Chapter 187, go home

Came to the mountain gate again.

The houses here are relatively expensive because they are close to the mountain gate.

But they are generally quite spacious.

So after Xu Fei looked at a few places, he settled on a quiet house in the midst of a bustle, covering an area of ​​almost four acres and having five courtyards.

The asking price is one hundred and twenty spirit stones.

Xu Fei counter-offered to 108 spirit stones and was able to seal the deal.

Pay the money and get the deed.

The deed is very important, because whoever has the deed belongs to the person who owns the house.

Unless the 'miscellaneous steward' who goes to Linglong Immortal Sect in the Immortal City is replaced by a red deed and leaves his name, the importance of the house deed will be reduced.

However, there are also many people who do not want to exchange their contracts.

Because if you want to exchange it for a red deed, you have to pay a rent that is almost half of the price of the house.

On the one hand, he was not short of money, and on the other hand, in order to avoid trouble in the future, Xu Fei still went to the miscellaneous office.

How to describe the miscellaneous managers of Linglong Immortal Sect?

It is almost equivalent to the collection of all functional departments in Xu Fei's previous life.

As long as it's the matter of Immortal City, they can take care of it.

Getting a job in the miscellaneous management department is also a good way out for many Linglong Immortal Sect disciples.

I bought a house after a busy day.

The next natural step is to move.

Fortunately, he had storage bags, so Xu Fei went back several times and moved the house almost completely.

There are only some large pieces of furniture left that cannot fit into the storage bags and need to be hauled by people and trucks.

After all this busy work, a few days passed.

While Xu Fei was practicing, he began to look for a suitable location to open a wine shop.

Because they had done well in the past two years, Xu Fei gave them names, one was Xu Youfu and the other was Xu Youzhong.

Considered to be a domestic servant.

After handing over the previous wine shop to Du Xinwei, Xu Fei did not abandon the two of them.

"Master, Youzhong and I have found three places in total in the past few days." Xu Youfu bowed and reported.

Xu Fei nodded when he heard this, and went to see the place with the two servants.

The three places are all similar in size to the original wine shop.

The area where one is located is more lively, and of course the price is more expensive.

One place is quieter and the price is much cheaper, while the other place is average and the price is also average.

But usually this place is closest to home.

So after thinking about it, Xu Fei simply bought one close to home.

After all, the store is not located on Tongxian Street, so it is basically the same everywhere.

Let Xu Youfu and Xu Youzhong clean up the shop.

Xu Fei thought for a while and then returned to his new home.

"I plan to go home." Xu Fei said to Meiniang and the other girls.

The home he is talking about here is naturally his hometown.

Hearing Xu Fei's words, the girls understood the meaning quickly or slowly. Although they were surprised, they did not stop them. After all, Xu Fei had become a disciple of the Immortal Sect, so it was only right to go back and tell his relatives.

After Xu Feicai made some purchases, he took the Shopee boat again.

Because I didn’t pick up the errands from the door, I needed two ounces of spirit for each trip on the small shop skin boat.

Xu Fei doesn't need to care about this expense now.

After passing by Chicheng Post, Chimen Post, Chiri Post, and Qingshan Post, and taking a boat ride for four days, Xu Fei walked out of the post and looked at the place where he had briefly stayed more than two years ago. Somewhat shy about being close to home.

Xu Fei quickly collected his emotions, rested for a night in the post house, and left early the next morning.

Linglong Immortal Sect governs eight regions, covering a vast area of ​​more than 130,000 miles.

However, there is a Shippi Hemao boat that communicates back and forth between each post. Even from the westernmost part of the Blue Territory to the easternmost part of the Yellow Territory, it only takes more than seventy days and costs thirty spiritual stones.

Quite convenient.

Returning according to the route we took with Senior Brother Gou Kewen, two days later we saw a large sea of ​​sand in the distance.

It is Xu Fei's hometown in this world, the entrance to this spiritual place.

Xu Fei chuckled and walked into the sea of ​​sand.

Last time, with Senior Brother Gou leading him, Xu Fei didn't notice any trouble when he left.

If I leave by myself this time, there will be some problems.

Jumping scorpions and thread snakes appear from time to time.

Just when Xu Fei passed by a seemingly calm pile of sand, an earthy yellow thread snake more than two meters long suddenly popped out from under the sand.

This thread snake is already relatively large.

The teeth are extremely poisonous, and even if a monk is bitten, he will not feel comfortable.

But the next moment it popped up, an iron ingot the size of a watermelon suddenly appeared on the thread snake's neck, trapping it in it.

Unable to bear the weight, it fell to the ground.

The snake's body curled up and struggled, and it couldn't figure out how such a big thing appeared.

There is no way to escape from it.

After Xu Fei passed by, the iron ingot shrank.

The thread snake was directly broken into two pieces, blood spurted out, and the iron ingot that killed the thread snake also turned into inspiration and dispersed.

Although the Golden Touch is only the most basic gold magic, as Xu Fei gradually refined it, it was upgraded to the second level of level 45.

Not only can it be picked up at will, but there are many variations.

This moment is just a small test, not worth mentioning.

Travel another five hundred miles.

Xu Fei frowned slightly.

I didn't feel it deeply when I was a warrior before, but now that I have become a monk, I can feel the "drying up" of the spiritual energy ahead.

If you can find a similar description, it is when ordinary people face the desolate desert.

Instinctively resist.

However, his hometown was right in front of him. Xu Fei took a long breath, contracted his spirit machine and closed the acupoints around his body tightly, and then stepped into the land of spiritual end.

Because after entering the Land of Spiritual Absolute, the magic power in Xu Fei's body can only be replenished through spiritual stones.

So save if you can.

Change boats, ride horses, and the journey is dusty.

Nearly half a month later, Dadao City is in sight.

Xu Fei looked at the not-high city wall in front of him, feeling quite excited.

Follow the flow of people into the city.

Come home.

When the concierge at home saw Xu Fei, he rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

Then he turned around and rushed home.

"Master! Madam! The young master is back!"

Xu Fei couldn't help but feel happy when he saw this. After tidying up his appearance, he stepped into the home he had been away from for more than two years.

After a while, an old couple came out. They were Xu Fei's parents.

Zhang Lian and Liu.

The second elder couldn't help but be excited when he saw Xu Fei.

"Son~" Ms. Liu stepped forward and looked at her son carefully.

After his mother took a look at him, Xu Fei lifted his skirt, knelt on the ground, and kowtowed to his elder brother.

"Dad, Mom, I'm back."

Although there is gold under the man's knees, Xu Fei has to fulfill his filial piety as he inherits the body of his predecessor.

But because he wanted to embark on the road, he had to abandon his wife and children, leaving his whole family in the land of spiritual end for more than two years.

This is still a big debt. Even if Xu Fei made certain arrangements when he left, how could he be there to serve him?

Mrs. Liu couldn't help but shed tears in her eyes when she saw this.

"Okay, okay, just come back." She has not heard from her son for more than two years since he left home, and she thinks about it from time to time and is filled with worry.

"Humph, you still know how to come back!" Zhang Lian said angrily at the side.

This kid used the excuse of going out to practice medicine, but he didn't even know to send a letter home, which made him very unhappy.

"Dad." With the help of his mother, Xu Fei stood up and greeted his father with a playful smile.

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