Chapter 190, Talent

However, the senior monks who created various levels of humanity were either strong or weak, so the various Tao methods created by them were inevitably of varying levels, so they were further subdivided into upper, middle and lower grades.

"What are the levels of Shou Ming Method and Tian Jing Method?" Xu Fei asked.

The more advanced the Taoism, the more difficult it is to understand it.

Even if Xu Fei has a cheat, his cheat does not have the function of God rewarding those who work hard.

To learn various skills and to improve the skill level, he has to understand it himself.

Therefore, even if Xu Fei is presented with the fundamental Tao of the Heaven and Earth series, he will most likely stumble in learning it.

To use an inappropriate metaphor, the fundamental principles of heaven and earth series are like university courses.

A monk with ordinary talent like Xu Fei is a primary school student.

It is certainly difficult to study college courses directly, but if you have experienced elementary school, junior high school, and high school courses, then it will naturally be easier to study college courses.

And this coincides with Xu Fei's plan.

He was going to use the plug-in's 'Fusion Skills' function.

After learning various fundamental dharma, integrate them into the five aggregates dharma, the cave spirit dharma and the true dharma that you have learned so far.

Not only does it reduce the difficulty of learning, but it also eliminates the rare problem of magical methods.

Kill two birds with one stone.

The only thing that needs to be worried is that when Xu Fei integrated various martial arts before, the levels of his various skills were stuck at level 2 49.

But now this level limit has been exceeded.

If the requirements for fusion skills are raised later, it will take three or even four levels to fuse the skills.

The proficiency required is too exaggerated.

Thinking of this, Xu Fei couldn't help but worry.

"They are all low-grade human beings." Jingru replied, and at the same time glanced at Xu Fei strangely, wondering what her master was thinking.

"Humanity?" Xu Fei was a little surprised when he heard this.

Is the fundamental Taoist method sold by Tianwu Pavilion so stretched?

"Yes, the various Taoist methods sold by Tianwu Pavilion will avoid the main Taoist methods of each family in the sect." Jingru explained.

Hearing what his little secretary said, Xu Fei suddenly realized.

Just like the Du family of Lanyu, a legal cultivator family where Du Xinwei was born, the Six-Gu Heart Lamp Technique that he majors in is the fundamental Taoist method at the top level of human nature.

It stands to reason that it is of extraordinary value.

However, Tianwu Pavilion, which is backed by Linglong Immortal Sect, obviously will not sell the main Taoist practices of each cultivation family in the sect for some profit.

That would be too cheating.

It will also cause all the clans in the sect to become alienated.

"But if I want to practice more types of Taoism, I can exchange it for errands in the Yangwu Taoist Hall in my sect. It is said that even the major Taoisms of major families have simplified versions." Jingru added.

Xu Fei nodded when he heard this.

Yangwu Taoist Hall is the place where disciples of Linglong Immortal Sect handle various matters and receive rewards.

There are those who subdue demons, and those who are stationed in one place, or like senior brother Gou Kewen, who transport the resources needed by warriors to the spiritual place.

Because the difficulty of various tasks is different, the ‘errands’ obtained are also different.

In fact, even ordinary disciples of the Linglong Immortal Sect are envied by many casual cultivators, and the existence of the Yangwu Dao Hall accounts for 60 to 70% of the reason.

After all, this is equivalent to a "talent market" where you can find a "part-time job" at any time.

After thinking for a moment, Xu Fei came to Tianwu Pavilion and bought the two sets of basic physical cultivation methods, Shouming Method and Tianjing Method recommended by Jingru.

I am going to practice some practice to see if I can integrate it with other fundamental Taoist methods when I am still at level 49 of the second level.

When Xu Fei was walking home after buying the Dao method, Xu Fei's thoughts couldn't help but wander.

The process of practicing Taoism is also a process of strengthening corresponding aspects of oneself.

Physical cultivation focuses on strengthening the muscles, bones, qi, blood, and internal organs, Dharma cultivation focuses on warming and nourishing the acupoints through the meridians, and spiritual cultivation protects the soul.

Each one is different.

This is also the fundamental reason why the three lineage monks have their own specialties.

Just like the power of physical cultivators using tactics, because a strong body is more powerful than the power of Fa cultivators using tactics.

But when the same practitioner uses spells, he can use the smoother meridians and solid acupoints to mobilize more magic power faster, which will also greatly enhance the power of the spells.

Divine cultivators rely on powerful divine souls, magical instruments, talismans, puppets, etc. to make them more agile.

But when it comes to the specific methods of cultivating the three meridians of body, law and spirit, which one is stronger and better.

This is a difficult problem that has been difficult to discern since ancient times.

After all, it still depends on the ‘people’.

There are some famous strong men in physical cultivation, and there are also famous leaders in legal cultivation.

Not to mention the divine cultivators, the occasional fierce men from the sword cultivator branch are something that no one dares to underestimate.

So which one is stronger? Which one is weak?

How to compare.

Xu Fei returned home while he was thinking wildly. After sitting down in the study, he calmed down his thoughts and began to study the Shou Ming Dharma.

For almost an hour, Xu Fei read through the Shou Ming Fa.

Have some understanding.

This method is a bit more complicated than the five aggregates method.

The Five Aggregates Method is a Tao method that regulates magical power, draws spiritual energy, nourishes the internal organs, and then benefits the body and enhances meritorious deeds.

The First Ming Method is similar to the Five Aggregates Method, but there are different changes when drawing the spiritual machine, and the spiritual machine needs to be operated more frequently.

Although this additional process is somewhat helpful in improving practice, it is also more complicated.

This is quite difficult for new monks.

Fortunately, Xu Fei has the foundation of the third level and 18th level of the five aggregates method, so it is not difficult to learn it.

Master it quickly and practice it.

And in just one afternoon, Shou Mingfa's skill level has been greatly improved.


Judging from this speed, I am afraid that within a month, Xu Fei will be able to raise the skill level of Shou Ming Method to level 2 49 and try to integrate it into the Five Aggregates Method.

"Master, beautiful mother is about to give birth!" Just when Xu Fei was looking forward to it, Jingru hurried over and said.

Hearing that Meiniang was about to give birth, Xu Fei quickly got up and came to Meiniang's side.

The two midwives who had been invited long ago began to direct people to prepare hot water.

However, since this was the second production, the process was relatively smooth.

More than an hour later, Mei Niang gave birth to a daughter successfully.

Mother and daughter are safe.

However, Xu Fei, who originally looked happy, soon turned to shock.

‘Succeeding in having a child, proficiency value +7000. ’


This is not Xu Fei's first child. Obviously, the proficiency points he can get after having a child are a hundred times the proficiency points he can get when he and the child's mother are separated.

Moreover, when Meiniang gave birth to her eldest son, Xu Zhongliang, her proficiency level was indeed 700 points.

But why does this daughter provide so many proficiency points?


Xu Fei couldn't help but think of the message he got when he just got the cheat.

The proficiency points gained after having a child will increase due to the child's talent.

But what kind of talent is it?


Thinking of this, Xu Fei couldn't help but think deeply.

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