Chapter 178, Detoxification

On the one hand, he was worried about the possible trouble, but Xu Fei also didn't want to leave the people he knew without saving anything.

It is inevitable to hesitate.

As long as you are in the fairy city, there should be no danger, right?

Xu Fei struggled for a moment, and finally decided to open the door to see the other party's situation.

"Spirit Doctor Xu, I... went to the Xuanfeng Forest... to hunt for monsters, but I accidentally got... poisoned by... the poisonous poisonous spider." Ye Yuanmei found that the courtyard door in front of her had reopened, especially when it was Xu Fei who opened the door. She quickly used her last She used a little strength to explain her own situation, and then passed out directly.

As for whether the other party can save her or not, it's up to fate.

Xu Fei couldn't help but scratch his head when he saw this.

But in the end, he had no intention of just sitting back and watching the other party being poisoned to death.

Ye Yuanmei could only be carefully picked up and placed in the guest room.

Seeing Xu Fei take back such a girl, beautiful girl Yuejiao Jingru couldn't help but be surprised.

Xu Fei first checked Ye Yuanmei's pulse, and after a moment he couldn't help but frown.

The other party is deeply poisoned.

This is because they were not detoxified in time after being poisoned, and they also used their magic power to engage in strenuous activities.

It also allows toxins to penetrate deep into the bone marrow.

Even with his medical skills, it would be difficult to detoxify.

In particular, it will cost a lot of money.

He looked at Ye Yuanmei.

There are no items such as storage bags.

Apparently it was either missing or not there.

In other words, if he helps the other party detoxify, Xu Fei needs to pay for the medicine in advance.

So the income from selling Liangjiang Jade Dew just now was prepared for this person? !

This left Xu Fei speechless.

But now that Ye Yuanmei has been brought back, instead of letting him die outside the door.

This means that as long as Xu Fei has the ability, he will not just sit back and watch the other party die.

So after thinking for a moment, Xu Fei wrote out the prescription and asked his servant to get the medicine and come back.

Then Xu Fei hurried to Tianwu Pavilion and bought a Bijian Heart-Proofing Pill.

One pill of this pill costs six hundred spiritual stones.

Can protect the heart.

Without the help of this elixir, even if Xu Fei detoxifies Ye Yuanmei from the poisonous poisonous spider, her foundation will be damaged, her cultivation will regress, and she may even become an ordinary person.

Xu Fei simply saved people to the end, sent Buddha to the west, and took action with all his strength.

Take Bijian Dan home.

Xu Fei diagnosed Ye Yuanmei again.

If the other party's condition worsens, there is nothing he can do, but it saves him a lot of hard work.

However, Ye Yuanmei had good cultivation and her physical condition was quite strong. Even though she was highly poisonous, she did not deteriorate rapidly.

So Xu Fei can still be cured well.

Without wasting any more time, Xu Fei fed Bijian Pill to Ye Yuanmei.

After making sure that the other party had swallowed the elixir, Xu Fei looked at the medicine that the servant had captured and asked someone to boil the medicine.

Then he took out the silver needle and started applying it to Ye Yuanmei to alleviate the damage caused by the poison to her.

After almost an hour, the medicine was boiled twice, mixed and divided into two bowls before being brought over.

Xu Fei picked up one of the bowls and checked it briefly. Although it was not cooked very well, it was suitable for use.

Then use a medicine pot to pour the medicine liquid into Ye Yuanmei.

Almost an hour later, Xu Fei diagnosed Ye Yuanmei again.

Things have improved.

However, because the poisoning was too deep and Ye Yuanmei consumed a lot of energy, she was still drowsy.

Xu Fei thought about it for a moment, and then prescribed another warm and tonic medicine. He asked his servant to brew the medicine and then gave it to Ye Yuanmei again.

After drinking a lot of medicinal liquid, Ye Yuanmei became incontinent...

Although there are women in the family, the poisonous poisonous spider poisoned by Ye Yuanmei is quite powerful.

Xu Fei didn't want his woman to take risks, so he had no choice but to do it himself.

He took off Ye Yuanmei's clothes, wiped them briefly, put on a set of Meiniang's clothes, and then changed the mattress, quilt, etc.

After a lot of work, Xu Fei diagnosed Ye Yuanmei again and wrote a third prescription.

One pill followed another.

Almost every two hours, Xu Fei would write out a prescription.

I drank seven rounds of medicine.

Ye Yuanmei finally woke up.

The original dark green color of his face, neck, etc. has also been reduced.

After briefly sensing her own situation, Ye Yuanmei couldn't help but look at Xu Fei in surprise.

Is the other party's medical skills so good?

She was seriously poisoned by the ghost spider poison, so she had to take the right antidote immediately and exercise to resist the poison, in order to be able to get rid of the poison.

But after she was poisoned, she struggled with the poisonous spider for two days before finally escaping.

Then he gathered all his strength and returned to the fairy city.

In fact, Ye Yuanmei had given up hope of preserving her own cultivation.

But what I didn't expect was that her current situation turned out to be... good?

"How do you feel?" Xu Fei said.

"Much better, thank you." Ye Yuanmei said softly.

But immediately, Ye Yuanmei noticed that she had changed clothes.

This made Ye Yuanmei feel ashamed. This... was changed by the maid at the other party's house, right?

Xu Fei seemed to hear Ye Yuanmei's thoughts.

"You were poisoned by the poisonous poisonous spider. You were too overbearing. I didn't dare to ask my family to help, so I changed your clothes myself." Xu Fei said in confusion.

When Ye Yuanmei heard these words, her cheeks immediately felt hot and she couldn't help but shrink into bed.

She is already forty and has never encountered such a thing!

"Come, let me take a look at your situation again." Xu Fei said again.

After thinking for a while, Ye Yuanmei could only stretch out her hand from the quilt.

Xu Fei made a diagnosis for a moment and then prescribed medicine again.

But this time, Ye Yuanmei was able to drink the medicine on her own and no longer needed the medicine pot.

After taking the medicine for a while, Ye Yuanmei couldn't help but frown, with a look of embarrassment on her face.

Xu Fei didn't notice it at first, but later he understood Ye Yuanmei's dilemma.

After drinking so much medicinal liquid, I must have wanted to relieve myself.

He got up and brought a copper basin over, placing it under Ye Yuanmei's butt.

Then leave the room.

Xu Fei came back after a while.

Ye Yuanmei had already taken the copper basin out of the bed.

But what was in the basin was dark green liquid.

Xu Fei was not surprised by this, after all, he had already seen it when he was changing Ye Yuanmei's clothes.

After picking up the copper basin and leaving the guest room again, Xu Fei threw several elixirs into the copper basin for a moment to reduce their toxicity, and then poured out the green poisonous urine.

After dealing with these matters, Xu Fei returned to the guest room.

Ye Yuanmei still looked a little embarrassed.

Xu Fei thought for a moment and realized that the other party might be hungry.

"Are you hungry?" Xu Fei asked.

Although Ye Yuanmei looked a little shy, she nodded slightly.

"Wait a moment." Xu Fei said, went out for a while and came back with a bowl of rice porridge.

Then he helped Ye Yuanmei up lovingly, sat on the bed, and fed Ye Yuanmei spoonfuls of rice porridge.

After taking care of her almost naked for two days.

Ye Yuanmei's body gradually recovered.

At least his original green condition has been greatly improved, and he is no longer a green person.

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