Chapter 179, Medical Skills

It also benefited from Xu Fei's careful care during the past two days.

Ye Yuanmei was able to regain some self-care ability after only two days of treatment when she was poisoned by the poisonous spider, especially when she did not receive timely treatment.

Xu Fei saw that he could retire with success, so he didn't stay here anymore. After giving Ye Yuanmei a few words, he stood up and left.

Ye Yuanmei looked at Xu Fei's leaving figure and couldn't help but pursed her lips.

Did this guy ask someone to kiss her before?

Xu Fei left the guest room where Ye Yuanmei was placed and couldn't help but stretch his body.

The past two days have exhausted him.

But it's worth it.

On the one hand, Ye Yuanmei was properly treated for the poisonous poison she received. As long as she cultivates carefully for about two months, the poisoning will hardly leave her with any sequelae.

In addition, Xu Fei also gained a lot.

Medical Skills【0/100】【11/11】

Medical skills successfully reached level 4!

And this was just like what Xu Fei had guessed in the past, and it also gave him more thoughts.

When the skill is at the first level and the second level, the proficiency value is 5 points and 10 points.

The first-level skill has a level limit of 19, and the second-level skill has a level limit of 49.

If you want to break through the skills from the first level to the second level, you need to practice and master the corresponding skills.

If he wants to break through the skills from the second level to the third level, he needs to come into contact with information about the monks, or he needs to become a monk himself.

Now the level three and level four skills have a proficiency value of 50 points and 100 points per level.

Third-level skills also have a level limit of 19, and there is a small bottleneck, so there is a high probability that fourth-level skills will continue to have a level limit of 49 for 'second-level' skills.

With this information, can we make reasonable predictions?

When the skill is level 5 or level 6, is the proficiency value of 500 points or 1000 points equivalent to level one?

In addition, from the second level to the third level, it was because of the ‘monk’ that we were able to break through.

And when the fourth level breaks through to the fifth level, will there be certain requirements?

So what will it be?

Xu Fei was thoughtful.

After a while, Xu Fei had no clue. He shook his head to calm down his thoughts and went to the medical center to start work.

Xu Fei took two days off, which made the shopkeeper quite helpless.

Since the previous incident, this person has asked for leave every now and then.

The medical center was greatly affected.

But he couldn't tell.

After all, it's not like the past. If he had any complaints, the other party would just walk away unhappy.

That's really big.

Xu Fei not only has excellent medical skills, but also knows important people like Master Du Xinwei.

Let alone him, not even the master dared to offend him.

"There are some trivial matters at home that are delayed." Xu Fei explained lightly, and then went to the doctor.

In fact, once a laborer has reached his level, the difference in which medical center he works in is not very big.

So Xu Fei didn't leave.

As Xu Fei began to sit for consultation, several monks came over quickly.

"Xu Lingyi, please take a look at it for me. I feel like I haven't been doing well recently." A monk with quick eyesight was the first to grab it.

Xu Fei chuckled and signaled the other party to be calm, asked about the diagnosis and treatment, and then prescribed the medicine.

The other person actually practiced too much, that is, he spent most of the day practicing, which put a load on his body.

But Xu Fei can also understand.

Because the other party is about to participate in Xianmen's three-year quiz.

According to Xu Fei's judgment, this person's cultivation level is only about eight moments, which is less than a pot of magic power.

Naturally, I want to fight hard before the battle.

So Xu Fei didn't say any nonsense like not to work so hard.

The monk took the prescription, looked at it for a while and then breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he handed over his hands and thanked Xu Fei.

Because the prescriptions are all common elixirs and medicinal materials, and they are not precious.

This will undoubtedly be very friendly to him who is cash-strapped.

Xu Fei just nodded slightly.

Then proceed to diagnose and treat the next monk.

In addition to injuries and poisoning, the main reason why monks come to the medical center is that problems arise during practice.

After all, cultivation is by no means smooth sailing.

Magic power is transported in the body, and spiritual intelligence is drawn by magic power and condensed in the body. Once you are negligent, you may harm yourself.

It can range from shortness of breath and fatigue to severe pain, and there is no upper limit.

Maybe even cool directly.

Ye Yuanmei was too impatient during her previous training and was severely injured. After participating in the autumn hunt and encountering a ghost poisonous spider, she was unable to escape in time and was poisoned.

House seemingly endless rain.

Several monks were diagnosed.

Taking advantage of his free time, Xu Fei picked up the recipe of Ruixian Niang and started looking at it.

Prepare to study hard and improve your wine-making skills to the second level.

After all, after selling several waves of cold liquid jade dew, Xu Fei discovered that brewing spiritual wine turned out to be a good business.

With more than ten times the profit, Xu Fei made a lot of money.

The most important thing is that Xu Fei has Du Shaocheng, the gold medal salesman.

Of course, Xu Fei would not ignore the fact that the reason why his wine has become a hot seller is because Liangjian Yulu was served at Du Xinwei's birthday party.

Another monk came to Xu Fei's consultation table and sat down. Xu Fei put aside his distracting thoughts and continued to diagnose and treat the patient.

As the level of medical skills reached the fourth level, Xu Fei gradually felt that he could do what he wanted when he diagnosed and treated the monks.

Prescriptions may seem unreasonable, but the results will be better than 'regular' prescriptions.

"Doctor Xu, shouldn't I use Waterfall Orchid for this disease?" The monk who was treated by Xu Fei obviously had some foundation in spiritual medicine, and he raised questions after seeing his prescription.

"Waterfall Orchid is slightly poisonous and is indeed not suitable for you, but I added several other herbs to blend it, so you can take it with confidence," Xu Fei said.

The diagnosed monk looked at the prescription in his hand and couldn't help but scratch his head.

He really couldn't see the merits of this recipe.

However, the other party is quite famous among the surrounding monks, so I don't think he will be tricked.

"Thank you so much, Doctor Xu." The monk thanked Xu Fei and went to grab the medicine.

While watching the other party leave, Xu Fei was thoughtful.

It seems that you still can't be too arbitrary?

After all, if the patient gets good results after taking the medicine, it will be fine. But if the results are not good, then his consultation table may be overturned.

So after thinking about it, Xu Fei felt that he still had to restrain himself.

Also to avoid getting into trouble for yourself.

Soon it was time to get off work, and Xu Fei returned home.

A white cat swooped over.

Then he stopped, looked back at Xu Fei, and then ran away.

There are three kittens, the black one is named Duoduo, the white one is called Tiaotiao, and the orange one is called Fanfan.

The white one is a big cat, and the black and orange ones are kittens.

"Hop, hop, hop, hop~" Not long after the white cat ran over.

Xiao Ling hugged the black cat and the orange cat, shouted and looked around, and trotted after them.

"Brother-in-law, have you seen Tiaotiao?" The little girl was sweating from running, her hair sticking to her forehead and cheeks.

Xu Fei couldn't help but smile when he saw this.

He finally understood why his sister-in-law was so happy when she found out she was going to buy a cat.

This is obviously crazy.

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