Chapter 185, Disciple

It is not very accurate to judge the mana possessed by other monks by visual inspection.

Because the basis of the 'visual inspection' method is the interaction between the power of the method and external inspiration.

If the other party restrains himself.

Just like Xu Fei, the information seen by others will naturally be inaccurate.

Therefore, using such a simple method to judge other people's cultivation can only be used as a reference.

It is somewhat 'silly' to regard the information obtained through visual inspection as the true strength of the opponent.

Xu Fei did not do anything special and lined up according to the requirements of the Huzhong Temple disciples.

Not at the front, but not at the end either.

And as they, the disciples waiting for the quiz lined up. The disciples of Huzhong Temple began to arrange tests.

The speed is still relatively fast.

Of course, this may also be a small test that Xu Fei rarely participates in. For the disciples of Hu Zhong Temple, it is their usual work.

Almost twenty minutes later it was Xu Fei's turn.

A disciple of the Middle Temple of the Pot cleared out the mana of the previous disciple from the testing pot, and then placed the testing pot in front of Xu Fei.

Xu Fei has tested his own magic power before, so he doesn't have any stage fright.

The palm of your hand covers the entrance of the measuring pot, urging mana to flow into the pot.

After a while, a pot of mana was filled.

"In what year did you enter the sect, where did you come from, your name, and the license you held." A Huzhong Temple disciple who was standing by saw that Xu Fei passed the test without any surprises. He stepped forward and led Xu Fei into the Huzhong Temple while doing the usual routine. asked.

"I entered the Lecture School on the seventh day of February in 548. I was born in Qingyu. My name is Xu Fei. This is my license plate." Xu Fei simply said his message and handed a wooden license plate to Hu Zhongdian. disciple.

This license was exactly what Senior Brother Gou Kewen took him to handle.

If lost, you need to go to the Lecture School to get a replacement.

Following this disciple, Xu Fei stepped into the Huzhong Temple.

There is nothing mysterious about the scene in the temple.

Just rows of bookshelves.

Based on the information Xu Fei said, the disciples of Hu Zhong Temple quickly found Xu Fei's corresponding records.

Then go find a piece of iron identity card and come over.

"Input mana." The disciple of Huzhong Temple said.

Xu Fei took the iron card and input mana into the iron identity card according to his words.

After a while, the disciple of the Huzhong Temple took the card and input mana as well. Seeing that there was no movement from the card, he nodded.

"This is your license. Only when you input mana will the license shine. When you go out, it is also an important certificate to confirm the identity of our Immortal Sect disciples. Please keep it carefully and don't lose it, otherwise you want to re-register for the meeting. It’s very troublesome.” The Hu Zhong Temple disciple warned.

"Yes, thank you, senior brother." Xu Fei said.

The disciple of the Huzhong Temple nodded and said, "You can do it yourself." Then he went to pick up the disciples who passed the quiz.

Xu Fei watched the opponent leave, then looked at the card in his hand. After inputting a bit of mana, the card glowed slightly.

This made Xu Fei quite curious.

Compared with the identity card held by the disciples of the Lecture School, the iron plate of the disciples of the Immortal Sect is almost regarded as a magic weapon.

Although its function is only to illuminate when the disciple holding the card inputs mana to prove the identity of the disciple of the Immortal Sect, this alone is often enough to reduce some troubles.

After thinking about it, Xu Fei put the license into his pocket.

After leaving the Huzhong Temple, Xu Fei couldn't help but scratch his head.

After all, does this mean he becomes a disciple of the Immortal Sect?

Too frivolous?

However, looking at some other disciples who were excited to receive their identity cards, it was confirmed that Xu Fei was indeed a disciple of the Immortal Sect.

After becoming a disciple of the Immortal Sect, you can freely enter and exit the mountain gate.

Apart from other trivial matters, the biggest benefit is that you can practice in the mountain gate that is rich in spiritual wisdom.

When one's spiritual practice is not high, there is not much difference between whether one's spiritual intelligence is strong or not.

After all, even meager magic power can't refine many ideas.

However, as the cultivation level increases, the demand for spiritual machines will increase.

That was why Xu Fei didn't wait until the three-year period expired before taking the quiz.

After thinking for a while, Xu Fei found a forest.

The places where inspiration is gathered in Linglong Immortal Gate are the woods inside the mountain gate.

Because the various trees in the forest have been specially cultivated, they have a certain effect on gathering spiritual intelligence and preventing it from scattering.

In addition, the fact that there is such a rich spiritual power in the mountain gate is related to the fact that Linglong Immortal Gate has arranged a ‘mountain formation’.

Based on the peaks and rivers in various places, the spiritual power within a radius of nearly 20,000 miles is gathered to support the mountain gate.

Although the formation effect of this mountain formation is not very strong, at most it can only condense about 10% of the spiritual energy from various places into the mountain gate, but it is enough to support the practice of the disciples in the gate.

It is said that in the Jingwei Hall of Tianzhu Peak where the leader is located, there is a spiritual spring three feet square.

The inspiration is so rich that it even liquefies into water.

Very exaggerated.

After suppressing his distracting thoughts, Xu Fei chose a forest and walked in. The forest was filled with clouds and mist created by his inspiration, making it look like a fairyland.

After looking for a while, Xu Fei came to a secluded place and stood still, then lowered his eyes and started practicing today.

He would get up early and take the quiz without completing today's homework, just to directly try the effect of practicing in a place where spiritual intelligence is rich.

Almost two hours later, Xu Fei finished his practice and opened his eyes.

Silently experiencing the effect of this practice, Xu Fei was thoughtful.

The effect is not bad.

No wonder many monks have sharpened their heads and want to join the Linglong Immortal Sect.

After experiencing the effect of practicing at Shanmen, Xu Fei came to the living room hall.

Jushi Hall, Yangwu Dao Hall and Xingtan are the three most important places in Linglong Immortal Sect for ordinary disciples like Xu Fei.

The Jushitang is responsible for arranging accommodation and other trivial matters.

Yangwu Daotang distributes errands that need to be handled by the disciples in various sects. After completing the errands, they will receive ‘errands’, which is equivalent to ‘sect contribution’.

One point of errand is worth almost one spirit stone.

Back then, senior brother Gou Kewen went to the Lingjue Land to transport warrior resources and received 5 errand points. He brought him back to the sect and received 5 errand points.

In other words, after completing the errands within the sect, he obtained almost ten spiritual stones.

The Xingtan is where some senior brothers and elders in the sect preach to their disciples.

Some describe various cultivation methods, and some describe methods of making elixirs and refining weapons, which are quite complicated.

But it is undeniable that Xingtan has always been very lively.

So after receiving his dormitory in the mountain gate from the living room hall, Xu Fei thought about it and did not check the situation of the dormitory. Instead, he went to the nearest apricot altar.

In Linglong Immortal Gate, there will be maps in conspicuous places at most intersections, briefly marking the nearby situation.

Just like the reminder maps at the tourist attractions that Xu Fei visited in his previous life...

Xu Fei was inevitably a little surprised, but it was undeniable that these maps did reduce many problems and troubles.

At least new disciples like Xu Fei don't have to rush around in a daze.

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