Chapter 202, Recruitment

If the fundamental Taoism does not have such an important effect, how can it be called fundamental.

In fact, after you have practiced Taoism to a certain level, you need to understand the specific practice methods personally and then adjust them to suit yourself better.

His arsenic, mine honey situation is a bit extreme, but it is not impossible.

After all, the basic Tao method for beginners is the most adaptable and can be practiced by every warrior who possesses Tao roots or has achieved innate achievements.

To use an analogy, it’s an oversized piece of clothing.

A person weighing 100 pounds can wear it, a person weighing 200 pounds can wear it, and even a person weighing 500 pounds can wear it.

But it definitely won’t fit snugly when worn.

The subsequent practice and understanding is to adjust this 'oversized clothes' to fit you as much as possible after some additions and subtractions.

When the fundamental Tao method is more suitable for oneself, the effect of practice will be better, and the degree of control over the magic power will be higher.

It is precisely because of this that we can improve more cultivation.

Otherwise, continuing to practice will not only fail to increase your merits, but will actually harm yourself.

Xu Fei thoughtfully finished preparing the spirit wine and prepared to continue to delve into knowledge related to various skills.

But I heard a servant report that Du Xinwei and Du Shaocheng were visiting.

He hurried over to greet him.

"Hahaha, this is my first time here since you moved, Doctor Xu." Du Xinwei said with a smile.

"Please." Xu Fei chuckled and welcomed Er Du home.

Although Du Shaocheng is several years older than Xu Fei and Du Xinwei is just twenty years old this year, Du Xinwei is Du Shaocheng's uncle.

Juniors are divided into seniors.

Du Xinwei looked around.

"Xu Lingyi, you have a lot of income now, why is your family so shabby?" Du Xinwei asked curiously.

Compared to the Du family manor, Xu Fei's place is simply a thatched shed.

After all, the value of the spiritual flowers and spiritual trees filling the yard is already astonishing.

"Every income I usually have is used to support my practice." Xu Fei said with a wry smile.

Du Xinwei smiled again when he heard this.

Although he didn't know why the young master of the Du family came here, Xu Fei did not neglect it.

Xu Fei asked his servants to buy several kinds of monster meat, and then personally cooked a small barbecue.

While drinking spiritual wine, he ate a small barbecue made by Xu Fei's superb cooking skills.

Du Xinwei was so excited that he exclaimed, "Wonderful!" wonderful! wonderful! ’.

After eating and drinking, Du Xinwei looked at Xu Fei.

"Doctor Xu, would you like to be my guest?" Du Xinwei invited.

Xu Fei was stunned when he heard this.

This is...why?

"Presumably Dr. Xu Lingyi also knows about our Du family, and I am quite close to the main lineage of our Du family. If Dr. Xu Lingyi comes to be my guest, I will never humiliate Dr. Xu Lingyi." Du Xinwei said.

Hearing this, Xu Fei picked up the wine glass and drank the spirit wine in the glass.


Although he was just a guest of Du Xinwei and not of the Du family, this was already an opportunity that many people could not ask for.

After all, that was the Du family!

Three peak masters from one sect!

This is the only one in Linglong Immortal Sect.

Just a little shadow is enough to benefit a person a lot.

At least after agreeing, the troubles Xu Fei may encounter in the future will be reduced by more than half.

But if there were only benefits, Xu Fei would not hesitate.

Because once he becomes Du Xinwei's guest, although he is still free in name, he is almost equal to half a servant.

In the future, Du Xinwei will ask Xu Fei to brew a large amount of spiritual wine to earn more spiritual stones. Will he do it or not?

Doing it will inevitably affect Xu Fei's plans for himself.

If you don't do it, the benefits of the Du family will be so easy to get?

Although Xu Fei's cultivation level is getting higher and higher now, compared to the behemoth of the Du family, he is not even a small shrimp.

"Master Du really gave me a difficult problem." Xu Fei said helplessly.

Du Xinwei couldn't help but scratch his head.

He has always ignored his father's requests to form his own force.

Otherwise, he wouldn't just stay in the Du family manor.

After all, given his status, as long as he shows the slightest hint of wanting to recruit people, he doesn't know how many people are willing to become his lackeys.

It's just that Du Xinwei doesn't like doing this.

He wanted nothing more than to be free.

It's a pity that it doesn't work this time.

His father not only sent people over personally, but also issued strict orders that he must recruit his disciples and guests to build up his own strength.

After several attempts to resist but failed, Du Xinwei could only come over to look for Xu Fei.

In the past few years, Xu Fei was one of the few people he found slightly pleasing to the eye.

Although the relationship with Du Xinwei was good and he was a good person, Xu Fei decided to refuse after thinking about it.

"Thank you Master Du for your attention, but I'm used to being idle and can't be restrained." Xu Fei refused.

Although Xu Fei might not change his mind after a few more words of persuasion, when Du Xinwei heard that Xu Fei rejected his solicitation, he just chuckled and said nothing more.

After drinking and chatting for a while, Du Shaocheng followed Du Xinwei and left.

While walking on the road, Du Shaocheng thought for a moment and said, "Master, can I go and persuade you again?"

Du Xinwei said indifferently: "Anything is fine."

Du Shaocheng bowed his hands and turned back to Xu's house.

Xu Fei was surprised when he heard that his subordinates reported that Du Shaocheng had left and returned.

"Senior Brother Du, did something fall down?" Xu Fei asked after coming out.

"Junior Brother Xu, are you really unwilling to follow Master Xinwei?" Du Shaocheng did not mince words and directly stated his intention.

Xu Fei smiled bitterly.

Ask a servant to bring tea.

"Senior Brother Du, I really can't be restrained." Xu Fei said.

"Then do you know that Young Master Xinwei has an excellent understanding, and he also practices the Huangbei Xuanwen of the Earthly Wonderful Series treasured by my Du family?" Du Shaocheng said.

Xu Fei was really surprised when he heard what Du Shaocheng said.

After all, doesn't this mean that Du Xinwei has the opportunity to become the fourth peak master of the Du family in the Blue Domain in the Linglong Immortal Sect?

Although such a chance is not great, after all, the peak master level is already the top of the Linglong Immortal Sect, which controls 130,000 miles and has countless monks. But if outsiders are to judge, who among Xu Fei and Du Xinwei is better? Maybe to that extent.

Others will definitely choose Du Xinwei, and the probability will be many times higher than that of Xu Fei.

Because although Xu Fei is sure that he can become a peak master level existence and cultivate to a higher level, in the eyes of outsiders, Xu Fei's chance of becoming a peak master is infinitely close to zero!

And Du Xinwei at least has a chance.

When Du Shaocheng saw Xu Fei's silence, he thought he was moved and changed his mind.

"Junior Brother Xu, Master Xinwei values ​​you very much. If Master Xinwei's father hadn't forced him to form his own force, Master Xinwei would not have come to embarrass you." Du Shaocheng played the emotional card again.

Lure them with profit, move them with emotion.

I have to say that although Du Shaocheng is usually a man of few words, he is very clever when he becomes a lobbyist.

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