Chapter 199, Cloud Bottle

The atmosphere in the originally peaceful smelting room suddenly became subtle.

Some want to join Luo Dagen's side.

After all, Luo Dagen has been in Qitang for several years, so he has a better chance of winning.

So if you take refuge at this moment, it may be helpful to provide help in times of need.

After that, Luo Dagen became a disciple of Master Lu, and had a little contract with him.

Oh ho? Didn't that take off?

Others remain silent.

Although they are determined to develop in the field of weapon refining, they cannot do the basic training of spiritual materials, which really makes them discouraged.

However, there was also a person whose eyes flickered towards Xu Fei.

He actually looked like he was planning to take refuge with Xu Fei.

He wasn't sure whether Xu Fei was pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger, or whether he was very talented in weapon refining, but he knew this was an opportunity.

All in all, the small smelting room was a bit turbulent for a while.

As one of the protagonists, Xu Fei was only immersed in practicing deposit money and did not notice these trivial matters.

In other words, he noticed and didn't care.

After a lot of hard work, Xu Fei honed a total of twenty kilograms of pure iron, refined copper, silver, and gold.

The quality of the first two ingots of refined copper and silver to gold that was honed for the first time today was not very good, but by the third ingot it was already qualified and usable.

The fourth and fifth ingots are better.

"Senior Brother Luo, if nothing happens, I will leave." Xu Fei said to Luo Dagen.

"Junior brother, do it yourself." Luo Dagen said with a smile.

Xu Fei bowed his hands and turned to leave.

Walking out of the valley where the Qi Hall is located, Xu Fei jumped over more than thirty mountain stairs.

With a gentle step, he jumped up another thirty steps.

Going down the mountain is easier than going up the mountain.

Of course, if you are not careful, it will fall down.

However, with Xu Fei's current strength, even if his foot slips and falls, he will not be injured.

It took half an hour to come and only ten minutes to go back.

Returned home around 1:30 pm.

After looking at the spiritual wine in the wine-making room, Xu Fei made more than two thousand kilograms of various spiritual wines.

The sales situation of high-grade spiritual wines such as Liangjiang Yulu is not good, but the sales of cheap ordinary spiritual wines are much better.

After all, there are always more ordinary people in this world.

After making the spirit wine, it was time for dinner.

Come to the nave.

Meiniang ate in her own room because of her confinement.

Xu Fei expressed concern and saw that Meiniang had already sent food to her, so he sat down.

The food was nothing fancy, just two plates of monster meat, plus chicken, duck, fish, and seasonal vegetables and fruits.

And just a table of such a generous meal only costs thirty taels of silver.

Roughly speaking, it’s about 7,000 yuan.

Compared with Xu Fei's current income, it is not luxurious, and even a little too simple.

After all, according to the standard of this meal, a family would only have more than three thousand taels of silver in a month.

Xu Fei was still very happy while eating and listening to the women occasionally chatting.

The atmosphere at home is good, whether in the Spiritual Land or in the Spiritual Realm, this is something that makes Xu Fei quite proud of himself.

After dinner, Xu Fei went to study the five elements magic.

Prepare to break them all into the third level.

Let’s see if there will be a qualitative change in power.

The next day, Xu Fei went to the mountain gate to practice again.

Although a formation that could gather spiritual intelligence was set up in Ye Yuanmei's residence more than a year ago, because the formation was not very effective, only Ye Yuanmei could use it.

Although Xu Fei could also arrange a spirit gathering formation for himself, he did not do so after considering it.

It's about taking advantage of the sect.

Now that I have found a job in Qitang, there is no need to spend the extra spiritual stones.

Xu Fei swallowed the spiritual pill at home first, entered the mountain gate, and then found a secluded place to start practicing.

As the mana surges, the mist rolls.

However, because Xu Fei pays extra attention to restraint, outsiders think that Xu Fei's magic power is only twenty or thirty pots.

Not a bad guy, but not strong either.


After two hours of practice, Xu Fei let out a breath of turbidity and opened his eyes.

In the thick fog of Lingji not far away, several figures were looming.

Apparently Xu Fei was not the only one practicing in this forest.

Xu Fei didn't care either.

Linglong Immortal Gate uses mountains and rivers as its formation, gathering about 10% of the wisdom from more than 20,000 miles around in the mountain gate.

The purpose is to facilitate the practice of the disciples in the sect.

In addition, compared to the outer circle, it is said that the spiritual power inside the mountain gate is more intense.

However, judging from the concentration of spiritual energy outside the mountain gate, it is enough for Xu Fei to practice Qianhu Mana, so it will not have any impact.

After all, for monks, the richer the spiritual power, the better.

If it is too strong, it may even have a negative impact on your practice.

Then the gain outweighs the loss.

After calming down the surge of mana after practicing, Xu Fei went to the Qi Hall.

While he was honing the spiritual materials, Master Lu came to the smelting room again.

This made several disciples look at each other.

Master Lu usually doesn't come here once every ten days and a half.

It seems that Xu Fei's talent really made him want to become a disciple?

Especially Luo Dagen's face was even more ugly, but in an instant he smiled brighter and greeted him.

Master Lu came to Xu Fei's side.

Xu Fei nodded and continued to hone his spiritual materials.

Another weapon master might have disliked Xu Fei because of this move.

However, Master Lu admired Xu Fei's careful handling of spiritual materials and his efforts to live up to every ounce of hard work.

So Master Lu just stood aside with his hands behind his hands, watching Xu Fei handle the spiritual materials, and would make some remarks from time to time.

At Master Lu's reminder, Xu Fei processed today's spiritual materials.

Weapon Refining Technique【0/5】【7/10】

The weapon refining skill directly increased to three levels after doing this.

Xu Fei was quite satisfied.

He came here to practice the art of refining weapons, and he got a good reward.

"Follow me." Seeing Xu Fei stop, Master Lu said.

And watching Xu Fei follow Master Lu out of the smelting room, Luo Dagen's eyes turned red with jealousy.

The chore disciple who was originally hesitant about whether to join Xu Fei felt regretful when he saw this.

If he had expressed his loyalty directly yesterday, the effect would be completely different from today.

But regret is useless.

Xu Fei followed Master Lu to his weapon refining room.

It was simple and messy, and many spiritual materials that Xu Fei couldn't recognize were placed haphazardly.

Soon Master Lu brought a cyan porcelain bottle over.

"This bottle is called the Yun mist bottle. It can restrain the clouds and smoke. I wonder if you would be willing to help me restrain some of the clouds and smoke?" Master Lu said.

Xu Fei was not surprised when he heard the name of Yunmai Bottle.

This is a magic weapon that can collect smoke-like spiritual materials.

Using smoke-type spiritual materials, you can refine some special types of magic weapons.

Yunyan is just an ordinary smoke-type spiritual material.

To put it bluntly, it is Yun who has been infiltrated by inspiration.

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