.

Tan Zhiliang, Tan Gongzi who had recruited Xu Fei before, looked at the information about Xu Fei collected by his men.

When he saw that Xu Fei had contact with the Du family, he immediately narrowed his eyes.

Why is this guy involved with the Du family in Lanyu? !

Although they seemed to be just a branch of the Du family, it was still difficult to offend them when talking about the family.

So after his face changed several times, Tan Zhiliang could only sigh and give up the idea of ​​revenge against Xu Fei.

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