Chapter 192: The method of storing Qi

What people didn't expect was that the other party was so wary.

Obviously he just saw that the other party was quite powerful and just wanted to win over him, without any other plans.

Xu Fei left the mountain gate.

He probably understood that Wu Weixin saw the situation in which he took the elixir before practicing.

The price of elixirs is not cheap.

Being able to take elixirs to help practice is obviously something that attracts attention.

So next time you come to practice in the door, you should carry someone on your back when taking medicine.

In fact, if it weren't for the help of the elixir, Xu Fei's current mana might not be able to have twenty pots.

But now there are more than 200 pots.

Among them, Xu Fei's own superb medical skills allowed him to carefully diagnose his own condition and then take various elixirs to reduce the impact on himself.

If you just take the elixir in silence, it will not improve your Dharma power, and your body may even have gone wrong due to elixir damage.

So here again highlights the importance of medical skills.

Back home, Xu Fei continued to study the Shou Ming method intensively.

Because the Shouting Method is of a lower level, and Xu Fei has higher-level experience in practicing the Five Aggregates Method.

Therefore, if you mobilize a small amount of mana to practice the first enlightenment method and enhance your understanding, there is no need to worry about any burden on the body or causing danger.

After some practice, he quickly advanced the Shou Ming Method to level 11.

However, Xu Fei was not very satisfied with this speed. He couldn't help but consider whether to postpone the use of the Five Aggregate Method for practice, and first use all his strength to reach the second level of the 49th level of the Shouming Method.

See if you can incorporate it into the five aggregates method.

If possible, then naturally the next step is to find various applicable body cultivation methods, integrate them into the five aggregates methods, and improve their level.

But if the skill level now exceeds the second-level upper limit of 49, the requirements for fusion skills will increase accordingly.

Then we can only go to trouble and practice our magic power to a certain level first, and then find ways to search for more advanced fundamental methods.

After all, the proficiency points required to upgrade a skill to level 3 19 are 950 points.

Although we don’t know at the moment whether the skills after reaching the fourth level will be the same as the second level’s upper limit of 49, but if so, the required proficiency points will be as high as 4900 points.

The 7,000 proficiency points given by Xinfang, the second daughter named Xu, is not even enough to upgrade two fourth-level 49 skills...

After stopping his thoughts, Xu Fei came to Meiniang.

Little Xinfang has opened her eyes and is looking around.

When he found Xu Fei, his eyes stared straight at him.

It was as if he knew that the person in front of him was his father.

Xu Fei was not surprised by this. Newborn children were always like this.

Xu Fei made a face as he carefully took his second daughter from Meiniang's arms.

Xiao Xinfang opened her mouth as if she wanted to laugh, but the next moment she started crying.

Xu Fei was inevitably caught off guard.

Although he already has dozens of children, Xu Fei is not really proficient in coaxing children.

It can only be shaken gently and patted gently and regularly.

Fortunately, the little guy still gave me face and quickly stopped crying.

He looked directly at Xu Fei again.

After coaxing the child, Xu Fei looked at Meiniang. Confinement was quite boring.

In other words, in the current environment, the lives of women in my family are very boring.

Otherwise, the harems of emperors and the wives and concubines of wealthy businessmen and officials would not be able to live a good life, and they would be in a state of chaos.

To put it bluntly, it’s still leisure.

So Xu Fei will basically support his women in finding a hobby.

Meiniang used to run a house.

Yuejiao likes to make rouge, eyebrow ink, powder and other cosmetics.

The daily use of several women in the family is made by Yuejiao.

Not bad.

Jingru loves reading, especially books with colors.

After Xu Fei discovered this, they read several books together and explored the postures, illustrations, etc. in the books.

Although most of the positions are uncomfortable, some are wonderful.

Especially this little secret-like boudoir fun between two people really adds a lot of color to the monotonous life.

As for Ye Yuanmei, it goes without saying that practice takes up most of her time.

Even though she is pregnant, there were many female cultivators who were pregnant in the past.

Therefore, there are some safer practices during pregnancy.

After playing around with Meiniang and Ermei for a while, Xu Fei looked at the sky.

"What do you want to eat tonight? I'll do it." Xu Fei said.

Although he rarely cooks, his superb cooking skills at Level 2 32 are occasionally displayed.

So when she heard that Xu Fei was going to cook for herself, Mei Niang's eyes lit up.

"I want to eat fish."

"What about steaming anchovies?" Xu Fei said with a smile.

Meiniang nodded repeatedly. She had eaten the food cooked by Xu Fei occasionally before, which made her very fond of it.

Seeing that Mei Niang was so greedy, Xu Fei didn't get lazy and simply cooked a few dishes carefully.

Mei Niang was very happy to eat.

The next day, Xu Fei came back from practicing at the mountain gate. After thinking for a while, he came to Jingru.

"Which of the breath-condensing spells sold in Tianwu Pavilion is better?" Xu Fei asked.

As his cultivation level improved, his own little tricks for condensing mana became somewhat ineffective.

Although the Yangwu Taoist Hall can exchange "errands" for some good aura-containing spells, Xu Fei doesn't even have any errands.

"The qi storing method is good and has less impact on one's own cultivation. However, this method is difficult to practice and expensive. It requires three hundred spirit stones." Jingru said.

It sounds very interesting to restrain one's own magic power and pretend to be a pig to eat the tiger.

But there will be some problems in practice.

When your cultivation level is not high, you only need to pay attention to solve it.

It's just that as your cultivation becomes more and more sophisticated, this won't work anymore.

And the main difficulty is whether he will really become a 'pig' after condensing his magic power.

After all, the main way to restrain one's aura is to hide one's own magic power, and the better the hiding effect, the tighter the containment of one's magic power.

It will inevitably have a certain impact on the use of magic power.

Therefore, the spell to restrain one's breath is not subtle or mastery enough, and the effect of hiding one's own magic power is not good enough.

But if the convergence effect is too good, you will have no time to react when you encounter danger, and you will be injured or even killed by an opponent who is actually far weaker than you.

Wouldn't that be funny?

Therefore, the method of restraining the breath must still be based on one's ability.

Xu Fei didn't feel sorry for the spirit stone after hearing Jingru's recommended method of storing energy.

Go directly to Tianwu Pavilion to buy it.

Then I studied it carefully and came to a clear understanding of the effect of the Qi Storage Method.

The magic power is hidden in the hair and skin of the monk's body. When the cultivation level is low, there is nothing. But as the skill level increases, it will have an impact on the outside world. Even after it reaches a certain level, even if there is no method to promote the magic power. , can also cause wind and thunder.

This is also the original intention behind the creation of Qi Tibetan Method.

After all, there are fire, wind and thunder in every move, regardless of whether it will affect other people, it is just a lot of inconvenience in life.

The method of storing Qi achieves the effect of converging Qi by restraining mana and reducing the influence between mana and external spiritual forces.

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