Chapter 180: Repaying kindness

But Xu Fei can understand.

Meiniang occasionally mentioned her past life with her mother and sister.

Meiniang's mother was originally from a small village. A monk happened to pass by and saw her beauty, so he bought her for one hundred taels of silver.

Then we came all the way to Fairy City.

Nearly twenty years passed in the blink of an eye, and Meiniang's mother had two sisters.

Because they were married to a foreign wife, Meiniang and her mother and sister did not live well.

You need to be especially careful. After all, as Xiao Ling grows up day by day, the monk's eyes towards Xiao Ling also become vaguely wrong.

Even if Xiaoling is his biological daughter.

So in such an environment, Xiaoling was almost walking on thin ice.

Then suddenly, the monk died while outside.

Although Meiniang and her mother and sister's source of livelihood has been cut off, there is no need to worry anymore.

However, after the monk died, the monk's wife took back all the house and property from Meiniang's mother, and Meiniang's mother was seriously ill again.

Their lives took a turn for the worse.

Only then did Meiniang sell herself to a dental clinic to treat her mother's illness, and then met Xu Fei.

So it can be said that after Xiaoling came to Xu Fei, she finally no longer had to live in fear every day and could live a normal life.

That's why Xiao Ling is particularly close to Xu Fei, his brother-in-law.

"Going over there." Xu Fei pointed in the direction the white cat ran away.

"Thank you, brother-in-law." Xiaoling hugged the black cat and the orange cat and chased after him happily.

Such amusement made Xu Fei chuckle, and then came to Ye Yuanmei's side.

He was diagnosed again and his recovery was indeed good.

Xu Fei was ready to leave.

"Mr. Xu." Ye Yuanmei suddenly spoke.

Xu Fei looked at the other party unexpectedly.

Ye Yuanmei pursed her lips.

"Sir, do you dislike Yuan Mei?"

When she found out that Xu Fei actually gave her a Bijian Heart-Proofing Pill worth six hundred spirit stones, Ye Yuanmei knew that the personal favor she owed was a bit too great.

After all, even if she hunted down the poisonous ghost spider that once forced her into a desperate situation and sold the spiritual materials on it, she would not be able to sell so many spiritual stones.

In addition, Xu Fei had asked someone to propose to her before...

Xu Fei was even more surprised. After thinking for a while, he sat back next to Ye Yuanmei, and then held the other person's hand.

He still liked women who showed kindness in return.

"Where do you start talking about this?" Xu Fei said softly.

Ye Yuanmei suddenly blushed and lowered her head.

After forty years of hard work practicing Taoism, Ye Yuanmei has never experienced such love.

Still a blank piece of paper.

For a moment, I couldn't bear Xu Fei's tenderness.

There is a saying that according to Xu Fei's strict scoring mechanism, Ye Yuanmei's appearance is only 72 or 73 points.

Compared with the handsomeness of 60 points, 70 points can be said to be beautiful, but compared with the stunning level of 80 points, there is still a lot of gap.

As for the 90-point score of national beauty and heavenly fragrance, among the women Xu Fei has seen so far, the only one he had seen before in the Lingjue Land was the Heavenly King Guanxiaoyu.

But now the other party should be in his thirties or forties, and he has probably lost his color.

But Ye Yuanmei is a monk, and has a good level of cultivation.

Not only does she look about twenty years old, but her physical condition is also no different from that of a twenty-year-old woman.

Although after accepting Ye Yuanmei, there may be a risk of being turned against him, but based on the contact during this period, the other party's temperament is still acceptable.

Another thing I have to say is that Xu Fei learned how to make wine, and then prepared and sold the spirit wine to get a lot of spirit stones.

It is inevitable that people think that earning spiritual stones is a very easy and easy thing.

But in fact, he wanted to reach Xu Fei's level in wine making.

If ordinary people don't have a lot of time to study hard and realize it seriously, they will definitely not be able to achieve it overnight.

Otherwise, as Du Xinwei, how could he go there in person?

Although there were not many spiritual stones, Du Xinwei was also worried that things might not go well.

Later, the quality of the Liangjiang Jade Dew delivered improved, and Du Xinwei even handed it over and personally delivered the birthday banquet invitation.

After all, spiritual wine is made by using various liquors and adding various elixirs and medicinal materials.

As for medicinal materials, few of them taste good.

Even magical medicines are not exempt from vulgarity.

So if you want spiritual wine to have good effects, you have to give up the taste.

If you want taste, you have to give up the medicinal effect.

Therefore, as long as it has both taste and medicinal effect, it is already a top-grade spiritual wine.

If it tastes good and has good medicinal effects, it can be called a good product.

Xu Fei couldn't help but grin when he saw Ye Yuanmei's shy look.

He just comforted me a few more times, but didn't do anything.

After all, Ye Yuanmei is still in a state of poisoning. If she spreads the poison, not to mention whether her body can bear it, it may even affect Xu Fei.

That would be hilarious.

After Ye Yuanmei took medicine and rested, Xu Fei left.

After dinner, Xu Fei went to the study to study two kinds of spiritual wine, Ruixian Niang and Jiuhua.

After thinking about it, I came up with two ideas and decided to try it tomorrow.

Let's see if we can improve our wine-making skills to the second level.

At about 9 o'clock in the evening, Xu Fei came to Jingru.

After following Xu Fei, Jingru looked better than before.

Especially between the eyebrows and eyes, there is a touch of feminine charm.

If it were now, Xu Fei thought it would be okay to give Jingru's appearance a 90 points.

But it is impossible for Xu Fei to get the ten times proficiency reward for the first time.

Although the only woman Xu Fei is currently in contact with is not his first time, Ling Niang is used as a reference, but it also lets Xu Fei know that when a woman's first time is not with him, not only will there be no reward for the first time, but there will also be subsequent rewards. The proficiency points gained from scattered branches will also be reduced.

"Master, what's wrong?" After Jingru put away Xu Fei's clothes, she found Xu Fei in a daze and asked softly.

Xu Fei took the opportunity to hug Jingru and kissed Jingru on the cheek.

"Nothing, just thinking about some trivial matters."

Jingru was hugged by Xu Fei, and her pretty face couldn't help but turn rosy.

But I am very much looking forward to what happens next.

No wonder there are so many descriptions in the book. It turns out that this thing is really so wonderful.

"I usually see you reading, what kind of books do you read?" Xu Fei asked casually.

After all, it’s boring to go straight to the topic at the beginning.

You should still pay more attention to your women.

Hearing Xu Fei ask about the book she was reading, Jingru couldn't help but tense up and her pretty face turned redder.

"No, I didn't read anything, just some random books." Jingru stumbled.

Xu Fei came to Jingru's place before and occasionally saw her hiding some books suddenly, but he didn't care at first.

But seeing Jingru's panicked look, she couldn't help but become curious.

"Really? What kind of idle book?" Xu Fei asked seemingly unintentionally.

"It's just Xianshu." Jingru was even more nervous.

"Ah? Can you let me take a look?" Xu Fei said.

"Ah? Then, how did those idle books get into your eyes?" Jingru became more and more nervous.

There is a problem at first glance.

But after thinking about it, Xu Fei did not continue to ask.

After all, pressing forward step by step is not as good as simmering over low heat.

But just charge a little interest.

Thinking of this, Xu Fei chuckled.

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