Chapter 186, Affairs

When Xu Fei rushed to the nearest apricot altar, the sermon was already halfway over.

The person in charge of preaching today is an elder named Wang, who has profound spiritual practice.

The content of the explanation was knowledge about legal practice. Xu Fei scratched his chin after listening to a few sentences. The knowledge taught by the other party was already very simple to him.

After all, the knowledge imparted by this Elder Wang is all aimed at the disciples who have just become disciples.

And Xu Fei's mana has reached two hundred and twenty pots.

It's like someone who has taught himself to a college level with textbooks and has done well in his studies, and then comes to observe in a primary school class.

It’s not that it’s completely meaningless, but it doesn’t mean much either.

This also made Xu Fei roughly understand.

Unless it was the teaching of weapon refining, formations, talismans and other techniques, most of the teachings in Xingtan were of little use to him.

In fact, it is the fastest way for Xu Fei to learn.

Just take a book that records various skills, study them while upgrading the corresponding skills, and then practice them.

At most, I can occasionally communicate with other monks who are skilled in various skills to broaden their horizons.

So after simply listening for a while, Xu Fei left.

After leaving the mountain gate, Xu Fei looked back.

The process of joining Linglong Xianmen seems to be an understatement.

But this situation is normal.

After all, there are so many disciples joining the Immortal Sect every day, and there are ninety-three in the Huzhong Hall alone.

Even if only a hundred disciples successfully pass the quiz in one place every day, there are nearly 10,000 disciples in one day.

So Xu Fei is just one of ten thousand.

So what kind of style is there?

Return home.

Several women were waiting in the middle hall.

"What's wrong?" Xu Fei asked.

"Did Master pass the test?" Ye Yuanmei chuckled. She was already six months pregnant, and her belly was round and pregnant.

The reason why she asked this was because even though Ye Yuanmei knew that Xu Fei would definitely pass the quiz, she would not be surprised if something went wrong if the other party interfered.

"Of course it passed." Xu Fei chuckled.

Hearing Xu Fei's answer, the girls' faces showed smiles.

"Congratulations, sir." Qi Qi said softly.

The feeling of not being taken seriously at all in Linglong Immortal Sect was made up for at home.

This made Xu Fei grin.

"Thank you, thank you." Xu Fei looked humble and proud.

Ye Yuanmei couldn't help but laugh.

After a lot of laughter, there was a family dinner to celebrate Xu Fei becoming a disciple of the Linglong Immortal Sect.

After the banquet dispersed, Xu Fei thought for a while and then came to Ye Yuanmei.

He gently placed his ear against Ye Yuanmei's belly, and Xu Fei immediately felt the pain.

However, being beaten by the child in his belly made Xu Fei smile.

Ye Yuanmei also smiled, and then pushed Xu Fei away.

"What are your plans after becoming a disciple of the Immortal Sect?"

Xu Fei pondered for a moment after hearing the words.

"I plan to buy a house near the mountain gate." Xu Fei said.

The place where he lives now is a bit far away from Linglong Immortal Sect.

It is very inconvenient to go to the mountain gate every day and use the rich spiritual energy in the mountain gate to practice.

Although it’s okay to run dozens of miles every day, wouldn’t it be better if the time spent traveling back and forth could be used to study various skills?

What's more, Xu Fei has opened a wine shop in the past two years, and his business has gradually improved.

He sells around 5,000 spiritual stones of spiritual wine a month, and almost half of the profit goes to him.

It made Xu Fei's pockets very bulging.

Ye Yuanmei nodded after thinking. It was indeed more convenient to buy a house close to the mountain gate.

"What should we do with the liquor store?"

Even though it's not a big deal to go back and forth for dozens of miles, it's still a bit too much to worry about.

Xu Fei naturally had plans for this issue.

"I plan to hand over the wine shop here to Master Du, and then we will open another one at the mountain gate." Xu Fei said.

Ye Yuanmei nodded again when he heard this.

After talking to Ye Yuanmei for a while, Xu Fei left.

He married Ye Yuanmei two years ago.

Ye Yuanmei's appearance value is obviously only over 70 points, but after she blossomed for the first time, she gave Xu Fei 140 proficiency points.

Each subsequent branching and scattering of leaves is also a full 14 points of proficiency.

This made Xu Fei guess that his proficiency with the female cultivator would be increased to a certain extent.

The increase is likely to be 'double'.

But for the specifics, Xu Fei will have to find other female cultivators to verify.

Look at the time, it's only around 3pm.

Xu Fei came to the medical clinic.

The shopkeeper looked a little surprised when he saw Xu Fei coming over.

In the past two years, Xu Fei came here on odd days and had two days off, but even so, his monthly salary was tens of thousands of taels.

"Mr. Xu, what's the matter?" the shopkeeper said with slight compliment.

"Shopkeeper, I'm here to say goodbye." Xu Fei said.

When he heard that Xu Fei was resigning, the shopkeeper looked a little unhappy.

In the past two years, relying on Xu Fei, his medical clinic's income has been very good.

It also gives me a little more face in front of my master’s family.

But now Xu Fei is actually resigning...

"Xu Lingzhi, but you are not satisfied with the salary? How about I go talk to the owner and exchange it for you with spiritual stones?" the shopkeeper said quickly.

"I passed the Immortal Sect's quiz and am already a disciple of the Immortal Sect." Xu Fei explained.

Hearing what Xu Fei said, the shopkeeper couldn't help but be stunned.

"Congratulations to Xu Lingyi, congratulations." The shopkeeper forced a smile, knowing that he couldn't keep him.

"Then let me settle Doctor Xu Ling's salary for this month." The shopkeeper said again.

There was no intention of deducting Xu Fei's salary.

After all, Xu Fei joined the Linglong Immortal Sect, and no one can predict his future.

Soon Xu Fei got the banknote.

"Take care." Xu Fei bowed his hands and thanked the shopkeeper for taking care of him in the past few years.

The shopkeeper watched Xu Fei leave, looked at the house deed left on the table, and couldn't help but sigh.

The next day.

Xu Fei came to Dujia Manor.

Two years later, Du Xinwei turned twenty.

Seeing Xu Fei coming over, he couldn't help but smile.

"Oh? Doctor Xu is a rare visitor."

If others can cling to him, they will basically try to please him in every possible way.

Only Xu Fei was still neither cold nor hot nor far nor close to him.

But just like that, it made Du Xinwei take it seriously.

Of course, this is also due to the fact that Xu Fei can bring him almost a thousand spiritual stones in income every month.

Who would have thought that a small wine shop back then could develop to what it is today.

Xu Fei chuckled, chatted for a few words, and then mentioned his purpose.

"That's right. I also passed the quiz years ago. Then we can refer to each other as senior brothers from now on. I asked you to call me Xu Lingyi, your senior brother." Du Xinwei laughed.

Xu Fei smiled helplessly after hearing this, but did not correct him.

Du Xinwei thought for a moment.

"Since you are willing to hand over the wine shop to me, well, let's see how Du Shaocheng takes over the wine shop?" Du Xinwei said again.

"Of course it will be arranged by Master Du," Xu Fei said.

Next, they agreed on the price for Xu Fei's spiritual wine to be provided to the wine shop.

Then Xu Fei left the Du family manor.

After Xu Fei left, a man in his forties walked out from the side.

"Master, this person is available," the man reminded.

"Oh, I know." Du Xinwei replied lazily, then lay down on the bamboo chair again, and purred after a while.

Use it, use it, I'll call you a fool.

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