Chapter 172, take medicine

And this last step of 'modulation' is also the most important and critical step in the Shuangjing method, one of the five commonly used methods of making elixirs.

If you succeed, you will naturally get a magic pill.

If you fail, all the previous hard work will be in vain.

So Xu Fei was still quite cautious.

First, the 'Jin Siling', which is used as a royal medicine and has been processed into powder, is mixed with spiritual honey to form a ball and bind it.

By the way, Xu Fei made slight adjustments to some of the biased aspects of his early treatment of Jin Siling, and Xu Fei regained his composure.

Then add the auxiliary medicine.

During the transfer process, Xu Fei strictly followed the prescription requirements.

Either fast, or slowly, or using mana to draw inspiration and help.

After concentrating on it for almost five minutes, he finally made the first special spirit-responsive qi pill.

There is nothing thrilling about the process.

And looked at the magic pill the size of a dragon's eye in his hand.

Xu Fei judged the quality of the elixir to be average based on the aroma, color and other manifestations contained in the elixir.

But it would be nice to succeed, but Xu Fei was not demanding.

After all, it was his first time making pills.

Put the first magic pill into the medicine box and keep it.

Xu Fei started making the second magic pill.

Because yesterday during the pre-production of the elixir, part of it failed.

In the end, Xu Fei only got the elixir that could be used to prepare seventeen special elixirs. In addition, due to some negligence and mistakes during the production process, Xu Fei failed three times.

In the end, I got a total of 14 pills.

And if the prepared elixirs are classified into three grades: poor, qualified, and high quality according to their medicinal efficacy.

There are three grains of poor quality, six grains of good quality, and five grains of high quality.

A shoddy elixir means that the elixir has a certain effect, but due to errors in the production process, the efficacy of the medicine is compromised.

If it is qualified, it means that the elixir has been made and has the effect that the elixir should have.

That is to say, it is more effective than directly taking various elixirs used in alchemy.

However, the specific effect depends on whether the prescription is exquisite.

If it is a relatively excellent elixir, then after various elixirs are made into elixirs, the efficacy of the elixirs may even reach several times or dozens of times the effect of taking the elixirs directly!

For example, an elixir called 'Shengshengjiexu Dan' that is occasionally mentioned in a set of elixir-making methods uses the most common spiritual grass 'Seven Star Grass' as the king medicine.

The efficacy of the successfully refined Shengsheng Dan is more than a thousand times more effective than taking the various elixirs required to make the elixir such as Seven Star Grass.

Directly turning decay into magic, the Seven-Star Grass, which was originally as cheap as three cents of silver per pound, has become as valuable as a precious elixir worth hundreds or thousands of spiritual stones.

The elixir recipe of the magical elixir is not very good. A successfully refined elixir can achieve five times the effect of various elixirs used in refining it, which is considered qualified.

Such an effect makes the Special Spiritual Pill seem to be just average.

After all, wouldn’t taking the elixir used in alchemy directly save you a lot of trouble?

but it is not the truth.

A special elixir the size of a dragon's eye, weighing almost one or two.

If you want to achieve the effect of a qualified elixir by taking elixir, then you have to take about half a kilogram of elixir.

Half a pound...

This weight is amazing when you think about it.

What's more, the effect of directly swallowing the elixir is difficult to achieve the expected level.

Because even if a monk's body is far superior to that of ordinary people, his absorption of elixirs is not infinite.

As for the specific absorption rate, it varies depending on the body constitution of each person.

However, the refined elixir, catalyzed by mana, can more easily improve cultivation.

Then there's the price.

Xu Fei bought almost two kilograms of various elixirs for refining special elixirs, and made fourteen elixirs.

The poor quality and the high quality complement each other, and it can be regarded as fourteen pills of 'qualified' quality.

Calculated based on the fact that the effect of Special Spirit Pill is five times that of the elixir used for refining, it can be regarded as "seven catties of elixir".

Xu Fei spent sixteen spiritual stones to purchase a two-kilogram elixir for making special elixirs.

The 'extra' five kilograms after refining is worth forty spirit stones.

It also widens the gap between taking the elixir after refining it and taking it directly.

So if it didn't have such various benefits, why would the predecessors have spent so much time researching and creating various methods of making elixirs.

While thinking about it, Xu Fei put away the fourteen special elixirs according to their quality.

However, Xu Fei had no intention of selling these elixirs.

After all, he hadn't learned how to make pills for long, and he had no experience learning how to make pills from an alchemist.

If he could successfully refine the elixir like this, it would be too showy.

Although it will attract attention and receive various benefits, blessings and misfortunes are interdependent.

This may also lead to danger.

Xu Fei will definitely achieve higher achievements by relying on plug-ins.

It is better to avoid unnecessary sharpness and blockbuster.

Putting the refined elixir into the storage bag, Xu Fei went to the medical clinic for a consultation.

The next morning, Xu Fei got up early and came to stand in the courtyard.

With a movement of his left hand, a medicine box appeared in his hand, and he opened the medicine box with his backhand.

Revealing the round pills inside.

It is a high-quality special spirit-responsive qi pill.

Xu Fei pinched a pill, threw it into his mouth and swallowed it.

After taking the elixir, Xu Fei did not dare to neglect, closed the medicine box and stored it in the storage bag, and began to mobilize his magic power to practice the five aggregates method.

As the magic power circulates in the body, the power of the magic pill begins to blend into Xu Fei's magic power.

The effect of mana drawing spiritual energy to nourish the body has been greatly enhanced.

More than an hour later, Xu Fei opened his eyes, his face full of surprise.

Because this excellent level of spiritual elixir actually increased the speed of his practice several times!

It originally took five or six months of practice to increase one pot of mana, but it can probably be accelerated to one or two months to increase one pot of mana!

Very effective.

The daily cost is about one or two spirit stones.

Thinking of this, Xu Fei smiled heartily.

Taking the elixir will speed up the speed of improving your cultivation, and you can start to achieve it from now on.


More than a thousand miles north of Linglong Immortal Gate, there is a continuous forest.

It's called Xuanfeng Forest.

It is inaccessible and monsters are rampant.

Therefore, it is a good place for many casual cultivators who make a living by hunting monsters.

To the south of the forest is a grassland.

The dense wild grass was bent by the wind.

Only then were cattle, sheep and other herbivores exposed under the grass.

But just under this faction's tranquility, murderous intentions are hidden.

Because not far away, several wild wolves were staring at these grazing cattle and sheep.

But just as the wild wolves were quietly approaching, a woman wearing a white scarf covering her face suddenly came from a distance.

Seeing a few wild wolves, he threw a few stones with his backhand.

Kill these wild wolves.

Then continue on your way.

The strong wind blew a corner of the veil covering the woman's face, revealing her true appearance.

It was Ye Yuanmei who had sought Xu Fei's treatment for his injuries.

In winter, everything is withered and the mountains are covered with heavy snow.

Animals will find places to hide and spend the winter, even monsters are no exception.

Therefore, in autumn, monks who make a living by hunting monsters need to work hard to obtain enough savings for the entire winter.

Hence the name Autumn Hunting.

Ye Yuanmei's trip was to participate in the autumn hunting.

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