Chapter 194, Qi Hall

Cai Juan and her husband can get back a rabbit succubus. If she has an extraordinary beauty, she can really make a lot of money.

Cai Juan was left to have dinner together, and the other party left.

Xu Fei supported Ye Yuanmei and bid farewell to Cai Juan together.

"Go back, be careful with Liang." Xu Fei said softly.

Ye Yuanmei couldn't help but give Xu Fei a charming look. As a monk, how could she be afraid of such a little bit of wind and cold?

But in the end, he didn't hold his tongue, protected his stomach, and returned to the room.

She doesn't have many friends, and this is Cai Juan, who is unavoidably friendly especially after she hasn't seen her for several years.

A few days passed in the blink of an eye.

Xu Fei got up early and went to the mountain gate to practice, then went home to study magic, brew spiritual wine, and occasionally prescribe elixirs for his and Ye Yuanmei's use.

Life is busy, exciting and interesting.

But after thinking about it, Xu Fei was ready to learn something more.

On the one hand, he no longer has to go to the medical clinic for consultation in the afternoon, and on the other hand, in the past two years, he has concentrated on fundamental Taoism, warfare, Five Elements magic, and making wine and elixirs.

Now all skills have been upgraded to a high level.

So it’s time to continue developing other skills.

Between weapon refining, talismans, and formations, Xu Fei chose weapon refining after consideration.

Now that his cultivation level is getting higher and higher, he still doesn't have a suitable set of magic weapons.

Somewhat embarrassing.

Compared with the many schools of alchemy making methods, weapon refining is a set of techniques developed based on processing various materials.

For example, the shrimp shells and crane feathers used to refine Shopee Boats need to be refined first before they can be used to make Shopee Boats.

This is true for all kinds of magic swords, magic shields, etc.

After all, in a narrow sense, weapon refining is used to refine weapons and protective equipment for monks, but in fact, all kinds of weapons used by monks, including storage bags, shrimp skin crane feather boats, etc., are all magical weapons.

Came to Tianwu Pavilion again and purchased a set of weapon refining methods.

Xu Fei read through it.

I learned a lot of techniques for handling basic materials when refining weapons, plus a technique for making magical swords.

Magic swords are mostly made of pure iron or refined copper.

Of course, there are also those that use fixed silver or gold.

The four types of materials, pure iron, refined copper, fixed silver, and gold, are also the basic gold and spiritual materials commonly used in weapon refining.

Although the names are different, they are actually iron, copper, silver and gold after preliminary processing using various refining techniques.

In addition, the price of fixed silver to gold is slightly more expensive, while the price of pure iron and refined copper is relatively low.

Weapon Refining Technique【0/5】【1/2】

After looking at the weapon refining method again, Xu Fei's weapon refining skill on the skill panel reached level two.

However, all skills are the same. They are easy when you first learn them, but difficult later.

So after thinking about it, Xu Fei decided to 'gather' some of his master's wool.

In addition to the Huzhong Hall, Xingtan, Yangwu Taoist Hall, etc., Linglong Immortal Gate also has the Alchemy Hall, Fu Hall, Qi Hall, and Formation Hall.

Among them, the formation hall is responsible for maintaining the "mountain and river formation" arranged in the gate to gather spiritual ideas.

The Dantang refines elixirs, and most of the elixirs exchanged in the Yangwu Taoist Hall come from the Dantang. The same goes for the elixirs in the Tianwu Pavilion.

The Fu Hall draws various talismans.

The Instrument Hall naturally refines various magical instruments.

Just like the shrimp skin crane feather boats used to travel between various post houses, they came from Qitang.

In addition to the medium-sized Shopee Boats that are several meters wide and dozens of meters long, there are also large Shopee Boats that are tens of meters wide and hundreds of meters long.

But large size is still not the limit, because on top of large size, there are giant ones that are hundreds of meters wide, thousands of meters long, and even bigger super giants.

Once it is deployed to cover the sky and the sun, it will be as majestic as the sky.

