Chapter 182, Liquor Shop

Time passed in an instant.

More than ten days passed.

Xu Fei took advantage of his free time and found a shop facing the street.

Not on Tongxian Street.

After all, although Tongxian Street is lively and has a large flow of people, and basically only monks come to this street, the shops are too expensive.

An inconspicuous shop requires thousands of spiritual stones to start.

According to Xu Fei's visual calculation, it seems that one square meter is worth about thirty or fifty spiritual stones.

Very exaggerated.

Even though Xu Fei gritted his teeth, he might not be able to afford such a shop, but in the end he gave up the idea after hesitation.

After buying a shop, it will naturally not be idle and must be prepared to operate.

So after thinking about it, Xu Fei visited Du Xinwei again.

The appearance of the Du family's manor is no different from other places.

But only when you walk in can you realize what low-key luxury is.

Elixirs worth hundreds of spiritual stones, and even precious spiritual trees worth thousands of spiritual stones, were actually used as landscapes.

Xu Fei couldn't help but feel a little uneasy when he saw it.

Will the other party look down on his small business?

Under the leadership of the maid, Xu Fei came to a waterside pavilion.

Du Xinwei was fishing leisurely.

Xu Fei glanced at it and found that what the other party was fishing for was actually a red beard tail.

This made Xu Fei silent for a moment.

This spirit fish has a beautiful appearance, and its tail is very vivid when swimming back and forth in the water.

The meat is also said to be extremely delicious.

Therefore, a pound of red beard tail can be sold for thousands of spirit stones.

The one that Du Xinwei was happily sliding in the water at the moment looked like it might weigh three to five kilograms!

Xu Fei no longer knows how to estimate the specific value.

Throw wealth and honor into the sky.

If it weren't for the fact that Liangjiang Jade Dew is rare among the many types of spiritual wines, and there are very few spiritual wine masters who can make it well.

Xu Fei knew that there was a high probability that he would not be able to come into contact with a wealthy young master of Du Xinwei's level.

Of course, there must be Du Shaocheng's recommendation among them.

After all, if Du Shaocheng hadn't mentioned it, how could Du Xinwei know that he had good-quality spiritual wine here.

Later, Xu Fei's wine-making skills continued to improve, and the quality of the Liangjiang Yulu he produced improved.

Du Xinwei paid more attention to it and sent the birthday banquet invitation in person.

But if Xu Fei had the illusion that he could interact with Du Xinwei on an equal footing...

That would be too presumptuous.

"Oh? Doctor Xu is here? Sit down." Du Xinwei held the fishing rod enthusiastically and continued to compete with the red beard tail in the water.

After hearing this, Xu Fei quietly sat aside and then placed a jar of more than twenty kilograms of cold liquid jade dew in his hand at his feet.

After a while, the red bearded tail in the water ran out of strength, and Du Xinwei lifted the fishing rod out of the water and grabbed it in his hand.

It shook its tail unwillingly, but couldn't get rid of the fishhook in its mouth.

"Hahaha, I call you greedy!" Du Xinwei was quite happy to catch the fish and couldn't help but mock the fish in his hand.

Then Du Xinwei threw the fishing rod aside, carefully took the fishhook out of Hong Xuwei's mouth, and then threw the fish in his hand back into the water.

After cleaning his hands in a copper basin nearby, Du Xinwei came to sit next to Xu Fei.

"This house belongs to my father. When I came to live here, the old man made a special request not to touch his red beard tails, otherwise I will taste the red scales with Dr. Xu today." Du Xinwei laughed and said.

It can be said that these wealthy disciples have shortcomings of one kind or another.

But in terms of human relations, they have almost no flaws.

Of course, this must be based on making them feel that there is value in the relationship.

Xu Fei laughed and picked up the cold liquid jade dew placed at his feet.

"I don't have anything to bring. I can only send some spiritual wine that I prepared myself."

Du Xinwei laughed again when he saw this.

"Xu Lingyi, you are too polite, but I am indeed blessed again." Du Xinwei took the spirit wine and handed it to the attendant.

After chatting for a few more words, Xu Fei explained his intention.

When he heard that Xu Fei wanted to open a liquor store, Du Xinwei was thoughtful.

Although it is not easy for ordinary people to live in Fairy City, their personal safety is generally guaranteed.

Linglong Immortal Sect will not tolerate the chaos surrounding its sect.

But if you want to run a business, it will be a bit difficult.

Not to mention all kinds of troubles coming one after another, even if it only comes once or twice, if there is no foundation, it will be unbearable.

It's not surprising that Xu Fei would find him for help.

What just made Du Xinwei think a little was whether he wanted to participate in it.

After all, after a lot of work, you can get three melons and two dates. Isn’t it a waste of time?

However, the thoughts in his mind changed and Du Xinwei finally decided to give Xu Fei some trust.

"Okay, since Dr. Xu has found me and naturally trusts me, just give me 20% of your shares." Du Xinwei said after thinking about it.

Hearing Du Xinwei's straightforward decision, Xu Fei breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, he was mentally prepared for heavy bleeding.

After chatting for a while, Xu Fei refused Du Xinwei's invitation to have dinner with him and left the Du family manor.

And with Du Xinwei's permission, the next thing will be easy.

When Xu Fei was preparing to open a wine shop, he found several other spiritual wine recipes and prepared a lot of spiritual wine.

Liangjiang Yulu, Ruixian Niang and Jiuhua Drink are the main ones, supplemented by other spiritual wines, to spread the wine.

The clerk in the store was also easy to deal with.

Teeth line.

Although under the rule of Linglong Immortal Sect, even slaves bought with money are not allowed to be killed without reason, but if something happens, as the master, there are many ways to punish them.

It's quite convenient.

As for whether doing this is exploiting others...

As long as the two guys he bought worked well in the liquor store, Xu Fei wouldn't treat them badly.

So it almost helped them get out of the sea of ​​misery.

After some selection, Xu Fei set the date for the opening of his Xu Ji Liquor Shop on the sixth day of August, which was a few days later.

There are not only eight on this day, but also six. On this day decades ago in the previous life, there was a big firework to help celebrate, and three days later there was another big firework.

It would be a pity not to celebrate such a good day.

After returning home, Xu Fei told Ye Yuanmei about opening a wine shop.

Ye Yuanmei heard Xu Fei mention this to herself, and after thinking about it for a while, she roughly understood what Xu Fei meant.

"You want me to take care of the liquor store?" Ye Yuanmei asked.

Xu Fei nodded after hearing this.

Ye Yuanmei was a woman who had risked everything for her cultivation.

Based on Xu Fei's diagnosis, the other party probably took the ferocious elixir prepared with the 'Golden Victory Method' more than once.

Although she was very lucky and successfully inherited the power of the elixir without any problems, her health was already in bad shape.

That is to say, she met Xu Fei, otherwise Ye Yuanmei's future lifespan may not even reach the two hundred years of life of an innate warrior.

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