Chapter 191, daughter

Soon the midwife cleaned up the delivery room.

Xu Fei entered the delivery room.

"Master~" Mei Niang, who had just given birth, saw Xu Fei coming in and even planned to get up.

This made Xu Fei quickly step forward to stop him: "You have a good rest."

Meiniang saw this and chuckled: "Yeah."

Xu Fei turned to look at his daughter beside him.

Who would have thought that such a wrinkled little guy would actually bring him the largest gain in proficiency points so far?

Even enough to keep him busy for a year or two.

However, Xu Fei was not in a hurry to confirm whether his second daughter in the spiritual realm really had Dao roots.

After all, it’s just a newborn, so it’s always better to have less fuss.

And even if the Tao root is measured, it is best to wait until the child is three or four years old to practice some simple breathing and breathing techniques.

If you can sense inspiration, then you have Tao root. If there is no manifestation for about half a year, then you don’t have Tao root.

This can also avoid premature intervention that may have an impact on the child.

After a while, Xu Fei walked out of the delivery room while Mei Niang fell asleep.

Ye Yuanmei has already sent out rewards, so everyone in the family is quite happy.

"Aunt, Meiniang has gone to bed. You don't have to worry about mother and daughter being safe," Xu Fei said.

Meiniang's mother, who looked a little worried, nodded quickly when she heard this.

The next day, Xu Fei came to Meiniang again.

After diagnosing him, he looked at his second daughter.

"Master, what are you going to name your second sister?" Meiniang couldn't help but ask.

It has been more than two years since he came to the Spirit Realm, and with the little one in front of him, Xu Fei now has two sons and two daughters.

The eldest son Xu Zhongliang was born to Meiniang and is already 1 and a half years old. The mother of the second son Xu Zhongde is Jingru, ten months old.

The mother of the eldest daughter Xu Ruowu is Yuejiao, who is 1 year old.

After thinking about it, Xu Fei said: "How about Xinfang?"

"Xinfang? Xu Xinfang?" Meiniang repeated.

Xu Fei nodded.

"Thank you for the name." Meiniang said with a chuckle.

After getting the name, the little guy started crying with his eyes closed.

The maid on the side quickly stepped forward to check.

"Second Miss may be hungry," the waitress said.

Meiniang heard this: "Come, give me the child."

The maid carefully picked up little Xinfang and handed it to Meiniang.

Meiniang did not shy away from Xu Fei and lifted up her clothes to breastfeed her daughter.

When he realized there was something to eat, the little guy's mouth immediately started to gnaw.

Apparently he was really hungry.

Seeing Meiniang starting to breastfeed his second daughter, Xu Fei did not stay here longer.

Instruct the servants to cook some nutritious meals for Mei Niang and then leave.

Then head to the mountain gate.

Unless a spirit gathering array is arranged, or spiritual grass, spiritual flowers, and precious spiritual trees are planted all over the Du Family Manor to increase the concentration of spiritual intelligence in the environment.

Otherwise, practicing inside the mountain gate will basically be faster than practicing outside.

As for how much faster it is, it depends on the monk's own cultivation, understanding of Taoism, physical condition and other factors.

Xu Fei has a good grasp of Taoism and his body is kept in a near-perfect state. He can basically be about 20% faster than the outside world.

After all, the external spiritual machine can still roughly meet Xu Fei's current cultivation needs.

More than two hours later, Xu Fei was ready to leave after completing today's practice.

But he saw a man not far away saluting him: "Polite."

Xu Fei was a little surprised: "Return the favor."

"It's a bit unfamiliar to meet my brother, but you've just started?" the man said.

"Senior brother has a keen eye." Xu Fei said.

"Haha, my name is Wu Weixin, I started in 535." The man introduced himself.

He looks to be in his thirties, and is wearing a gray gown with simple clothes, but there are two storage bags hanging on his waist, showing his considerable wealth.

When Xu Fei heard that the other party had been practicing for fifteen years, Xu Fei's expression changed.

"I am Xu Fei. I have just started and have met Senior Brother Wu." Xu Fei said in a low voice.

Wu Weixin looked around, stretched out his hand and led Xu Fei out of the woods.

There are fellow practitioners practicing in the woods, so it is generally necessary to keep quiet.

If there is any noise and someone is provoked, it is not uncommon for them to end up fighting.

"Junior brother, is he a warrior?" Wu Weixin asked again after walking out of the woods.

"That's true." Xu Fei said.

Some experienced monks can simply infer some information about other monks based on some subtle aspects.

This is nothing surprising.

What makes Xu Fei a little confused is why Wu Weixin in front of him wants to talk to him?

"I'm not looking for junior brother to do anything else, I just want to ask junior brother if he wants to join our little group?" Wu Weixin said.

Hearing the name "Xiaohui", Xu Fei suddenly realized something.

This thing is just like a ‘study group’. The original intention is for the members of the small group to help each other, achieve equality, mutual benefit and improve their conduct.

But gradually it changed.

It has become a place where senior brothers and sisters give orders to junior brothers and sisters.

"I'll forget it. I plan to practice hard in the past few years to avoid being unable to complete my errands in three years." Xu Fei declined.

"Junior brother, do you think we are just one of those small gatherings?" Wu Weixin looked a little dissatisfied when Xu Fei refused.

Xu Fei glanced at the other party again.

Judging from the current external appearance of Wu Weixin, he possesses about one hundred pots of magic power.

In fact, in a 'normal' situation, after practicing hard in the Lecture School for about three years, you can become an ordinary disciple of the Linglong Immortal Sect with a pot of magic power.

After three years of intensive practice, you may be able to have three to five pots of magic power.

After that, every year's progress will be different.

As for Ye Yuanmei's situation, it cannot be said that it is not uncommon for his cultivation to increase to more than 500 pots in just over ten years, but it is not common.

It is even rarer to find someone like Xu Fei who has accumulated more than two hundred pots of mana in just two years through hard work and some medicinal pills.

However, even if he had the upper hand in terms of cultivation, Xu Fei was not arrogant.

The other party only 'revealed' about a hundred pots of mana. What if he had something to hide like him?

Therefore, when one's own interests are not harmed, there is no need to take any drastic action.

"Senior brother, I'm serious. I really plan to practice seriously in the past few years, and I don't plan to pay attention to foreign affairs." Xu Fei said.

Anyway, it is definitely impossible to join some messy little meeting.

He practices every day and studies various spells intensively. Together with his children and women, his schedule is full at the end of the day.

There is no time to pay attention to this.

Although you may get some benefits by joining this small group that Wu Weixin mentioned, does Xu Fei care about this?

After a brief chat, Xu Fei left.

Wu Weixin watched Xu Fei leave. After Xu Fei was completely out of sight, his expression gradually became gloomy.

"Oh~ Lao Wu, are you deflated?" A young man came over with a smile.

The young man's name is Wen Chaofei.

He is another important member of Wu Weixin Xiaohui.

Wu Weixin didn't give Wen Chaofei a good look.

After all, after seeing Xu Fei take a pill before practicing, Wu Weixin paid extra attention to Xu Fei.

While Xu Fei was practicing, he made some observations without leaving any trace.

Although Xu Fei's specific cultivation level was not revealed in the end, based on Wu Weixin's judgment, it felt like he had at least dozens of pots of mana!

All these signs indicate that it is anything but ordinary.

And this is what Wu Weixin focuses on, the 'outstanding members' who can be recruited into their small group.

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