Chapter 170, Instruments




Xu Fei couldn't tell the bloodline of this banshee for a while.

In fact, there is still some gap between the appearance of this banshee and Yuejiao and Jingru.

But it just happens to be a pair of animal ears that move from time to time, which adds too much exotic style.

After a few glances, Xu Fei looked away.

To avoid getting into trouble.

After all, someone who can show off with a banshee is obviously not an ordinary monk.

And as time goes by.

All the invited guests arrived, and Du Xinwei's birthday party began.

First, Du Xinwei came to a high pavilion and addressed everyone, saying how happy he was that everyone could enjoy his birthday party.

Then dozens of dancers performed, followed by a few folk acrobatics, and then several singers sang.

Quite lively.

Xu Fei didn't know anyone, so he chatted with a few people at the same table, and then ate food and drank wine.

It's just a little regrettable that although the food on the table is good, the wine is not so good.

Compared with the Liangjiang Jade Dew prepared by Xu Fei, it is one level worse.

It's no wonder that Du Xinwei went out to buy spiritual wine by himself.

This made Xu Fei, who gradually realized Du Xinwei's status, still a little puzzled.

After all, are there so few good-quality spiritual wines? And let Master Du take action personally?

In fact, there are many reasons why this is the case.

1. Only monks can prepare spiritual wine.

Ordinary people are unable to do so and can only complete part of the process. For example, when preparing spiritual wine, the process of stirring the wine with mana and integrating the spiritual energy into the wine is something that ordinary people cannot do.

2. The preparation of spiritual wine is not as simple as Xu Fei thought.

Relying on plug-ins, Xu Fei quickly improved his wine-making skills to level 17.

But this is a standard that can only be achieved by experienced winemakers who are skilled in preparing spiritual wine.

This also resulted in the fact that most of the spiritual wines that were similar in quality to the Liangjiang Yulu prepared by Xu Fei were expensive.

That's why Du Xinwei took the initiative to come to buy Liangjiang Jade Dew.

However, Xu Fei took this opportunity to get acquainted with Du Xinwei and avoided trouble.

Gains and losses.

After the banquet, Xu Fei looked at Du Xinwei, who was having fun with many second-generation cultivators, and left quietly without disturbing him.

There is a big class gap between them. Even if they have some friendship, it doesn't mean that Xu Fei can interact with Du Xinwei on equal terms.

In addition, it does not say whether it can successfully cling to the other party.

But let Xu Fei climb high and become rich?

That would be worse than killing him.

Go home and let go of the alcohol.

Xu Fei went to the wine-making room to take a look at the brewed medicinal wine. It seemed to be in good condition.

After a while, you can prepare the cool liquid jade dew.

However, Xu Fei hasn't thought too much about sales yet.

Sell ​​directly to the liquor store?

It seems to be the way to go.

But...can he protect the profits?

After all, if he goes all out, Xu Fei can make almost a thousand kilograms of spiritual wine in one day.

Calculated at the price of one pound of spirit stone, that would be the income of a thousand spirit stones per day.

That’s 30,000 spirit stones in one month!

But the cost is only more than two thousand spirit stones.

Of course, Xu Fei's production of such a large amount of wine may lower the price of Liangjiang Yulu.

And it’s certainly not possible that everything will go smoothly in terms of sales.

But if Xu Fei really works hard, such as recruiting Du Xinwei to join the group.

It is really possible to complete such a hugely profitable business.

However, after thinking about it, Xu Fei did not intend to adopt this idea.

Because although earning spiritual stones is important, it is more important to earn spiritual stones that match one's own 'strength'.

Otherwise it is a recipe for disaster.

After sorting out his thoughts and putting aside these trivial matters, Xu Fei continued to delve into various methods of making pills.

His idea of ​​taking drugs to rapidly improve his cultivation was still a high priority.

Suddenly, another few days passed by in the blink of an eye.

It was nearly August.

The weather is no longer so hot.

As the alchemy-making skill level increased, Xu Fei gained more and more understanding of various alchemy-making methods.

However, the level of alchemy is also improving more and more slowly. Obviously, unless you refine the elixir yourself, your understanding of alchemy will only exist on paper.

In fact, it is almost impossible to learn how to refine elixirs just by reading books, but Xu Fei is worried.

So after thinking about it, Xu Fei came to Tianwu Pavilion again.

Still found Jingru.

Although the other party did not agree to Xu Fei's courtship, at least Xu Fei has not given up yet.

He just wanted Xu Fei to pursue Jingru passionately, but he had no intention of doing so.

Even if Jingru is knowledgeable about spiritual practice, having such a woman in the room will help Xu Fei a lot.

He also has no intention of pursuing women.

Wouldn't it be nice to have all this time and energy to practice Taoism and study alchemy techniques?

After a flash of distracting thoughts in his mind, Xu Fei finally decided to use the double well method as his first method of making elixirs.

The Shuangjing method first processes various elixirs and then prepares the elixir. Although the overall difficulty is not low, it is divided into more steps.

This is quite friendly to Xu Fei, who is refining elixirs for the first time.

"I want to buy a set of pharmaceutical equipment." Xu Fei made his request.

Hearing that Xu Fei wanted to buy pharmaceutical equipment, a look of surprise flashed in Jingru's eyes.

She was responsible for receiving Xu Fei twice, and both times Xu Fei purchased various methods of making pills.

So she knew that Xu Fei was learning how to make pills, but what surprised her was that Xu Fei had only learned it for a month before he was ready to start making pills.

But after thinking about it, Jingru didn't say much.

Fetched a set of pharmaceutical equipment.

There are more than forty pieces of equipment in one set.

There is a medicinal guillotine, which can cut various elixirs into slices, shreds, cubes, blocks and strips.

There are pestles and mortars, punches, mortars, medicine grinders, etc. to make various elixirs into fine powder.

There is a scale to grasp the dose of elixir.

There is a saw blade for handling solid elixirs.

There is a medicine press to squeeze out the juice of some elixirs.

There is a medicine sieve to screen the medicine powder.

There are also planers, medicine boxes, medicine pots and other utensils made of various materials.

Each one is exquisitely made.

In fact, if you have superb cultivation and experienced skills, then using gold magic to condense various utensils is enough for use.

But it is a pity that Xu Fei is not yet able to achieve this level.

As for why not buy these appliances from outside...

If it were ordinary medicinal materials, then naturally there wouldn't be so much emphasis on them.

But Xu Fei prepared various elixirs.

If ordinary utensils are used, the processed elixir will inevitably be contaminated by some of the utensil's properties.

For example, if you use a copper knife to slice the elixir into slices, the elixir will inevitably be contaminated with some 'copper'.

Of course, such a subtle impact would not be a problem if it were used for ordinary healing and detoxification.

But when refining the elixir, although it may not have any impact, the cost of refining the elixir is not low, so the requirements are higher and try to be as perfect as possible.

is the best choice.

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