However, Xu Fei had only heard about it and had never seen a large-scale Shopee Boat.

With mixed thoughts, Xu Fei came to Yangwu Taoist Hall.

There is a square in front of the hall, which is quite large, and many fellow disciples gather in small groups.

Most of them accepted the errands in the sect, but it was difficult to handle it alone, so they were ready to find familiar fellow sect members to work together.

Although the rewards are reduced due to the increase in the number of people, the safety aspect can be greatly improved.

It's very similar to the scene when playing games with Xu Fei in his previous life, teaming up to fight monsters, level up, and clear dungeons.

Xu Fei glanced briefly, and then walked into the Yangwu Dao Hall.

The scale of Yangwu Taoist Hall is still quite large.

A hall of nearly a thousand square meters with a height of more than ten meters.

On one side of the main hall is where the Immortal Sect disciples receive their errands.

The wall is covered with various notices from a height of half a meter to three meters.

Roughly divided into categories such as subduing demons and garrisoning important places, the disciples who come to pick up errands can choose from.

Looking at it this way, the game-like sense of sight becomes even stronger.

Xu Fei approached the past.

From time to time, a disciple would take down notices outlining the errands from the wall and go to the other side to find disciples of the Yangwu Taoist Hall to record them.

Then left in a hurry.

There are also many disciples who linger in front of the notice wall, but they still have difficulty finding a job that suits their needs.

Xu Fei took a few glances.

I found several errands responsible for clearing away monsters in a certain area, as well as errands for driving and escorting Shopee crane boats, etc. There were various tasks.

And because the difficulty of the errands is different, the rewards you get after completing them are also different.

Therefore, after becoming a disciple of Linglong Immortal Sect, although there are not many other benefits, being able to come to Yangwu Taoist Hall and complete various errands is actually something that many casual cultivators envy.

Xu Fei watched the excitement for a while, and then came to the side of the chore class.

The purpose of his coming to Yangwu Daotang was to find himself a job as a miscellaneous person in Qitang.

To quickly improve the skill level of the weapon refining technique.

In the past, it took a lot of time to learn how to make elixirs by yourself.

After studying for several months, I dared to make elixir for the first time. If you go to the weapon hall to learn the art of refining weapons, you may be able to speed things up a bit.

After searching for a while, Xu Fei found a job as a handyman in Qitang.

Following the example of others, Xu Fei took off the notice, and then came to the side where the chore disciple of Yangwu Taoist Hall was responsible for filing.

The other party looked at the notice in Xu Fei's hand.

"Did you do any errands in Qitang?" the other party asked.

Xu Fei shook his head when he heard this.

"Then what skills do you have in making tools?" the other party asked again.

"I know a little bit about how to deal with pure iron." Xu Fei said.

Although he had only seen the weapon refining technique a few times, if he really got started, he would be able to master it quickly with the added weapon refining technique skills.

After thinking for a while, the other party asked Xu Fei's name and recorded it.

"Okay, I'll report to the Qitang Hall. This chore will only be done once a month." The chore disciple of Yangwu Taoist Hall said.

Hearing what the other party said, Xu Fei was silent for a moment.

A little errand a month is just one spiritual stone.

This income is really pitiful.

If he didn't want to learn to refine weapons, then it would be most appropriate for him to go to the Alchemy Hall.

After all, relying on his already quite good alchemy skills, Xu Fei will most likely be able to do something in the alchemy hall.

But after thinking about it, Xu Fei was not picky and headed to the Qi Hall.

Linglong Immortal Sect can be divided into five circles from Tianzhu Peak in the middle to the outer periphery.

The innermost part is naturally the Tianzhu Peak where the leader lives.

The second circle is where the other 60 peak masters from the Tianyun Peak, Tianxuan Peak, Amaterasu Peak and other sects are located, as well as the Beilu disciples.

The third circle includes the elders, deacons, and registered disciples in the sect.

The fourth and fifth circles are ordinary disciples.

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