Chapter 193, Purple Domain

Also because the Qi storing method is very effective, it is really difficult to master.

But Xu Fei was not anxious.

The reason why he bought the Qi Storage Method.

It was because when I was practicing today, I felt that as my magic power increased, I gradually felt that I couldn't hold it in. That's why I wanted to buy a set of breath-absorbing techniques to hide my magic power.

After all, he has just started, and it is inevitable that he will attract attention if he shows his extraordinary power.

Xu Fei is practicing here, and his servants report that Du Shaocheng is visiting.

Surprised, Xu Fei stood up to greet him.

In the courtyard, Du Shaocheng was admiring flowers.

"Senior Brother Du," Xu Fei said.

Du Shaocheng turned his head and bowed his hands: "Junior brother, thank you very much."

He had just finished his errands and knew that Xu Fei had returned from visiting relatives, so he came over to express his gratitude.

After all, it was only after Xu Fei gifted the wine shop to Du Xinwei that he had the benefit of running the wine shop.

"Senior brother, you're welcome." Xu Fei naturally knew why the other party thanked him.

In fact, he was just reciprocating the favor.

If Du Shaocheng hadn't mentioned his Liangjiang Jade Dew in front of Du Xinwei before, then he wouldn't have been able to have anything to do with Du Xinwei.

Later, he ran a liquor store and couldn't borrow Du Xinwei's fame.

But now that he has become a disciple of Linglong Immortal Sect, and with Ye Yumei by his side and a cooperative relationship with Du Xinwei, he gave the original wine shop to Du Xinwei and started a new one by himself.

Although he was suspected of wanting to save the share of shares allocated to Du Xinwei, Xu Fei directly sent him to a liquor store.

But it’s also a win-win situation.

And Xu Fei will still provide various spiritual wines to Du Xinwei at low prices in the future.

Speaking of which, Du Xinwei should have earned more than before.

In addition, the cooperation during this period of time made Xu Fei quite grateful to Du Xinwei.

After all, even after knowing that the wine shop was quite profitable, Du Xinwei did not mention Duoduo opening a wine shop and making a lot of money.

Obviously he was concerned that as a monk, he still needed time to practice. It’s impossible to spend all your time making wine.

Although Xu Fei couldn't help but bow to him, if Du Xinwei needed help in the future, he would never refuse as long as he could do his best.

After having a drink.

Du Shaocheng left drunkenly.

After taking over the liquor store, he finally got through it.

Du Shaocheng even had the urge to find a place to cry.

After all, with the income from the wine shop, his subsequent practice will undoubtedly reduce more than 80% of his worries!

Xu Fei watched Du Shaocheng leave with a somewhat inexplicable expression.

The business he can do easily is something that others can hardly hope for.

This feeling is quite subtle.

It will inevitably make people feel a little bloated.

Shaking his head, Xu Fei dismissed the trivial thoughts in his heart.

Although he now has more than two hundred pots of mana, far exceeding his peers, he is still far away from the level of the sixty-one peak masters in the sect, or the master.

Even Xu Fei doesn't know exactly how much mana they have.

Ten thousand pots of mana? Tens of thousands of pots? Or even hundreds of thousands of pots?

Xu Fei doesn't know.

So swell? Why expand...

Not long after Du Shaocheng left, there was another visitor at home.

But this time it was not Xu Fei's guest, but Ye Yuanmei's.

A woman in her thirties with average looks.

"This is Sister Cai Juan, who joined the Lecture School with me back then." Ye Yuanmei said.

When this friend of Ye Yuanmei saw Xu Fei, he couldn't help but look up and down.

I don’t know what is so special about the man in front of me that he can capture the heart of Ye Yuanmei, a crazy man who is a monk.

The Wolf Blood Stone Poison Pill that Ye Yuanmei got back then was accidentally obtained when he went out with her.

But she didn't dare to take it.

But Ye Yuanmei decisively swallowed the Wolf Blood Pill.

Then her cultivation level was broken through again and again, and in just a few years, opportunities continued to come to her, reaching a level that was beyond her wildest dreams.

After all, she has been practicing hard over the years, but her current magic power is less than forty pots, which is far inferior to Ye Yuanmei.

"Are you my brother-in-law? You are indeed a talented person." Cai Juan praised warmly.

Xu Fei bowed his hands and said, "Sister Cai."

"By the way, where have you been these years?" Ye Yuanmei asked.

"How can I compare with you? That bastard in my family insisted on going to the Purple Territory to look for an opportunity, but he didn't find the opportunity and instead lost all his family's wealth." Cai Juan said regretfully.

Hearing the name Ziyu, Xu Fei was thoughtful.

Ziyu has high mountains and dense forests, and there are many demons.

But there are indeed many opportunities.

After all, once you find some precious elixir, it will be enough to turn your life around.

But even if there were such benefits, he wouldn't take the risk.

Isn't it nice of him to live honestly in the fairy city, selling wine while improving various skills and his own cultivation?

Going on an adventure with your head out of your belt?

It's not like he's mentally ill.

"But we did bring back something good this time." Cai Juan said, turning to look at Xu Fei and smiling ambiguously.

This made Xu Fei frown.

what the hell?

Ye Yuanmei frowned slightly.

Although she knew that her sister had an unruly personality, teasing Xu Fei in person still made her a little jealous.

"What good stuff?" Ye Yuanmei asked.

"A banshee from the rabbit tribe." Cai Juan said with some pride.

Xu Fei raised his eyebrows when he heard that it was a banshee.

There are only humans in the Spiritual Realm, but after arriving in the Spiritual Realm, there are monks and monsters mixed together.

A monk is a person who possesses Tao roots, or is a warrior who has achieved innate achievements, obtained the basic Tao method, and embarked on the path of cultivation.

The composition of the demon is somewhat complicated.

Flowers, plants, trees, birds and animals, the moisture of fetal eggs, etc. Once you realize that life has spiritual wisdom, you can embark on spiritual practice.

After that, there are two ways forward for spiritual practice.

A solid truth is to continue to cultivate with one's own race, trees, ferocious tigers, hungry wolves, etc., swallowing the sky and roaring the earth.

The second is to turn into a human form, like the banshee Xu Fei had seen at Du Xinwei's birthday party.

He no longer maintains his true form, takes off his demon body, sheds his claws and hair, and transforms into a human form.

However, when transforming into a human form, it is easy at first. As long as the body is cultivated, it can quickly transform into human-like hands, feet, body, and internal organs. However, after passing the initial stage, it will be difficult to refine the demon characteristics from the body. It's getting harder and harder.

So if you meet a monster with no obvious characteristics, it's best to be more respectful.

After all, these beings are basically people with extraordinary cultivation who can kill people with just one look.

In addition, demons in human form can not only have offspring with other demons, but also with humans.

No more segregation.

One can’t help but sigh that the miraculous mysteries of creation are difficult to fathom.

As for the 'demons', these beings are all beings from the human race and the demon race who try to improve their cultivation through some taboo shortcuts.

As long as you use forbidden methods to practice, your mind will basically be distorted by the forbidden methods, and you will eventually become a bloodthirsty and cruel demon.

So there may be some discussion when meeting monsters outside.

But when you encounter a 'demon', you have to either fight for your life or run for your life.

There is almost no third option.

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