Chapter 183, opening

Great loss of life span.

This is also the reason why Xu Feihui is very cautious about the elixir prepared by Jin Shengfa and has never taken it until now.

However, with Xu Fei's current fourth-level medical skills, he is confident that he can help Ye Yuanmei nurse her body back to health in about twenty years.

Ye Yuanmei heard that Xu Fei asked her to help look after the liquor store, but she didn't want to agree.

Monks are divided into several levels based on their emphasis on spiritual practice: lazy, ordinary, dedicated, and life-sacrifice.

Xu Fei is probably between ordinary and diligent. Although he has always claimed that he is serious and hard-working, if there is an opportunity to risk his life to improve his cultivation, he will basically ignore it.

As for Ye Yuanmei, there is no doubt that she is willing to sacrifice her life.

Ye Yuanmei regretted failing to pass the three-year test of Xianmen.

By chance, I bought a Wolf Blood Stone Poison Pill.

This elixir is also refined by the Jin Sheng method. Its properties are fierce and violent, only slightly weaker than the Tiger Heart Bone Refining Pill.

Half of the people who take this kind of elixir will be seriously injured or even die miserably. Almost half of the remaining people will get little benefit, but will end up with a lot of fatigue and seven injuries.

Only a small number of people can improve their cultivation and increase their magic power by refining the properties of this elixir.

And Ye Yuanmei was lucky.

She is one of the few people whose magic power has greatly increased.

And the increased mana is equivalent to her years of hard training.

This happened, coupled with Ye Yuanmei's hard training and subsequent opportunities.

Only in just eleven years did she, a weak monk who had never passed the three-year test of the Immortal Sect and had less than one pot of mana, be promoted to the point where she now has more than 570 pots of mana.

He also relied on the meteor fighting technique he learned to gain a lot of fame.

But now she is still alive only because of the help of the man in front of her.

So after thinking about it, Ye Yuanmei could only temporarily agree to Xu Fei's request.

But he also made a decision in his heart.

She would only help look after the liquor store for five years.

After this time, she still had to practice asceticism again.

Seeing that Ye Yuanmei agreed to look after the liquor store for him, Xu Fei felt relieved.

After all, during this period of contact, he could also see that Ye Yuanmei was the kind of fierce person who would not hesitate to die for the sake of cultivation.

If the ghost poisonous spider's poison is removed, Xu Fei cannot guarantee whether Ye Yuanmei will continue to hunt monsters.

And that would be too dangerous.

So after some consideration, on the one hand, the wine shop needed someone to take care of it, and on the other hand, it was also necessary to accommodate Ye Yuanmei.

That's when I came up with the idea of ​​asking the other party to help look after the liquor store.

Then he checked Ye Yuanmei's pulse and made a diagnosis.

Her health has improved a lot.

This made Xu Fei feel a little dishonest when he felt his pulse.

Seeing Xu Fei's appearance, Ye Yuanmei did not refuse in any pretentious manner, but accepted it openly.

‘A branching operation that opens up the way forward, proficiency value +140’

But when the opening of branches and leaves was over, a look of surprise flashed in Xu Fei's eyes.

what's the situation? !

Why is it 140 proficiency points? !

Is it because Ye Yuanmei is a monk?

The women in Xu Fei's past were all ordinary people. Even though there were warriors like Zhou Yue and Shang Caixia who were proficient in some martial arts, they were never monks.

So it was Xu Fei's first time having sex with a female cultivator.

But I didn't expect that the proficiency points given would be different.

Judging from Ye Yuanmei's appearance, which is over 70 points, is it double?

"What's wrong?" Ye Yuanmei huddled lazily in Xu Fei's arms, noticing Xu Fei's strange silence, and couldn't help but ask.

"It's nothing." Xu Fei chuckled and gently hugged Ye Yuanmei into his arms.

Whether it would double the proficiency value to split up with a female cultivator, we have to wait for Ye Yuanmei to recover a little before trying again to get the result.

In the blink of an eye, several days passed.

Xu Ji Liquor Store opened.

Xu Fei invited some people to join in the fun.

For example, Shi Dehuan, Hu Tang, Wen Jianyi and other disciples of the Lecture School.

There are also several spiritual doctors in the medical clinic.

When I invited Senior Brother Gou Kewen, he had already gone out to do some errands for the Immortal Sect and was not at the Immortal Sect.

A little regretful.

Just when Xu Fei was about to make the invited lion dance team lively.

Du Xinwei came unexpectedly with Du Shaocheng.

"Master Du." Xu Fei hurriedly greeted him. It was true that he sent an invitation to Du Xinwei, but he didn't expect him to come.

Several people who knew Du Xinwei's identity also hurriedly followed him.

"It's quite lively." Du Xinwei looked at the surrounding scene and said with a smile.

"Master Du, please." Xu Fei and Du Xinwei saw the excitement and welcomed him into the shop.

In fact, there is nothing to see, just a shop of more than 100 square meters.

There are large and small wine jars placed.

It only sells wine, not food.

After Du Xinwei took a brief look around the store, the lion dance became lively with the sound of gongs and drums, and the firecrackers were lit and crackled~exploded.

Officially announced the opening of Xu Kee Liquor Store.

"Not bad." After watching the lion dance for a while, Du Xinwei praised it with a smile and left.

Although Xu Fei also set up a table at a nearby restaurant for today's opening, as Du Xinwei, being able to show his face at the opening was already considered a big deal.

At least some people who wanted to come up with some ideas for Xu Fei's wine shop have all stopped.

With great excitement, the opening of the wine shop was completed.

However, business was not very good on the first day of opening.

Top-grade spiritual wines such as Liangjiang Yulu were sold for twelve kilograms, and other ordinary spiritual wines were sold for more than thirty kilograms.

Added together, the daily income is just over thirty-one spiritual stones.

If calculated based on this turnover, it would be less than a thousand spirit stones per month.

But this does not mean that Xu Fei can earn so much in a month.

Because after deducting costs, Xiancheng levied taxes on opening stores, and gave Du Xinwei the shares, less than half of these total expenses went to Xu Fei in the end.

That’s about four hundred and fifty spiritual stones a month.

This works out to fifteen spirit stones per day.

And Ye Yuanmei, who was the shopkeeper for the first time today, had bright eyes after settling the accounts.

"Can it be so profitable to open a wine shop?" Ye Yuanmei exclaimed.

After all, it’s just selling wine, but you can actually earn so much?

Xu Fei couldn't help but shake his head and smile when he heard this.

How much does that count?


Nearly two years have passed in the blink of an eye.

Xu Fei got up early that day. He was going to Xianmen to take the three-year quiz in advance.

Jingru also wanted to get up and help Xu Fei get dressed and wash up, but Xu Fei gently stopped her.

"Take good care of De'er." Xu Fei said softly.

In the past two years, Meiniang gave him his eldest son, Xu Zhongliang, who came to the spiritual realm, and Jingru gave him his second son, Xu Zhongde. Yue Jiao gave him a daughter, Xu Ruowu.

Moreover, beautiful ladies Ye Yuanmei and Yue Jiao are both pregnant now.

It can be seen that Xu Fei usually works very hard to spread the branches and leaves, and the results are not small.

Hearing what Xu Fei said, Jingru looked at her son who was sleeping sweetly not far away and nodded lightly.

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