Chapter 165, Collecting the Pouch

Xu Fei didn't know that he had escaped others' attention by selling Du Xinweiling wine.

However, after delivering the Liangjiang Jade Dew, Xu Fei was able to control the remaining spiritual stones obtained from selling wine.

After simply tidying up, Xu Fei was about to go out to buy the remaining three methods of making pills.

But he didn't expect that Du Shaocheng would come back again.

"What? What's going on with Senior Brother Du?" Xu Fei suddenly thought, is he going to return the goods?

When Du Shaocheng saw this, he knew that Xu Fei was wrong and couldn't help but chuckle.

"Junior brother, don't panic, it was my fifth uncle who asked me to come over and buy it all after he found out that you still had 500 kilograms of spiritual wine brewed." Du Shaocheng said.

Xu Fei couldn't help being surprised when he heard this.

Still buying?

"Do you want to buy five hundred pounds?" Xu Fei said.

According to the price of one spirit stone per kilogram of Liangjiang Jade Dew, this is five hundred spirit stones.

The purchasing power of one tael of silver in the fairy city is almost the same as that of Xu Fei's two hundred yuan in his previous life, and only one thousand taels of silver can be exchanged for a low-grade spiritual stone.

In other words, one spiritual stone is equivalent to approximately 200,000, and five hundred spiritual stones is equivalent to 100 million!

Although there are differences between monks and ordinary people, it is unreasonable to convert the values ​​​​of two different currencies, spiritual stones and silver, in such a simple and crude way. After all, five hundred spiritual stones are used to purchase various resources used by monks, which will definitely not reach the level of purchasing power of '100 million'.

Just like the sword Xu Fei had asked about the price before, the price reached ninety spirit stones.

Five hundred spirit stones can't even buy six handles.

Therefore, the consumption levels of monks and ordinary people are completely different.

But it's still a huge fortune.

"Yes, buy them all." Du Shaocheng nodded and took out a box of spiritual stones from his storage bag to prove that what he said was true.

Xu Fei couldn't help but be pleasantly surprised.

Then weigh the remaining Liangjiang Yulu.

In addition to the thirty-three kilograms of spiritual wine kept for himself, Xu Fei sold all the other five hundred kilograms of cold liquid and jade dew.

Harvest five hundred low-grade spiritual stones!

Du Shaocheng had inspected the quality of the spirit wine, and with a wave of his sleeve, he put the seven jars filled with spirit wine on the ground into his storage bag.

Xu Fei couldn't help but envy seeing such a convenient method.

Moreover, you can buy one with dozens of spirit stones for a cheap storage bag, so Xu Fei thought that with today's income, he might be able to arrange one for himself.

But immediately, Xu Fei thought about it and counted fifty of the spiritual stones that Du Shaocheng had given him just now to buy wine.

Naturally, Xu Fei would not be stingy with this small favor.

What surprised Xu Fei was that Du Shaocheng actually waved his hand and refused.

"Junior brother, you and I don't have to do this." Du Shaocheng said.

Seeing Xu Fei's talent in preparing spiritual wine, he really wanted to make friends with Xu Fei.

Naturally, I would not be short-sighted and accept this kickback.

Xu Fei initially thought that the other party was too little, but after a few brief conversations, he confirmed that Du Shaocheng really did not want this 'kickback', so he handed over his hand and thanked him.

After a few trivial chats, Du Shaocheng left.

Xu Fei looked at the 591 spirit stones he got from selling wine.

Be prepared to spend a lot of money.

Go to the hospital to ask for leave first.

If it had been before, Xu Fei would usually wait until he had a break to talk about it, but after what happened before, Xu Fei was not that concerned about the work in the medical clinic.

Take time off when you need to.

It’s nothing more than less income.

Facing Xu Fei's first request for leave, the shopkeeper naturally would not refuse.

Xu Fei, on the other hand, came to Tongxian Street and walked into Tianwu Pavilion again.

Seeing Xu Fei stop, a maid naturally came over.

If they are female guests, they will be received by male waiters. It can only be said that Tianwu Pavilion handles these details quite well.

But Xu Fei saw that the maid who came to receive him was not Jingru.

"Is Jingru here?" Xu Fei said.

Although the beauty of the maid in front of him is equal to that of Jingru, since Xu Fei has had the idea of ​​bringing Jingru into his room, even if the possibility of success is low, Xu Fei is still unwilling to miss it if there is a chance.

After all, Jingru, as the maid of Tianwu Pavilion, knew a lot of information about cultivation, which was especially valued by Xu Fei.

In the past life, if you wanted to search for some information, you could search on the Internet. Even if you couldn't get satisfactory information, you could still gain something.

But now Xu Fei can only search and learn slowly by himself.

This efficiency is undoubtedly too low.

Therefore, if Jingru can be kept by his side and consulted at any time if he has any doubts, it will greatly speed up Xu Fei's progress in all aspects.

What's more, Jingru's appearance is also quite outstanding, elegant and generous.

In addition, now that Mei Niang is pregnant, he really needs to find another partner.

"Yes." The waitress looked a little surprised, but she said respectfully.

Then at Xu Fei's request, he went to bring Jingru over.

"What inconvenience will it cause you?" Xu Fei said softly after seeing Jingru.

Jingru smiled.

"Sir, you're welcome. The waitresses and I are responsible for receiving guests." Jingru said calmly.

Xu Fei nodded, and then came to the quiet room with Jingru.

Soon, the Mingyue Method, Shuangjing Method, and Dragon Pill Method that Xu Fei wanted were sent over, along with more than ten other defective pill-making methods, and a storage bag.

Three sets of commonly used pill-making methods are worth ninety spirit stones, and the remaining dozen or so defective pill-making methods are worth ten or five spirit stones, for a total of eighty-five spirit stones.

The storage bag Xu Fei asked for about three cubic meters.

That is three feet wide and one foot long. Worth one hundred and thirty spirit stones.

The total price is three hundred and three spirit stones.

There is no discount at Tianwu Pavilion, so Xu Fei needs to pay 303 spirit stones.

"Sir, can you use the storage bag?" Jingru asked.

Xu Fei shook his head when he heard this. Although he had seen many people using storage bags, he had never used them himself.

Hearing this, Jingru began to explain the use of storage bags to Xu Fei.

The inner material of the storage bag is made from the stomach pouch of a stomach-swallowing toad, and a layer of fabric is sewn on the outside for aesthetics.

It is also simple to store and take out items.

As long as you pour mana into the storage bag, you will get a force.

By activating this special force, you can put external items into the bag or take them out of the storage bag.

Magical and mysterious.

After Xu Fei heard how to use the storage bag, he held the storage bag in his hand and carefully poured mana into the storage bag.

After a moment, a subtle feeling poured into Xu Fei's heart.

He seems to have acquired a... very special ability.

Xu Fei then tried to put an elixir-making method he purchased into his storage bag.

After pouring mana into the storage bag, Xu Fei's special ability moved Xu Fei's mind and extended directly to roll up the two corresponding books.

Then under Xu Fei's will, he rolled up the book and put it into the storage bag.

This strange situation made Xu Fei raise his eyebrows.

so fun.

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