Chapter 171, making pills

Of course, there are also ways to make pills that don’t require so much attention.

For example: Jin Shengfa.

Even ferocious, fierce, poisonous, strong and other medicinal properties can be incorporated into elixirs. How could Jin Shengfa care about the slightest qualitative influence of the equipment used to handle medicinal materials?

So it seems that for Xu Fei's first time making elixirs, it seems more appropriate to adopt the Golden Victory Method.

But Xu Fei made the elixir for eating.

If the double well method is used to prepare elixirs, even if some elixirs cannot be processed perfectly and there are some shortcomings after the elixir is completed, Xu Fei still dares to try it.

Where can I use the Golden Victory Method?

If one step is not handled well, the poison is put into the elixir, then eat it... oh ho~

Anyway, Xu Fei doesn't dare to try the elixir made by Jin Shengfa at the moment.

Even if he refined it himself.

After briefly checking this set of pharmaceutical equipment, Xu Fei was quite satisfied.

Some of these utensils are made of pure iron, and some are made of refined copper. After being refined with special techniques, their quality has been lost.

It was worthy of the fifteen spirit stones he spent.

And placed outside, the same standard and the same material but unrefined utensils only cost a few hundred taels of silver.

After buying the equipment, the next step is naturally all kinds of elixirs.

Although the value of a single elixir is not high, when combined, it is worth a lot.

At least Xu Fei spent a dozen more spirit stones.

Finished preparations for refining the elixir.

Xu Fei looked at Jingru.

Today she is wearing a beige dress, elegant, dignified and otherworldly.

This also made Xu Fei understand why Tianwu Pavilion requires the maids to be thirty years old before they can be free.

Otherwise, today a monk would fall in love with a maid and pursue him passionately, and tomorrow another monk would also fall in love with a maid and pursue him with the same persistence.

No matter how much we train the maids in the Wu Pavilion that day, they can't keep up with the rate of consumption.

"Jingru, would you like to come to me?" Xu Fei said.

Although he won't directly pursue Jingru, it doesn't cost anything to simply ask her.

Jingru looked slightly hesitant when she saw Xu Fei mentioning this matter again.

"Sir, do you know that the maids like us will not be free in Tianwu Pavilion until we are thirty years old?"

"If you replenish twenty spiritual stones a year, wouldn't you be able to leave early?" Xu Fei said.

Jingru was stunned when she heard this and couldn't believe it.

"But, I still have nearly eight years left."

"I'll find a way." Xu Fei said.

Listening to Xu Fei's understatement, Jingru couldn't help but widen her eyes.

That's one hundred and sixty spirit stones!

Although such expenditures in Tianwu Pavilion are only ordinary, even more transactions of thousands, tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones occur occasionally.

But Jingru knew it very well.

‘She’ doesn’t deserve so much.

Even if she is familiar with all kinds of elixirs, treasures, Taoism and rare treasures, and has accumulated extensive knowledge in Tianwu Pavilion, there is still a 'price', and this price will decrease with age.

If you reach the age of thirty, then the 'price' will only be about ten spirit stones.

It seems very cheap, but a few spirit stones are enough for ordinary people to spend their lives leisurely.

"What, are you willing?" Xu Fei asked again.

"Sir, please allow me to think again." Jingru lowered her head and said.

Xu Fei didn't force himself, nodded and left.

Back home, Xu Fei took out various elixirs purchased from Tianwu Pavilion.

Because the methods of preparing elixirs are different, the resulting elixirs are also different.

The Chuyuan Ziyang Dan and the Yangyi Xilu Dan of Rudaizhu method.

Jin Shengfa’s Tiger Heart Bone Refining Pill.

Mingyue Method’s Jingxing Nourishing Blood Pill and Golden Marrow Jade Ding Pill.

The Long Dan method includes the grass Bai Zhuan Dan and the green fruit Ding Yang Dan.

There is also the Special Spirit Yingqi Pill that Xu Fei is preparing to test using the double well method.

These pills were all given as gifts when Xu Fei purchased various pill-making methods from Tianwu Pavilion.

In addition, in addition to the prescriptions contained in these five commonly used methods of making pills, there are also occasionally appendix prescriptions in more than a dozen other methods of making pills with defects.

But most of those elixirs are not as good as those contained in the Five Methods.

Therefore, Xu Fei did not list those pill recipes as his first choice for alchemy.

He took out the Shuangjing method again and read the recipe for the Shuling Pill again.

Xu Fei began to deal with various elixirs.

Some require slicing during preliminary processing, while others require grinding.

For further processing, some need to be roasted and some need to be blended.

Then there is the guidance of spirits.

This is also a very important step in all kinds of elixir making methods.

Introducing spiritual inspiration into the processed elixir to stimulate its medicinal properties.

If it succeeds, it will naturally be successful.

However, the Shuangjing method first undergoes the step of 'inducing spirits' of various elixirs, and then prepares them into elixirs. Therefore, in summary, even if the Shuangjing method refines various types of elixirs separately, it seems to be difficult. It's lowered, but it's actually not low either.

After all, it is not easy to prepare the elixir that has stimulated its medicinal properties.

Xu Fei calmed down and processed the elixir in his hand according to the prescription.

Although he was a little rusty, Xu Fei made rapid progress with his high level of medical skills and pill making.

After handling a few elixirs, he seemed very proficient.

After a lot of busy work, Xu Fei finished cutting or grinding the elixirs that needed preliminary processing to prepare special elixirs.

Then there is the processing.

This process is not too complicated.

End soon.

The third step is to attract the spirit.

Some elixirs require a trickle of spiritual nourishment, while others require a slightly rougher spiritual stimulation.

Each one is different.

Although it was inevitable that the elixir would fail because it was the first time to refine it, Xu Fei purchased enough elixir to make twenty special elixirs, so even if there was a failure, it would just mean that the number of elixirs obtained in the end would be reduced.

It doesn't make it impossible for Xu Fei's pill-making process to continue.

The first three steps kept Xu Fei busy until late at night.

After checking the time, he found that it was already very late, so Xu Fei did not continue reluctantly. He put the prepared elixir into the jade medicine box and stored it before going to rest.

Xu Fei got up early the next day, finished his homework and went to the pharmaceutical room.

Because the wine-making room was filled with medicinal wine that was still brewing, Xu Fei could only simply decorate the room next to the wine-making room and use it as a pharmaceutical room.

In the future, there may be a talisman-making room, an instrument-making room, an array-making room, etc.

Take out the elixir that has been stored through the three processes of roughing, brewing, and attracting spirits from the medicine box.

Xu Fei checked it out.

After a night, not only did the medicinal properties of these elixirs not be damaged, but the medicinal properties of some of the treated elixirs no longer had the dryness they had when they were just processed.

This made Xu Fei nodded with satisfaction.

Then he calmed down and started trying to make pills for the first time.

Instead of mixing all the processed elixir directly, Xu Fei picked up a scale and carefully measured out the amount that could be used to prepare a special elixir.

Be prepared to take them one by one.

It is different from the impression that a large furnace as tall as a person is ignited with blazing flames, and various elixirs are put into it to refine elixirs.

Xu Fei's current elixir-making process makes people inevitably feel that it is a bit childish.

However, in fact, there is indeed a method of making pills by opening a furnace, but that is already a rather advanced method of making pills.

It's not something Xu Fei can reach now.

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