Chapter 200, Yunyan

"Don't worry, I won't let you do it in vain. How about you collect a bottle of cloud smoke and I give you a spirit stone?" Master Lu asked again.

Xu Fei looked at the Yunmai bottle in Master Lu's hand and felt a little speechless.

He thought that the weapon master in front of him was going to accept him as his apprentice.

After all, wouldn't it be wonderful to have a disciple with excellent talent inherit the mantle?

But I didn't expect that the old man in front of me would not follow the routine.

And if you use this cloud bottle to collect cloud smoke, you don't know how many days it will take to collect a bottle.

So Xu Fei wanted to refuse directly.

But the other party is a weapon master, and he is learning to refine weapons.

The advice just now caused his weapon refining skills to rise to three levels in a row. There is a touch of kindness in this. And if he builds a good relationship and gets more guidance, wouldn't his weapon refining skills take off?

So after thinking about it, Xu Fei finally decided to accept it.

Seeing Xu Fei accept the help of collecting cloud smoke, Master Lu chuckled lightly, and then taught Xu Fei the skills of collecting cloud smoke.

When the sun rises in the early morning, it is on top of some peaks with a certain height.

It is easiest to collect cloud smoke.

Then there are some things that need to be paid attention to when collecting cloud smoke.

Try your best not to let your own mana infect the clouds and smoke. In addition, you need to be extra careful not to collect clouds and smoke that are not compatible with the spirit.

Otherwise, you will end up with a bottle of rainwater.

All kinds of things like that.

When Xu Fei heard that it was so troublesome, he immediately wanted to regret it.

After all, he didn't want to get up so early in the morning.

But then I thought about how much Yunyan was collected. Wasn’t he the one who had the final say?

If it's hard work, just three days of fishing and two days of drying nets.

So Xu Fei didn't say anything in the end.

In addition, Xu Fei also understood why Master Lu asked him to collect Yunyan.

Because this thing sounds like it’s nothing and can be done casually.

But in fact it requires a lot of technical content.

Even Xu Fei's weapon refining skills increased by one level after listening to some tips on collecting cloud smoke.

It's also simple.

After listening to Master Lu's instructions, Xu Fei took the Yunmai bottle and left.

But when he was about to walk out of Qitang Valley, he was stopped by someone.

"Junior Brother Xu." Several of the Qi Hall miscellaneous disciples, all except Luo Dagen, followed him.

Xu Fei thought for a moment and understood what these people meant.

Follow the trend.

How can such a person be worth dealing with?

Xu Fei either pretended to be stupid, or said that he had just arrived at Qitang and didn't understand anything yet. Anyway, he just ignored these people's so-called surrender.

After all, these guys can say they will take refuge in him now, and they can also take refuge in others tomorrow.

"Why are you so arrogant!" After Xu Fei left, several chore disciples also realized that they were not attracted by Xu Fei at all, one of the disciples said sourly.

Several other chore disciples also sighed.

Who would have thought that Xu Fei, who had only been in the weapon hall for a few days and was practicing some spiritual materials every day, would be so valued by the weapon master.

Xu Fei returned home and copied down the methods and precautions for collecting cloud smoke that Master Lu said.

I thought about it for a moment.

Clouds, smoke, miasma, etc. can be collected to refine magic weapons.

Xu Fei knew this.

For example, the legendary Wanli Yunyan.

It is made by collecting a large amount of cloud smoke and combining it with other spiritual materials.

Once the luck is boosted, the clouds and smoke will spread for thousands of miles, integrating many functions such as trapping enemies, attacking, and protecting.

It is truly a treasure that protects one's body and establishes one's life.

It's a pity that Xu Fei has only heard these rumors. As for how powerful Wanli Yunyan is, he doesn't even know that it is owned by the great monk.

Thinking of this, Xu Fei couldn't help scratching his head.

Could it be that Master Lu is refining Wanli Yunyan?

Of course, it is almost impossible for the opponent's cultivation to successfully copy the legendary Wanli Yunyan.

But Baili... No, is it possible for Shili Yunyan?

Thinking of this, Xu Fei was thoughtful.

After studying, Xu Fei came to Jingru.

Meiniang is in confinement, and Yuejiao Ye Yuanmei is pregnant, so the only choice left for Xu Fei is Jingru, which is not Xu Fei's exclusive favorite.

But when Xu Fei came over, the second child, Xu Zhongde, was crawling around on his little bed uneasily.

This made Xu Fei chuckle, and he made him cry a few times in the past.

He has been honing his son's ability to withstand stress since he was a child. Yes, he is a very qualified father.

He didn't see Jingru's helpless face at the side.

Play with your son for a while and put him to sleep.

Jingru talked about some of the expenses at home these days.

The servant has his own monthly salary, not to mention the beautiful lady Yue Jiao Jing Ru and Ye Yuan Mei naturally also have it.

Two spiritual stones a month.

It doesn't sound like much, but as long as you don't buy any rare items, you can basically spend it all.

Of course, Xu Fei also subsidized Ye Yuanmei in private.

At least Xu Fei had never treated Ye Yuanmei badly when it came to pills.

As a monk's cultivation level increases, the suitable elixirs that can improve his cultivation level will naturally be different.

However, some of the elixirs currently mastered by Xu Fei can still meet the needs of him and Ye Yuanmei for their practice as long as a few elixirs are added to the preparation of the elixirs to enhance their efficacy.

The next day, Xu Fei got up before dawn.

The second eldest child, Xu Zhongde, was lying on his small wooden bed, sleeping with his arms and legs spread out.

Seeing this, Xu Fei chuckled and left the house.

Then we came to the mountain gate, found a mountain peak, and quickly climbed to the top.

And just a moment after Xu Fei climbed to the top of the mountain, a red sun slowly appeared on the horizon.

Xu Fei watched the sunrise for a while, then took out the bottle of mist from his sleeve.

Although this bottle is about the size of a palm, it also has a certain storage effect, so it cannot be stored in a storage bag.

Xu Fei pulled out the red cloth cork, followed the method taught by Master Lu, and began to mobilize his magic power to collect clouds and smoke.

Gradually, bits and pieces of mist were gathered.

Among them, Xu Fei had to eliminate the parts that were not imbued with inspiration, which was quite troublesome.

After working for an hour, I only collected half a bottle.

On the contrary, Xu Fei was very tired.

This left Xu Fei speechless.

Although for ordinary monks, one bottle is exchanged for one spiritual stone, even if one bottle is collected in two days, fifteen spiritual stones a month is already a large amount of income, but for Xu Fei it is not rich, and even a bit shabby. .

However, Master Lu collects clouds and smoke, perhaps preparing to refine some impressive magic weapons.

Then rely on collecting clouds and smoke for them to build a good relationship.

Is there any chance to find out the type of magic weapon the other party refined?

Or even go one step further and get the refining method?

Of course, all this is still in Xu Fei's own thoughts, but a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

The weapon refining methods sold by Tianwu Pavilion are all simple magic weapons such as magic swords, magic shields, and flying stones.

Once there are some special functions or unique methods of refining magic weapons, there are none.

It’s really a false name for Tianwu Pavilion.

After all, if Tianwu Pavilion has all kinds of things, Xu Fei can just buy them directly, so there is no need to think about the methods that Master Lu may have to refine magic weapons with cloud smoke.

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