Chapter 188, home

Seeing his son coming in front of him, Zhang Lian could no longer say any harsh words.

I could only turn around and leave pretending to be angry.

"Where is grandma?" Xu Fei asked as he followed him home.

"Your grandma went there a year ago." Mrs. Liu said.

Xu Fei was stunned when he heard this, and his expression was a little complicated.

Although the old man's feelings for him were caused by his previous life, they fell on him.

So Xu Fei still respected and loved the old lady.

I didn't expect to go. It's no wonder that my father is so unhappy.

And after entering the home.

The women headed by Zhou Yue came in a hurry.

The children, led by the eldest son Zhang Xian and the eldest daughter Ya Mei, gathered in two groups and filled the rather large yard.


The children greeted unevenly.

Xu Fei looked at his children. This was the result of more than ten years of hard work with women.

Just like an old farmer, it's hard not to be happy when he sees a banker growing vigorously in the field.

"Yes." Xu Fei looked around the children and touched the head of his eldest son Zhang Xian.

This kid is already thirteen years old.

After eating well and nutritiously, and practicing martial arts, he was already half a boy, and his height reached his chest.

"Dad, you have been out for so long, have you brought us any gifts?" Zhang Xian said with a smile.

I am not unfamiliar with my father who has been away from home for two or three years and has not been seen for two or three years.

After all, he was already ten years old when Xu Fei left.

But after seeing his father's hands empty, he took the initiative to ask for gifts, which was obviously an attempt to squeeze out his unreliable father.

Xu Fei couldn't help but feel happy when he heard this, and didn't argue with this brat.

"I'll give it to you later," Xu Fei said.

After saying that, Xu Fei picked up his youngest son.

The little guy looked at him confusedly, a little afraid of strangers.

Shang Caixia came over.

"This is Chuan'er." Shang Caixia said.

Looking at his sister-in-law, Xu Fei felt deeply indebted.

Xiaocai was pregnant when he left.

As a husband, he was undoubtedly unqualified when he was not around when Xiaocai was pregnant and gave birth.

Then he looked at his children.

Some are lively and some are shy, some are cheerful and some are shy.

"Let's go play first." Xu Fei dismissed his children first.

"Okay~" Zhang Xian took the lead in cheering.

Seeing how happy the children were because they could avoid studying for half a day, Xu Fei sympathized somewhat. However, the lack of homework during the half day would have to be made up for with more intensity in the future, so that these little guys would not fall behind.

Xu Fei almost shed tears when he thought of this. He was really a good father.

The children ran away, and Xu Fei came to Zhou Yue.

Looking at myself, the elegant and elegant wife of the head of the house.

"Thank you for your hard work." Xu Fei said softly.

My parents are elderly, and the food, drink, and urination of the family of dozens of people all depends on the week-to-month management.

The trivial details cannot be explained clearly in just one or two words.

Zhou Yue chuckled lightly, with Xu Fei's words, no matter how busy she was, it was still worth it.

Xu Fei turned to look at the other women.

Ling Niang, Yuan Niang, He Hua, Yun Niang Xiaocai, Yu Niang, Lan Niang, Miao Nuannuan and Miao Yuanyuan.

"Go and offer incense to grandma first," Xu Fei said.

We haven't seen each other for more than two years. Despite Xu Fei's indifference, he misses them very much.

But now that I know grandma is no longer here, I have to go over and offer incense to grandma first.

Take the women to their parents' house.

Xu Fei knelt in front of the memorial tablets of his grandfather and grandmother.

Zhou Yue and other women also knelt down.

"Grandma, your grandson is unfilial." Xu Fei lowered his gaze, looking guilty.

Although grandma is the grandma of the predecessor, she has inherited the memory and body of the predecessor, so she must assume corresponding responsibilities for the parents and elders of the predecessor.

And now it's obvious that he didn't do what he was supposed to do.

Not even able to be present when the old man was away.

Zhang Lian on the side sighed helplessly when he saw his son's appearance and stopped caring.

"Get up. Your grandma left at night while she was sleeping. She shouldn't be in any pain." Zhang Lian said.

Xu Fei took the lead and kowtowed three times to the memorial tablets of his grandparents before getting up.

After offering incense to grandma, Xu Fei went to visit his master and father-in-law.

The master is over seventy years old. Although he practices the Crane Shape Breathing Method to maintain health and fitness, he still cannot hide his old appearance.

This made Xu Fei feel guilty for not being there to serve him.

On the contrary, Dr. Zhao is quite open-minded.

“Whatever you want to do, do it.”

Although he didn't know what his apprentice was busy with, he could see some clues from the respectful attitude Dadao would have towards his apprentice's family.

It's obviously not a trivial matter.

After visiting his master, Xu Fei came to his father-in-law.

Because of the hard training in martial arts in the past, and many injuries while traveling in the world.

Although my father-in-law is much younger than my master, his physical condition is worse.

Xu Fei quickly diagnosed his father-in-law and wrote a prescription.

But this kind of physical depletion, coupled with the wear and tear of aging, is something Xu Fei can't do anything about and can only make certain adjustments.

"Ahem, dear son-in-law, where have you been these past few years?" Zhou Biao couldn't help but ask after coughing twice.

Xu Fei looked around, thought about it and said, "I left from the Beihuang Sand Sea."

Zhou Biaotou couldn't help but widen his eyes when he heard this.

Things about innateness and cultivation are just legends, but the son-in-law actually said that he left the sea of ​​sand? !

"Please also ask Taishan not to spread rumors." Xu Fei said.

Captain Zhou nodded when he heard this and said nothing more.

In the evening, Xu Fei had dinner with his parents, master and father-in-law, and then returned to his place.

The table full of delicacies remained untouched.

Apparently waiting for him.

"Are you all hungry? Hurry up and eat." Looking at the eager children, Xu Fei said quickly.

When the children heard this, they immediately started eating with their chopsticks flying.

Xu Fei chuckled lightly and came to sit down next to the girls.

After all, it was several years apart.

The women gathered at a table and looked at each other.

"Thank you for your hard work." Xu Fei said apologetically.

But as soon as Xu Fei finished speaking, Yun Niang had already stretched out her chopsticks and started eating.

Yun Niang has always had an unruly personality, even though she is already a mother of two sons and a daughter.

Yun Niang's casualness also dispersed Xu Fei's anxiety.

"Eat, eat quickly." Xu Fei couldn't help but smile.

After dinner, we walked around several courtyards to put the children to sleep, and then Xu Feihou hurriedly came to a room.

I came out an hour later and came to another room.

I turned around four rooms in one night.

The next day, Xu Fei actually felt a bit hollowed out.

He quickly took two pills of Yang Yi Xi De Lu and drank them before he regained some energy.

Thirty is like a wolf and forty is like a tiger. Most of his women are of that age.

It is inevitable to go crazy after a long period of time.

Even Xu Fei, who was in good health, almost couldn't bear it.

Fortunately, there is a magic pill to help.

However, this should not happen too frequently, otherwise it may shorten your life.

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